Broken Housing


Deleted member 44

Player be warned. The housing system is completely broken right now. Items disappear at random and items will ghost into your inventory at random as well.
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New member
Apr 10, 2022
So, there is a way to work around the current issue.

1. Only drag and drop, don't click.

2. Before you put an item in your house chest, move an item to that spot from the chest and back, to make sure there was nothing there "hidden".

If you follow these two steps, you'll be okay.

It still needs fixing though - the last patch farmer joe did broke everything.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Nice. Its bugs like this that really set me off. I remember back during beta I had a mega salt moment. I went to bandage, my bandages were just gone. In a close fight, that me and my friend instigated and really wanted to win. When I died and came back to my loot, my bandages were on my body. They somehow glitched in my inv. Moments like this are hard 'quit' moments for a lot of players. If they accidentally died and lost their gold or something that was supposed to be stashed, thats it. They arent coming back. People think TC launch will bring back thousands of players. Its not going to happen. Most players that quit this game arent coming back. SV really needs to work hard on polish because stuff like this is unacceptable and loses so many players.