Completely Human Generated PVP Feedback


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Mortal Online 2 PvP Meta Feedback:

As an engaged player, I wanted to share my thoughts on the current PvP meta. While I enjoy the thrill of competition, I believe some balance adjustments are needed.


- Deal excessive damage, making them overpowered in close combat.
- Attack too quickly, leaving little room for reaction or counterplay.

Thursar Kallards:

- Consistently deal high damage with any weapon, creating an unfair advantage.
- This issue is exacerbated by their interaction with armor, which often requires the heaviest armor sets to mitigate damage.


- The current meta forces players to wear the heaviest armor sets to survive, limiting build diversity and creativity.


- The new aiming system makes lancing too easy, particularly compared to the old axe-swinging mechanic.
- This change has reduced the skill gap and made lancing more accessible, but also less satisfying.

To improve the PvP experience, I recommend:

1. Nerfing dagger damage and attack speed.
2. Adjusting Thursar Kallard damage output and armor interactions.
3. Revisiting armor sets to encourage more diverse builds.
4. Tweaking the lancing aiming system to increase difficulty and skill requirements.

By addressing these issues, Mortal Online 2 can provide a more balanced and engaging PvP environment, where "giving the dunks" is a testament to skill, not exploitation.
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New member
Mar 6, 2023
Decked out footie in Plate welding a dagger Is just...odd. From a realistic standpoint never happening but yea, not real I know. Even from a gameplay standpoint its unintuitive. But it's clearly a flaw, perhaps an INT requirement to wield it.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Decked out footie in Plate welding a dagger Is just...odd. From a realistic standpoint never happening but yea, not real I know. Even from a gameplay standpoint its unintuitive. But it's clearly a flaw, perhaps an INT requirement to wield it.
It’s true you wouldn’t even really consider using a dagger unless someone else told you it was good


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
What they should do, and would change the game majorly (and make tons of people whine... haha,) is balance weapons based on gear type. So, make it... light, med, heavy. People do mix sets, so I'm not sure how to address that part.

Anyway, would you be better with an axe in... a robe... or in full plate? I think A ROBE. That would be something to consider, but furthermore they should make it so that you can't even USE certain things in a heavy set. I still think shield mage is fucking stupid, and I always will. Yet another bandaid. Anyway, limit dagger use to light sets. Or maybe people take a penalty the higher they go, like penalty at med and just unusable at heavy.

Then you have a real rogue playstyle, and if people wanna play thursar rogue and do dumb dmg, they will have to be very strong at defense. There will still be room for a light thursar in a group fight and probably 1v1s as well.

Imagine a game where heavy sets were more suitable for zerg v zerg and light stuff is more suitable for small scale. Doesn't that make everyone happier?

I dunno, tho. I don't wanna get too deep into MO suggestions given nobody is listening.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
Imagine a game where heavy sets were more suitable for zerg v zerg and light stuff is more suitable for small scale. Doesn't that make everyone happier?
I'd been advocating for a good reason to wear lighter armors on melee users other than when playing a hybrid...and its always shot down by the community and Henrik.

Henrik says the "data" shows that all armor sets are being used. Like yeah no shit thats because mages use light, hybrids use medium, and warriors use the heaviest shit they can put on. All this crafting and "freedom' of build choices and its all just really as simple as that. Boring as hell.

The community for the most part is just usually fine with whatever the meta is and tell you to get good instead of seeing the bigger picture and making a game more interesting and fun for everyone. We've seen it for over a decade when we've seen things like mounted mauls, beat sticks, machine gun bows, lance heads, weakspot daggers, dual strike, etc. People just use whatever is broken and are fine with it.

The balance department, or lack of, has always been Mortal Onlines real downside. All the potential and tools already in the game...but they can't figure out how to make the numbers right to where there is a large varitety of playstyles to do without making it unfun for everyone who isn't using the "meta".

If you're making armor for a simply say "okay whats your max weight?" and its that simple. Not what material do you prefer, or which backing, what type, or what weight exactly do you want. The ONLY time those questions matter is when you're a hybrid and you want a specific amount of mana regen.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I'd been advocating for a good reason to wear lighter armors on melee users other than when playing a hybrid...and its always shot down by the community and Henrik.

Henrik says the "data" shows that all armor sets are being used. Like yeah no shit thats because mages use light, hybrids use medium, and warriors use the heaviest shit they can put on. All this crafting and "freedom' of build choices and its all just really as simple as that. Boring as hell.

