Big Scary world? or big care bear attitudes?


New member
Dec 31, 2022
This is no offence to anybody that has been talking to me the last few days regarding servers.
I've been warned by multiple players to stay on haven and farm what I can, I am typically a HC player who enjoys the harsh not fair I want to quit atmosphere, but there's balance between screwing yourself and having the right start to survive.
With that being said...Is the world really that bad that I should stay on haven until I'm all Claded up? Is there no hope for me beyond Haven if I leave before 5. Will I be ganked every minute and not be able to make any gold?
Can somebody who isn't a ganker looking to kill fresh meat, but also somebody not scared of the open world, give me the true cons and leaving haven as a new player?


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Yes, you will encounter murderers and criminals from time to time if you happen to run into them and they are thirsty for blood.

Bottom line, take some basic proactive steps to learn from your mistakes, treat this as a game of cat and mouse, and you will be fine.

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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
With the all of poi's being added to the main world, it has become much easier to get clade on the main world than in the early days.

So, if you are ok with taking a few lumps and are growing tired of Haven then I would feel free to move on.

Just carry only what you can afford to lose and accept death when it comes.

After more successes than failures, what you can afford to lose will be come greater.

Basically just accept losses as they come but try to limit them as much as possible.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
To be honest it really depends where on the map you are. There are places where you hardly ever see anyone, then there is Fabernum and Tindrem where you cant go 5 feet without tripping over someone trying to gank you.

Clades can be a bit of a chore especially if you play solo and cant do much of the group content. I would stay in Haven until you get at least the main clades you want.


Feb 11, 2022
Can somebody who isn't a ganker looking to kill fresh meat, but also somebody not scared of the open world, give me the true cons and leaving haven as a new player?
Clade faucet in haven is really good and brainless easy. That’s it. It has nothing to do with ganking etc. especially for some builds that don’t pve particularly well.

Some people will power clade and level skills they drop immediately on being done with the grind. Then they feel pvp ready and can effectively ignore clade on that character forever.

So you aren’t getting bad advice. You are just getting lazy powerlevel advice from people on their 10th Reroll lol


New member
Dec 20, 2022
I'm relatively new to MO2, and come from games like Eve online with full loot pvp. Sounding like you are prepared for the full loot pvp aspects and won't be phased too much by a few deaths...

That being said here is what I ended up doing: First character - Cleric build, was doing ok in Haven, and a great support/group build, left Haven at 12 clade and had my build pretty well rounded out... got out of Haven and just wasn't having a lot of fun on the character. Opted to re-roll, so second character I basically just speed ran haven, got 2 clades and left... What I found was that I did enjoy my new character more, but being a new player I did find it a little bit of a slow grind. I was new, broke, and unfamiliar with the area, my character wasn't really great at pve anyways being a dex mage with mostly under developed skills. However I had a lot of fun learning and leveling.

My advice from my experience: Take advantage of the easy clade farm in Haven if you can stand it, but don't be afraid to leave haven if you have the right mentality. I'd say get 10 Clade levels in haven, pick up the most important combat/survival clades, and then worry about the profession stuff or other perks a little later. If you are able to enjoy the journey and don't get upset over some losses and deaths, then it is absolutely possible to level clade outside of haven, it's just not as easy as the clade farm in haven is all, but there is absolutely more to do in the full game than what haven has to offer.


New member
Dec 31, 2022
I got to level 8 and decided to go to the real world. So far mobs are "ok" as in I'm not getting wrecked but I can see my gear etc needs improvement.
It's nice to be on a populated town, the danger really added my more "slower" clade grind into a time went fast situation because I kept checking behind myself.
All in all I won't under estimate what the world can be, but for anybody reading wanting to leave haven or have doubts...It's not as scary as we're led to think and you should if you're bored at Haven...But as pointed out in the previous comment, it is a easier grind but you need balance between your tolerance and fun.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
I got to level 8 and decided to go to the real world. So far mobs are "ok" as in I'm not getting wrecked but I can see my gear etc needs improvement.
It's nice to be on a populated town, the danger really added my more "slower" clade grind into a time went fast situation because I kept checking behind myself.
All in all I won't under estimate what the world can be, but for anybody reading wanting to leave haven or have doubts...It's not as scary as we're led to think and you should if you're bored at Haven...But as pointed out in the previous comment, it is a easier grind but you need balance between your tolerance and fun.
Welcome to MO Mclavin!


Active member
Feb 8, 2022
I got to level 8 and decided to go to the real world. So far mobs are "ok" as in I'm not getting wrecked but I can see my gear etc needs improvement.
It's nice to be on a populated town, the danger really added my more "slower" clade grind into a time went fast situation because I kept checking behind myself.
All in all I won't under estimate what the world can be, but for anybody reading wanting to leave haven or have doubts...It's not as scary as we're led to think and you should if you're bored at Haven...But as pointed out in the previous comment, it is a easier grind but you need balance between your tolerance and fun.
your experience may change with more data.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
honestly haven't died to players that often, maybe 5-6 times? Only really happens if you do something like mining where pkers go to get easy kills
Right. The more active places are going to be hotter because that is where killers can expect to find targets easier.

Sure you may run into the occasional baddie randomly out in the wild on occasion.

But it will more likely happen in busy places like the outskirts of towns, near grave yards, and other popular places.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Right. The more active places are going to be hotter because that is where killers can expect to find targets easier.

Sure you may run into the occasional baddie randomly out in the wild on occasion.

But it will more likely happen in busy places like the outskirts of towns, near grave yards, and other popular places.
ironically as with most pvp games the 'safer' the place is the more likely you are to get killed. If you go to 'dangerous' spots less people ironically