Better pet command icons


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
The latest patch which introduced beast mastery into the game was great, and even as a non-beast master I appreciated the new set of commands I could give to my pet.

The only issue I have with it right now is the incredibly vague pet command icons which make it hard for me to tell what the icon does unless I memorise or, failing that, hover my mouse over it to see its description.

A frontal portrait of the pet's head with an arrow pointing sideways or down, or with numbers 1-4 are prime culprits. None of these are ideal or practical in a tense moment where danger is bearing down on you and you bare split-seconds to act.

I actually liked the pre-patch icons that at least had a semblance of what the icon does, like a pair of pet legs either standing still or striding forwards. Pet attack was a paw and claws. These made more sense.

I really hope SV will redo many of these icons. I can certainly understand time and resource constraints, but hopefully this is something that you will consider reworking so that beast mastery can be better in this regard.

Thank you.