Chat Banned for Calling Someone a "Virgin"...?


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
*First and foremost, this wasn't help chat.*

I'm sorry but... "Virgin" isn't some kind of big offensive word. Nor is the word "incel". These are words used in mainstream media, they are politically correct terms; and actual words in the dictionary.

I used both of these words and somehow got a ban from chat "permanently". Yes, contextually i used them as insults, but as i'll explain, you'll see why it was a reasonable and mild response.

Also, the individual i said this too was actively trying to troll me in a form of play people often described as one of the most egregious forms of "griefing".

Now, i "grief" people all the time, and they say things that are negative towards me. They tell lies and slander.. I don't go and report them, because quite frankly, i'm not particularly sensitive, but beyond that, i think light insulting isn't really so ridiculous that one would expect something as harsh as a permanent communications ban.

So, someone is trying to grief me by fire bombing my pet (Yes, i'm trying a tamer, yes, i still think tamers are the most disgusting class in the game because i'm not biased, it is a temporary arrangement). Now, this is different from shooting someone's pet from outside of town, like i enjoy partaking in; that is fine because it actually takes a level of skill to pull off consistently, and people pay me to do so.. It isn't about causing some sort of mental anguish to people; second, it is about the only fun you can have on a pure archer build, as you're outmatched in near every other scenario. So i get my revenge on people when they're in town and i'm miles away at an advantage.

Elemental firebombing is not only skilless, it is quite clearly something that the developers find to be an undesired byproduct of the way their game works; but they have to leave it as it is, as it would compromise other elements of their game.

Now, for me to tell someone firebombing my pet that they're a "virgin incel edgelord" seems like a tame and reasonable (and factual) response to the circumstance. Their intent is to cause nothing but grief in the most lame effortless manner possible. I know that is what they want, so i told them what they are.

For this, the GM near instantly perma bans me from communication, right after the incel reports me. Honestly, it was so seamless it was like they were working together, and i now think the GM team is actually compromised by players who hold influence over them. I'd already heard rumors of this, but now i'm pretty convinced. They then came over and mocked me, because quite clearly the GM told them that i was chat banned. So if that doesn't tell you something is going on, i don't know what will.

Ah yes, i should be laughing about someone attempting to waste hours of my time with some unintended undesired byproduct in the game. Yes, they were just having fun, fun that would've cost me hundreds of gold.. I should've been having fun and laughing at how funny that is..

Are you stupid GMs??? I'm a human being, not a robot. Grow a brain please. People naturally react with anger when someone tries to wrong them. You think in the moment i was like "It is just a game, those hours of my life i can't get back don't even matter"; or do you think i was reasonably annoyed that some incel just tried to waste hundreds of gold by using an exploit that the devs already admitted they don't want in the game.

When i caused "grief" to people, they said all kinds to me, and i laughed at them, i didn't report a SINGLE person for any insult. Why? Because i'm not malicious and trying to harm someone on some deep level. Someone who firebombs a pet (which fortunately survived), and then INSTANTLY reports is what i like to call a "cry bully", who is out to be malicious to opposing players.

They want to cause real harm to others for no reason other than to take their revenge on the world because nobody wants to have sex with them. They have an anger inside them that is quelled by hurting others in malicious ways. That is why they find it fun. It is their way of taking back power against a world they feel wronged by; as they're so powerless in their own lives, it is the only way they can.

I've seen this crybullying tactic in other games, WoW (a terrible woke mess of a game) is one such example.

The report system is literally being weaponized by people who are simply out to cause people MALICIOUS harm. Again, when i found myself in a similar position, where i am the "griefer", i didn't report anyone hurling abuse at me. The only time i report is when i am unfairly banned in a two sided argument.

Do you think me calling a virgin a virgin was in anyway some serious malicious attack? Or do you think it was a mild ventilation of frustration directed at someone clearly only out to cause malicious harm?

Yes, firebomb a pet, fine. It is an undesired part of the game. But you're going to report me after mildly insulting you, then worse still, the GMs are going to perma ban communications for it, showing no empathy or understanding for the circumstance.

This is cry bullying at it's finest, and the GMs are helping these individuals exploit the overly strict rules.

"Virgin" and "incel" are both politically correct terms commonly used in the mainstream media. If i'd dropped the n-word or something, maybe they'd have something.

I felt obligated to point this out because this level of moderation is WAAAAAY too strict.. I mean, this is like leftwing nutjob levels of moderation. I think i speak for everyone when i say we don't want this over sensitive chat moderation in a game that requires drama between players to drive any interest in the player interactions and conflict in the game.

Real life threats? Doxxing? Sure ban them. Anything else that isn't some big political no-no word is fine; i personally think all insults should be fine, but we're living in this pathetic world where everyone cries about everything, so obviously asking for that is an impossibility.

