Biggest issues I'm having - Bug Report (Haven Freeze / Crash)


New member
Jan 11, 2022
Sorry to put the bug report here. Didn't see an alternative place to put it.

When the reset happen I was in haven and it seems to freeze every 30 minutes to an hour. Complete screen freeze - but yet the program is still responding. I really hope this gets resolved before release as I fear the issues it will bring. This only seems to happen in Haven and I do not have to reset outside of Haven. Since today 01.18.2022 (M.D.Y) I've crashed probably 7 times. I've rerolled once, going to learn cooking and alchemy stuff in the beginning to see if its something I want to try. But the crashing is annoying.

I've heard some of my company are experiencing the issue as well - not isolated to myself. It happened earlier this afternoon, and is happening now later at night with an empty graveyard and no peeps around. (Not a crowded haven)


New member
Jan 21, 2022
I have played for about a day, and I have the exact same issue. The game freezes up completely after about 30-60 min of playtime.
I haven't left Haven yet, so I don't know if it only happens there.

It happens regardless of whether I'm in combat, have people around me, or if I'm sitting alone resting.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
it loads you into the same instance every time. And I think it loads you into populated instances to trick you into believing the game is more populated ( lol?), so you could always try to load another instance and hope for a less populated one, because it seems like an overpop issue imo.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
it loads you into the same instance every time.

Yes, those way one can chose the same instance as guild mates.

And I think it loads you into populated instances to trick you into believing the game is more populated ( lol?), so you could always try to load another instance and hope for a less populated one, because it seems like an overpop issue imo.

I don't think the system works that way! After the patch with wipe it seemed to fill several instances one after another. I started more or less at the same time within minutes together with some guild mates and we arrived in the same instance. May it was just random luck, but I assume that StarVault increases the number of instances whenever a limit is reached. Like 50 players per instance and then the next one is filled.
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
it loads you into the same instance every time. And I think it loads you into populated instances to trick you into believing the game is more populated ( lol?), so you could always try to load another instance and hope for a less populated one, because it seems like an overpop issue imo.
Happens to me in an empty Haven, this is a server/game issue.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
yea I mean I KNOW it loads you into the same instance every time. That's not up for debate. But Rorry it could have been that your instance was populated at one time (while you were loading in) and then wasn't? I dunno. Xun's exp, given there aren't guilds in haven, right? Is hard to read, it could go either way.

Could be that I just got bad luck rolled into a pop'd one but I easily switched to a more bearable one. 1try.


New member
Jan 21, 2022
I left Haven to test.
At first I was hopeful because I managed to play for over 2 hours. But somewhere between the 3 and 4 hour mark, the game froze while I was afk.
So at least in my case, it's not purely a Haven issue. Although it does seem like I can play for longer in the open world than in Haven.

I'll have to do more testing and see if I can find a cause


New member
Jan 11, 2022
This was recommended to me by someone else in a stream that had a similar issue and managed to resolve it... at least for now.

The other possibility is that this is a shadowplay issue, that might be resolved when the Nvidia drivers release on launch. These fixes did not resolve the problem for me. It MIGHT be Fix 3, which I find the game to be annoying without so I don't remove it.


New member
Mar 22, 2021
After launch I've been having this issue where my game will just lock up after 30min - 1hr of playtime. The music will still be playing but my game screen will freeze and I have to go to task manager and end task the game.

Anyone else still getting this issue? Anyone find a solution?
I am still in Haven and have been getting these lock ups.


New member
Mar 22, 2021
I'm having this same issue. Anyone have any solutions besides that one Reddit post?

So far what has worked for me was switching from Dx11 to Dx12. But I'm still crossing my fingers hoping for the best.

Its been about 2 hours and no freeze.

*Edit - Game hung/froze on my close to 2 hour playtime.
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New member
Jan 21, 2022
Getting windows re-installed worked for me.. But it turned out there was a hard disk conflict which also prevented me for updating/installing windows.
So if you're running multiple hard disks, try to unplug all but the main one, get into windows, then turn it off and plug them back in.

Or try to install on another hard disk potentially. It's a strange problem I didn't know I had..
But if windows say that you've reached the end of service, and it fails every time you try to update, you probably have the same issue as me.


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
I am pretty sure the issue is with SV and their server as the problem started when they released a patch.

Arman Hammer

New member
Feb 5, 2022
I've been having this issue. A lot lately. During Beta it was fine. Now days.... I can play for 10 minutes and freeze. Forcing me to crash it through Task Manager. Sometimes I can go 8 hours without a single problem. Today....fresh start up, fresh log in and within the first 20 minutes I froze 6 times.
I sent in a ticket explaining my issue and what I am running. The reply I got "We can't help with computer issues" Even turned all my graphics settings to Low, but it still persists. Uninstalled and reinstalled the game, ran in admin mode, Nothing is helping this issue. Temps are fine, Usage is fine. Just random times it freezes either often or random.


New member
Jan 30, 2022
This sounds like an overheat or external process hitting your ram cpu or disk load.
Please look into external sources of this.
Setting the exe to run as admin in the properties seemed to help some that had passively scanning programs.
Another helpful tool would be to run a perf mon in the background and see what spikes it - maybe some other programs looking into your memory. EAC games like this and black desert have had these issues... maybe look into some other eac fixes?
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