The community for the most part is just usually fine with whatever the meta is and tell you to get good instead of seeing the bigger picture and making a game more interesting and fun for everyone. We've seen it for over a decade when we've seen things like mounted mauls, beat sticks, machine gun bows, lance heads, weakspot daggers, dual strike, etc. People just use whatever is broken and are fine with it.

The balance department, or lack of, has always been Mortal Onlines real downside. All the potential and tools already in the game...but they can't figure out how to make the numbers right to where there is a large varitety of playstyles to do without making it unfun for everyone who isn't using the "meta".

If you're making armor for a simply say "okay whats your max weight?" and its that simple. Not what material do you prefer, or which backing, what type, or what weight exactly do you want. The ONLY time those questions matter is when you're a hybrid and you want a specific amount of mana regen.
The way I BELIEVE Henrik to be operating is keeping a handful of shady individuals around him and essentially asking them what they think about the metas. If they say veela with oghdaggers and trinkets to wear max armors is "really skill based bro" then thats how its going to be for the forseeable future.

Blowing up anything else in one shot, "totally ok bro, I checked with the "top pvpers""


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I'd been advocating for a good reason to wear lighter armors on melee users other than when playing a hybrid...and its always shot down by the community and Henrik.

Henrik says the "data" shows that all armor sets are being used. Like yeah no shit thats because mages use light, hybrids use medium, and warriors use the heaviest shit they can put on. All this crafting and "freedom' of build choices and its all just really as simple as that. Boring as hell.

Yeah I am cheap. Khurite Splinted was legit an OP armor before they changed all of the damages with % increases. Khurite hornscale / GF / silk whatever. It's about how many times you can get tagged before you die, and if you can move outward and are a fast character, you can potentially survive. The stam regen is p nice and the mana regen is also good. On a freaking human, if humans were good, the mana regen is pretty nuts. I feel like there are diminishing returns with anything above high tier scale... like the leetest khurite set would be whatever the best scale is now and iron/blood silk whichever is better. Would prol weigh like 10 or something. Once you start trying to make shit heavy, you are better off going for a 'heavy' set of bone. Get a lot more prots.

Once again, I felt the amount of jump you can keep in a light set is super underrated. So, I mean they DO have different uses, but like you said, mainly because people are running those 3 types of builds, not because people are running... rogue, skirmisher, and tank, which should be the ideal. It is arguably entirely based on mana regen in most people's mind.

If I come back, I'm still gonna roll Khurite until I get obliterated. Tek said people are hitting you for like 80s. haha. My goal was to keep it around 40. If I get hit for 80s, I will reconsider. Obviously, taking 15s in steel is great, but knowing you can make like 100 weps opposed to 4 sets of steel makes me like hmm.

Like I said, I am slightly interested in coming back and 'figuring out the game' with some bros and crushing it. :eek: If it's as bad as Tek says, I need to take some vids and be like LOOK AT THIS SHIT. I was YTing 'funny MO vids' and there is hardly anything. IT'S A JOK.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Yeah I am cheap. Khurite Splinted was legit an OP armor before they changed all of the damages with % increases. Khurite hornscale / GF / silk whatever. It's about how many times you can get tagged before you die, and if you can move outward and are a fast character, you can potentially survive. The stam regen is p nice and the mana regen is also good. On a freaking human, if humans were good, the mana regen is pretty nuts. I feel like there are diminishing returns with anything above high tier scale... like the leetest khurite set would be whatever the best scale is now and iron/blood silk whichever is better. Would prol weigh like 10 or something. Once you start trying to make shit heavy, you are better off going for a 'heavy' set of bone. Get a lot more prots.

Once again, I felt the amount of jump you can keep in a light set is super underrated. So, I mean they DO have different uses, but like you said, mainly because people are running those 3 types of builds, not because people are running... rogue, skirmisher, and tank, which should be the ideal. It is arguably entirely based on mana regen in most people's mind.

If I come back, I'm still gonna roll Khurite until I get obliterated. Tek said people are hitting you for like 80s. haha. My goal was to keep it around 40. If I get hit for 80s, I will reconsider. Obviously, taking 15s in steel is great, but knowing you can make like 100 weps opposed to 4 sets of steel makes me like hmm.