Yes, lets all not be able to say anything negative in a game that is full loot PVP and built on player interaction and conflict. Like, do you want people to be immersed and invested in your game or not??? This is moronic and i demand my ban be undone, and that the person who reported me be banned for wasting GM time. I am utterly DISGUSTED by this injustice.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Here is out communication policy.

Help chat isn't supposed to be used for shit-talk. GMs just did what was instructed. If you want to appeal the ban, you can do so at help centre.
I just explained it wasn't help chat on the first line. I don't care what the policy is. Change it so i'm not getting banned for insulting someone in the most mild way possible. This is me telling you the policy is wrong.

Are you people stupid or something? Your game NEEDs people to be able to dislike one another to give them a reason to progress... Someone kills you, takes all your stuff, you're just supposed to be friends with them? LOL ...

Guys, you're out of touch.. You need to get a grip.

Like, imagine... You're supposed to keep your self emotionally detached at all times; that is what you're asking us to do.. You clearly don't understand that for someone to take joy from the game, they have to risk the opposite, getting upset or angry with it. When someone gets angry, that is a sign they were invested in your game. You now want to punish people for being human.

The game focuses on immersion, yet, how can you become immersed when you can't even say the mildest of insults to someone? When it seems like you can't even dislike another person in the game... It is just dumb on sooo many levels. Like, can you imagine a real medieval world.. Do you think everyone was friends? Even when being robbed?.. Like guys.. You need people to be able to insult in a mild way otherwise it just becomes some woke garbage world... Do you not get that? Also, people don't want to feel a gun to their head whilst they're playing, that the mildest thing will result in some nuclear consequences, as was the case with me.

All in all, you don't understand your game, and why would you? i bet you don't even play it.

ONLY when it progresses to real life should you even take action. Example : doxxing. Threatening to kill someone in real life.

NOT calling someone a "virgin".. Jesus. This is just common sense, i can't believe i have to explain it.
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Community Manager
Staff member
Dec 9, 2021
I just explained it wasn't help chat on the first line. I don't care what the policy is. Change it so i'm not getting banned for insulting someone in the most mild way possible. This is me telling you the policy is wrong.

Are you people stupid or something? Your game NEEDs people to be able to dislike one another to give them a reason to progress... Someone kills you, takes all your stuff, you're just supposed to be friends with them? LOL ...

Guys, you're out of touch.. You need to get a grip.

Like, imagine... You're supposed to keep your self emotionally detached at all times; that is what you're asking us to do.. You clearly don't understand that for someone to take joy from the game, they have to risk the opposite, getting upset or angry with it. When someone gets angry, that is a sign they were invested in your game. You now want to punish people for being human.

The game focuses on immersion, yet, how can you become immersed when you can't even say the mildest of insults to someone? When it seems like you can't even dislike another person in the game... It is just dumb on sooo many levels. Like, can you imagine a real medieval world.. Do you think everyone was friends? Even when being robbed?.. Like guys.. You need people to be able to insult in a mild way otherwise it just becomes some woke garbage world... Do you not get that? Also, people don't want to feel a gun to their head whilst they're playing, that the mildest thing will result in some nuclear consequences, as was the case with me.

All in all, you don't understand your game, and why would you? i bet you don't even play it.

ONLY when it progresses to real life should you even take action. Example : doxxing. Threatening to kill someone in real life.

NOT calling someone a "virgin".. Jesus. This is just common sense, i can't believe i have to explain it.
I understand you are un happy, Help centre is where you appeal however.

I'll warn you, personal insults to staff members will not be tolerated.


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
I don't like the "loophole" of "help chat is for help" when 95% of the stuff in help chat is off topic discussion. It's only when things get more intense do we see enforcement of this "rule." It's discrimination, plain and ugly.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
I don't like the "loophole" of "help chat is for help" when 95% of the stuff in help chat is off topic discussion. It's only when things get more intense do we see enforcement of this "rule." It's discrimination, plain and ugly.
Yup and if you play the "bad guy" the scales of justice are weighted against you.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
you are griefing yourself by playing lol

I can see why some people play, but why play a game that has a trash nubclass, roll that class (rip integrity,) then get griefed in the one way people can grief that class... and get chat banned. It's best to move on.

I highly doubt they figure it out and make the game good again, but there is no reason to play in the meantime. Pay money per month to get griefed by the company? Nah.


