Criminal system mechanic
Each crime committed by you in the city increase notoriety level
☆ 1 level
Longer Gray status level in the province
☆☆ 2 level
can't do rep mission to the province
☆☆☆ 3 level
can't sell items on broker or NPC
☆☆☆☆ 4 level
Longer Red level
☆☆☆☆☆ 5 level
Perm Red level and Bounty kill a red player with a bounty allows you to sell his head and earn a reward
Losing Criminal status
By paying - the priests outside town pay 500 gold per murder count in the province
By spending time in "jail" - a dead player criminal player that has the head delivered to a town guard can pass a time in a city jail, other players can try to invade the jail and free their friend but by doing this both players (the one that opens the gate and the prisoner player get to level 5 automatically)
The current reputation system
Reputation system should be used for getting discount in shops or increase price of items for bad reputation Characters
Each crime committed by you in the city increase notoriety level
☆ 1 level
Longer Gray status level in the province
☆☆ 2 level
can't do rep mission to the province
☆☆☆ 3 level
can't sell items on broker or NPC
☆☆☆☆ 4 level
Longer Red level
☆☆☆☆☆ 5 level
Perm Red level and Bounty kill a red player with a bounty allows you to sell his head and earn a reward
Losing Criminal status
By paying - the priests outside town pay 500 gold per murder count in the province
By spending time in "jail" - a dead player criminal player that has the head delivered to a town guard can pass a time in a city jail, other players can try to invade the jail and free their friend but by doing this both players (the one that opens the gate and the prisoner player get to level 5 automatically)
The current reputation system
Reputation system should be used for getting discount in shops or increase price of items for bad reputation Characters