Like I said, I am slightly interested in coming back and 'figuring out the game' with some bros and crushing it. :eek: If it's as bad as Tek says, I need to take some vids and be like LOOK AT THIS SHIT. I was YTing 'funny MO vids' and there is hardly anything. IT'S A JOK.
A lance would hit you for 150+

Those 1h tm clubs are probably hitting 40-50 through steel

An ogh dagger I’m not sure probably 50’s on lighter armor but it charges in like 0.3 seconds so keep that in mind


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I'd been advocating for a good reason to wear lighter armors on melee users other than when playing a hybrid...and its always shot down by the community and Henrik.

Henrik says the "data" shows that all armor sets are being used. Like yeah no shit thats because mages use light, hybrids use medium, and warriors use the heaviest shit they can put on. All this crafting and "freedom' of build choices and its all just really as simple as that. Boring as hell.

The community for the most part is just usually fine with whatever the meta is and tell you to get good instead of seeing the bigger picture and making a game more interesting and fun for everyone. We've seen it for over a decade when we've seen things like mounted mauls, beat sticks, machine gun bows, lance heads, weakspot daggers, dual strike, etc. People just use whatever is broken and are fine with it.

The balance department, or lack of, has always been Mortal Onlines real downside. All the potential and tools already in the game...but they can't figure out how to make the numbers right to where there is a large varitety of playstyles to do without making it unfun for everyone who isn't using the "meta".

If you're making armor for a simply say "okay whats your max weight?" and its that simple. Not what material do you prefer, or which backing, what type, or what weight exactly do you want. The ONLY time those questions matter is when you're a hybrid and you want a specific amount of mana regen.
You can watch this whole video to know how truly horrifically fucked the meta is, but take this section as a good indication.

The Arch Enemy is responsible for all of this. I fought him hard in alpha but was defeated totally, received 0 support and he now reigns as the defacto emperor of Nave. We were all deceived by a wolf in sheeps clothing and this is his final vision actualized. The godhand of the eclipse. All mo1 players have been slain or are subdued, all is lost.

Everyone using sledgehammers, max armor just to survive and well mastery to just heal through damage which is honestly the part I hate the least.

Behind the gun, I make my final stand.


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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
You can watch this whole video to know how truly horrifically fucked the meta is, but take this section as a good indication.

The arch enemy is responsible for all of this. I fought him hard in alpha but was defeated totally, received 0 support and he now reigns as the defacto emperor of Nave. We were all deceived by a wolf in sheeps clothing and this is his final vision actualized. The godhand of the eclipse. All mo1 players have been slain or are subdued, all is lost.

Everyone using sledgehammers, max armor just to survive and well mastery to just heal through damage which is honestly the part I hate the least.

Behind the gun, I make my final stand.


Yeah thats fucking insane. What's even more insane though is 99% of the playerbase of MO's existence still doesn't understand Corrupt is the best spell in the game. Are purify pots in the game yet? If so then its fully cooked and I don't even want a part of it.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
It's trash. hehh. I used to watch vids and feel like maybe I should try MO again, now it's like ehhhh.

I ran 165 on maltie. Maybe 160 when i lowered my size haha. In khurite splint. I rarely would get hit more than once per engagement (meaning, in and out,) and if I got tagged twice, I'd be like wooohh. But if the speed is wack now, too... back then lean was pretty nice. I know in testing full sprint vs full sprint, lean was barely faster than stout, but in my opinion moving laterally it is worth it. I was even hard to hit in duels. I dunno, I suspect I would still be, but I'd need to get the proper clade / trinks, and I dunno if I wanna FUCK with that haha.

The one good thing is I tried to stay at the edge of my swing, so I can't imagine getting popped with a dagger/hammer unless it was a surprise or if someone was stickying me and at that point it's ova.

Still, like I said, I would legit burn my free month, or I am closer to it now... I just wish we could get a lot of the people who still have their free month to come in and fuck w/ people.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Yeah thats fucking insane. What's even more insane though is 99% of the playerbase of MO's existence still doesn't understand Corrupt is the best spell in the game. Are purify pots in the game yet? If so then its fully cooked and I don't even want a part of it.
Yeah puri pots are in the game

hes playing a "death knight"

which has minimum dex because in mo2 you run at least 375 speed even with negative dex.

So he has fatmage level manapool with human plate wearer strength.