Aug 12, 2020
ahhhh its so nice to read the word grief... kind of a breath of fresh air to read some honesty instead of the typical "I just love to pvp" used to be very common to have veteran players banding together to farm any bush pig carcass that some new player just picked while learning the game, i still remember the dex builds that would grief easy targets and run saying "I JUST LOVE TO PVP" while running away from mid skill players.

you walk into the tephra crater and its empty, you walk into fabernum and theres 2 new players and 7 guilds each with 20+ players all friends with eachother waiting for the 3 daily new players that try to kill a bush pig.

I guess what i want to say is, ofc you will play the bad guy when the game offers 0 consequences for being a murder even tho it calls itself an rpg.
all i see is people crying for more ways to be the evil guy, but i wonder how people will react if as it should be red priests start taking skill points from you.


Active member
Dec 3, 2021
*First and foremost, this wasn't help chat.*

I'm sorry but... "Virgin" isn't some kind of big offensive word. Nor is the word "incel". These are words used in mainstream media, they are politically correct terms; and actual words in the dictionary.

I used both of these words and somehow got a ban from chat "permanently". Yes, contextually i used them as insults, but as i'll explain, you'll see why it was a reasonable and mild response.

Also, the individual i said this too was actively trying to troll me in a form of play people often described as one of the most egregious forms of "griefing".

Now, i "grief" people all the time, and they say things that are negative towards me. They tell lies and slander.. I don't go and report them, because quite frankly, i'm not particularly sensitive, but beyond that, i think light insulting isn't really so ridiculous that one would expect something as harsh as a permanent communications ban.

So, someone is trying to grief me by fire bombing my pet (Yes, i'm trying a tamer, yes, i still think tamers are the most disgusting class in the game because i'm not biased, it is a temporary arrangement). Now, this is different from shooting someone's pet from outside of town, like i enjoy partaking in; that is fine because it actually takes a level of skill to pull off consistently, and people pay me to do so.. It isn't about causing some sort of mental anguish to people; second, it is about the only fun you can have on a pure archer build, as you're outmatched in near every other scenario. So i get my revenge on people when they're in town and i'm miles away at an advantage.

Elemental firebombing is not only skilless, it is quite clearly something that the developers find to be an undesired byproduct of the way their game works; but they have to leave it as it is, as it would compromise other elements of their game.

Now, for me to tell someone firebombing my pet that they're a "virgin incel edgelord" seems like a tame and reasonable (and factual) response to the circumstance. Their intent is to cause nothing but grief in the most lame effortless manner possible. I know that is what they want, so i told them what they are.

For this, the GM near instantly perma bans me from communication, right after the incel reports me. Honestly, it was so seamless it was like they were working together, and i now think the GM team is actually compromised by players who hold influence over them. I'd already heard rumors of this, but now i'm pretty convinced. They then came over and mocked me, because quite clearly the GM told them that i was chat banned. So if that doesn't tell you something is going on, i don't know what will.

Ah yes, i should be laughing about someone attempting to waste hours of my time with some unintended undesired byproduct in the game. Yes, they were just having fun, fun that would've cost me hundreds of gold.. I should've been having fun and laughing at how funny that is..

Are you stupid GMs??? I'm a human being, not a robot. Grow a brain please. People naturally react with anger when someone tries to wrong them. You think in the moment i was like "It is just a game, those hours of my life i can't get back don't even matter"; or do you think i was reasonably annoyed that some incel just tried to waste hundreds of gold by using an exploit that the devs already admitted they don't want in the game.

When i caused "grief" to people, they said all kinds to me, and i laughed at them, i didn't report a SINGLE person for any insult. Why? Because i'm not malicious and trying to harm someone on some deep level. Someone who firebombs a pet (which fortunately survived), and then INSTANTLY reports is what i like to call a "cry bully", who is out to be malicious to opposing players.

They want to cause real harm to others for no reason other than to take their revenge on the world because nobody wants to have sex with them. They have an anger inside them that is quelled by hurting others in malicious ways. That is why they find it fun. It is their way of taking back power against a world they feel wronged by; as they're so powerless in their own lives, it is the only way they can.

I've seen this crybullying tactic in other games, WoW (a terrible woke mess of a game) is one such example.

The report system is literally being weaponized by people who are simply out to cause people MALICIOUS harm. Again, when i found myself in a similar position, where i am the "griefer", i didn't report anyone hurling abuse at me. The only time i report is when i am unfairly banned in a two sided argument.

Do you think me calling a virgin a virgin was in anyway some serious malicious attack? Or do you think it was a mild ventilation of frustration directed at someone clearly only out to cause malicious harm?

Yes, firebomb a pet, fine. It is an undesired part of the game. But you're going to report me after mildly insulting you, then worse still, the GMs are going to perma ban communications for it, showing no empathy or understanding for the circumstance.

This is cry bullying at it's finest, and the GMs are helping these individuals exploit the overly strict rules.

