Bow crafting came into the game with the patch from two days ago. The system is more or less equal to MO1 and the old standard recipes work again with minor changes. One can chose again Dapplewood and Crepite with the old slider value and gets a bow very similar to the MO1 bow. I tested the damage on a springbok and in bandits and get damage values more or less like in MO1.
The good change is about the details of the crafted bows, means the two digits for durability, range and strength requirement. The changes of those values are almost linear to the slider position. Means one can take two materials, craft two bows at position 5% and 95%, write down the values and then calculate the needed slider position for a given strength. It's sometimes difficult to move the slider to exact the wanted percentage position.
I didn't find a recipe to craft a bow better than the current vendor bow with 169 dura, 90 range, 105 strength. Both dura and range are lower in my tests so far.
The good change is about the details of the crafted bows, means the two digits for durability, range and strength requirement. The changes of those values are almost linear to the slider position. Means one can take two materials, craft two bows at position 5% and 95%, write down the values and then calculate the needed slider position for a given strength. It's sometimes difficult to move the slider to exact the wanted percentage position.
I didn't find a recipe to craft a bow better than the current vendor bow with 169 dura, 90 range, 105 strength. Both dura and range are lower in my tests so far.