It looks cool in one sense I wanna make one, but I also don't want to grind 1000 hours just to join a fight.

which uses "akh bond" so hes taking 50% less damage on top. This is the level gear crutch to get a meta build. You need to level necro or ele on most toons. Even on an oghmir or Thur kall you should be akh bonding a horse to be truly meta. Its the trashest thing i've ever seen.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Yeah puri pots are in the game

hes playing a "death knight"

which has minimum dex because in mo2 you run at least 375 speed even with negative dex.

So he has fatmage level manapool with human plate wearer strength.

It looks cool in one sense I wanna make one, but I also don't want to grind 1000 hours just to join a fight.

which uses "akh bond" so hes taking 50% less damage on top. This is the level gear crutch to get a meta build. You need to level necro or ele on most toons. Even on an oghmir or Thur kall you should be akh bonding a horse to be truly meta. Its the trashest thing i've ever seen.

likely impossible to interrupt the spells as well.

It doesn't look cool. I am sure some people who haven't played MO might be like ahhh, but I bet even Ogh people who were using 100+ pots in MO1 are like yoooo.

How many of these people would really leave if they changed the game to be cut throat again? I don't understand. I don't like MO as a game that is for all of these RPers to live out their ownage fantasy. They need to get out their foam swords and do it in real life.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against RP lol.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
likely impossible to interrupt the spells as well.

It doesn't look cool. I am sure some people who haven't played MO might be like ahhh, but I bet even Ogh people who were using 100+ pots in MO1 are like yoooo.

How many of these people would really leave if they changed the game to be cut throat again? I don't understand. I don't like MO as a game that is for all of these RPers to live out their ownage fantasy. They need to get out their foam swords and do it in real life.

Disclaimer: I have nothing against RP lol.
I like me an overpowered build or two but only if it’s accessible, grinding necro and mastery is ridiculous.

Anyway the reason armor is so scuffed goes back to early alpha when the Arch Enemy poisoned the well of life with their tainted blood. Everything that henceforth grew in Nave bore the corruption of the Arch Enemy. Specifically when he beguiled The Emperor to make it so “weapons need to charge faster so you’re reacting to the swing not the charge up”. This is why regardless of weapon weight everything swings like mo1 flake stone, even sledges.

I’m not typically a pessimist but the corruption is all pervasive. Not only that the Arch Enemy is powerful in game, but the player base has been completely replaced or is also under the spell. I approximate any salvation of the game to be less than 1%. Interestingly I don’t think that the game will die because “questionable” gameplay, gear crunching, and low skill mechanics actually work well for the average gamer. The only possible victory is moral as you laugh hysterically at the “leet pvpers” from mo1 who preside over the shadiest most laughable metas ever in the history of mortal, outstripping all cheese from the first game by orders of magnitude.

Down with the false emperor and his minions!
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
If they took out mastery and trinks, I think things would be OK heh.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
Yeah puri pots are in the game

hes playing a "death knight"

which has minimum dex because in mo2 you run at least 375 speed even with negative dex.

So he has fatmage level manapool with human plate wearer strength.

It looks cool in one sense I wanna make one, but I also don't want to grind 1000 hours just to join a fight.

which uses "akh bond" so hes taking 50% less damage on top. This is the level gear crutch to get a meta build. You need to level necro or ele on most toons. Even on an oghmir or Thur kall you should be akh bonding a horse to be truly meta. Its the trashest thing i've ever seen.
I never understood why they added purify pots to the game. To be able to 100% negate spells like that for very very little cost is silly. It seems you can't just bring skill and mediocre gear to the game anymore...which is unfortunate. I like a good grind, but it needs to be enjoyable and I gotta be feelin the game. We will see I guess...

makes me want to go pure mage even more though. nothing about melee at all in MO2 seems fun


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I never understood why they added purify pots to the game. To be able to 100% negate spells like that for very very little cost is silly. It seems you can't just bring skill and mediocre gear to the game anymore...which is unfortunate. I like a good grind, but it needs to be enjoyable and I gotta be feelin the game. We will see I guess...

makes me want to go pure mage even more though. nothing about melee at all in MO2 seems fun

Check this out!!!!

played well but jesus christ

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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021

Check this out!!!!

played well but jesus christ

dude I can't play this game lol.

I unironically would rather play Pax Dei.

We've all got different PoVs as to why certain things are wack, but I am aghast because I know if you don't have the most op shit you are gonna get melted, and if you do, you are probably not gonna die very much. It becomes very Black Desert like. Super sad. I didn't even watch the whole vid it's just like heh.

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