"Virgin" and "incel" are both politically correct terms commonly used in the mainstream media. If i'd dropped the n-word or something, maybe they'd have something.

I felt obligated to point this out because this level of moderation is WAAAAAY too strict.. I mean, this is like leftwing nutjob levels of moderation. I think i speak for everyone when i say we don't want this over sensitive chat moderation in a game that requires drama between players to drive any interest in the player interactions and conflict in the game.

Real life threats? Doxxing? Sure ban them. Anything else that isn't some big political no-no word is fine; i personally think all insults should be fine, but we're living in this pathetic world where everyone cries about everything, so obviously asking for that is an impossibility.

Yes, lets all not be able to say anything negative in a game that is full loot PVP and built on player interaction and conflict. Like, do you want people to be immersed and invested in your game or not??? This is moronic and i demand my ban be undone, and that the person who reported me be banned for wasting GM time. I am utterly DISGUSTED by this injustice.
Why are you crying here, virgin? Didn't the gms give you a fuck? masturbate, maybe it will get easier(y)


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
ahhhh its so nice to read the word grief... kind of a breath of fresh air to read some honesty instead of the typical "I just love to pvp" used to be very common to have veteran players banding together to farm any bush pig carcass that some new player just picked while learning the game, i still remember the dex builds that would grief easy targets and run saying "I JUST LOVE TO PVP" while running away from mid skill players.

you walk into the tephra crater and its empty, you walk into fabernum and theres 2 new players and 7 guilds each with 20+ players all friends with eachother waiting for the 3 daily new players that try to kill a bush pig.

I guess what i want to say is, ofc you will play the bad guy when the game offers 0 consequences for being a murder even tho it calls itself an rpg.
all i see is people crying for more ways to be the evil guy, but i wonder how people will react if as it should be red priests start taking skill points from you.
I don't care what they did, i care that i got banned from communication because i insulted someone over it. In a game where you can be so ruthless to others, they're not even going to let you vent your frustration in the most minor capacity?
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
Why are you crying here, virgin? Didn't the gms give you a fuck? masturbate, maybe it will get easier(y)
You sound threatened by what i said. There is no argument here just some childish attempt to insult.

I'm "crying" here because this is the forum for the game where i have the issue. What other area would be a more valid place to post a critique than the official game forum?? Should i be sending a letter to the devs by pigeon? Use your brain.

What an idiot.


Active member
Jul 19, 2022
You sound threatened by what i said. There is no argument here just some childish attempt to insult.

I'm "crying" here because this is the forum for the game where i have the issue. What other area would be a more valid place to post a critique than the official game forum?? Should i be sending a letter to the devs by pigeon? Use your brain.

What an idiot.
The problem is that the help center is the place to appeal the ban.
To the issue itself: I agree. "virgin incel edgelord" is pretty mild. Some GMs dont realize that this is an actual tactic thats being used by griefers for quite a while now. Griefing step one: Bomb someones expensive stuff, step two: tell GMs your victim insulted your sexual identity and get them chat-banned.
Just appeal the ban by telling them you're sorry the griefer just got the best of you in this moment.
Im sorry you fell victim to this.


Active member
Dec 3, 2021
You sound threatened by what i said. There is no argument here just some childish attempt to insult.

I'm "crying" here because this is the forum for the game where i have the issue. What other area would be a more valid place to post a critique than the official game forum?? Should i be sending a letter to the devs by pigeon? Use your brain.

What an idiot.
you like to grief peaceful people, but at the same time remain unpunished. That's the result, you got the same dick on your lips. Everything is fair


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
you like to grief peaceful people, but at the same time remain unpunished. That's the result, you got the same dick on your lips. Everything is fair
I see you're missing the topic of the post. I don't care that someone tried to firebomb me, even though it is the most pathetic way to kill someone in town. My problem is that i can't fairly critique someone doing it.

So what you're saying makes no sense. You're arguing against an argument never made.


Active member
Dec 3, 2021
I see you're missing the topic of the post. I don't care that someone tried to firebomb me, even though it is the most pathetic way to kill someone in town. My problem is that i can't fairly critique someone doing it.

So what you're saying makes no sense. You're arguing against an argument never made.
That's right, you can't criticize objectively. You don't deserve this.


New member
Sep 6, 2024
It might benefit you to use more creative barbs than targeting sexuality. I think if you show that your response to non-cheating in-game action is something so juvenile, a chat ban is fitting. Just my two copper.


Active member
Nov 26, 2020
It might benefit you to use more creative barbs than targeting sexuality. I think if you show that your response to non-cheating in-game action is something so juvenile, a chat ban is fitting. Just my two copper.
i got baned for saying ingame characters name :D