Bow crafting in MO2 = MO1


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Bow crafting came into the game with the patch from two days ago. The system is more or less equal to MO1 and the old standard recipes work again with minor changes. One can chose again Dapplewood and Crepite with the old slider value and gets a bow very similar to the MO1 bow. I tested the damage on a springbok and in bandits and get damage values more or less like in MO1.

The good change is about the details of the crafted bows, means the two digits for durability, range and strength requirement. The changes of those values are almost linear to the slider position. Means one can take two materials, craft two bows at position 5% and 95%, write down the values and then calculate the needed slider position for a given strength. It's sometimes difficult to move the slider to exact the wanted percentage position.

I didn't find a recipe to craft a bow better than the current vendor bow with 169 dura, 90 range, 105 strength. Both dura and range are lower in my tests so far.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
Do remember though that crepite is and was infact not the best material for bows. You can usually reach about the same bow performance almost with any material. There are other stats that you have to consider and those really only got important late in mo1s life, weakspot etc.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Do remember though that crepite is and was infact not the best material for bows. You can usually reach about the same bow performance almost with any material. There are other stats that you have to consider and those really only got important late in mo1s life, weakspot etc.

Yes, I know, the weak spot probability becomes important and also the skills to increase the probability. But those skills are not implemented yet, and I didn't test enough yet to talk about this. But with more tests in the next weeks we get all those information.

Most important is the fact, that the basic system didn't change between MO1 and MO2.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
You can weakspot with bows right now though, so the stats are probably more important so that you can actually hit a good weakspot chance even without the skills for it.

But yes, basic system has not changed, I liked the old system, although in my opinion it needed more variables added to it. It's probably the most basic out of any of the systems, once you learn it anyway. Its a very steep curve before you understand it, as its very easy to make useless bows, or bows that dont work on whoever wants to use the bow. Meanwhile a shitty weapon still works ok, crap armor still does its job, just not optimally.

Slider needs to be easier to adjust. Being able to type in the slider position as a number would be extremely helpful.
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
I spent 15 minutes and made about 10 bows and was able to make a bow with the same stats as the vendor one, which I think is made as the best possible for 110 strength.
I never really made bows in MO1.

The more they add the less like a new game it seems, I can't decide if that's good or bad though.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
I mean, its a sequel game, not a complete rework. Some systems that there is nothing wrong with they SHOULD just basically port over. But some other systems could work just well to port over and then do additions to. Armor, Shield crafting and bow crafting are all ones that should at least get some more variables added to them.

Weapon crafting is IMO pretty ok where it is, especially if even more types and combinations are slated to come out. The free handle per weapon head system in mo1 was terrible, sure its nice to have the option, but people only really used 3-4 different handles as well as only a handful of heads, leaving a lot of the combinations pointless anyway.

Some ways that variables could be added would be, different shield materials give different modification to the ability to absorb damage with it. Silver shield? You can absorb magic with blocking, got a heavier shield? better shield bash! Already suggested before, but shields could potentially be used as an offensive weapon using the same system as dual wield will, giving the shield+weapon users a bit more damage type flexibility and a close range alternative. Its worth a thought anyway. same goes with armor. Certain materials that aren't even used for anything in-game could get a use by giving them variables for things like armor crafting, shield crafting and bow crafting.
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
I don't think that they would be made from wood, or at least only a low percentage of wood.