Or just have a public test server for everyone to access and test, generate the feedback infrastructure and it's the best feedback they could get. But no, make prívate test team so the fuckers find exploits to get ritch with and never get banned about it.
Theres this idea that they lack resources to make things well but the resources are there, just miss-used. The history of mortal.
Even a public test server that had a low server capacity limit to get around server limitations would be a HUGE improvement. For example, let's say their server can only hold 400 people... OK, whatever. Cap it at 400.
Having feedback & reports from as many people as possible is very valuable information for developing something that is in a production environment.
I wonder if part of the reason they do not do this is the limited overall player-base population. Imagine if 400 people who would be on main server are now on the test server. The main server would probably look like it is in heavy decline.
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