Appalling GM Performance Across the Board


Active member
Dec 2, 2023
The GMs on this game are appalling; not going to name names, because this is across the board. They have persistently shown VERY poor performance in a HUGE array of areas.

1) They Show No Circumstantial awareness and Allow Weaponized Reporting by Extension.

Someone fire bombs your pet in town, you got annoyed and they report you for what was a reasonable reaction; i mean, they're literally just trying to cause you suffering, you know that, as they gain nothing from doing it, so you reacted in a negative way towards them.. Yes, someone tried to destroy 300 gold's worth of pet, and waste the hours of time you spent training it. for no personal gain to themselves, other than to annoy you. The sole purpose being to make you suffer. Needless to say, it is highly likely the person being attacked by this individual would not like them.

You got a little annoyed and insulted them in a politically correct manner, and used no "gamer words"; but got banned from chat anyway. Even in court, provocation can be used as a defense.. How is ele-bombing pets in town, to no gain of their own, NOT a provocation? They get nothing out of it except your annoyance. It is a deliberate provocation, and so, if someone reacts to it, that should be factored in. You should NOT ban people for reacting to an obvious provocation attempt.

"We don't get involved in player disputes!" as they hand out a chat ban to you for your dispute with a player; as the person who rage-baits specifically so they can get you banned.

Working as Intended.

SHOW SOME CIRCUMSTANTIAL AWARENESS. Stop reading your silly terms, and understand that they should not be hard-line in situations where you have very obvious grey areas. Malicious players abusing and weaponizing your report system. Look at their behaviour, are they acting in malice? Are they just trying to annoy people exclusively? If "Yes", why are you banning people for reacting to it.

Am i saying ban people who pet bomb or try to provoke? NO. I'm saying don't ban people who react to what is obviously a

The EXACT definition of Provocation : Action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.

that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.. The exact descriptor of a person who ele-bombs pets in town.

Thank you GMs, for making it so easy for these people. By literally reading from your terms like a robot and having no circumstantial awareness, and ignoring potential provocation, you allow these people to weaponize your report system.

2) They Can't, or Won't, Do anything.

"Oh, there is a bug in the game? Your skill points are missing and you can't play the game? Well, that isn't my problem, go post it on the discord or something. Oh? You don't use discord? Well go install it then. Not my problem. You can also send it via our website.. Of course you can't send the screenshot via the actual website! No, you have to upload it to a different website first."

Yes, go and install this third party software to i can send a screenshot to a GM... What??? What on earth are you talking about? This is such cowboy setup i don't even know where to start. Oh, and if you use their website, you can't even send them screenshots.. You again have to go to a third party where you can upload your image. What???

I'm sorry but, this is an MMO where you charge a monthly subscription; and it is so ramshackle i can't even send an image to the GMs via their own system. To be honest I shouldn't even have to send screenshots for what are minor well known bugs. The GMs should be able to check this stuff themselves via their own systems; but it seems like they literally have nothing to work with.

Beyond that, they will always act like you're lying to them without a screenshot. Screenshots can't be faked afterall, they are objective truth. Words are all lies! Even when it is the most simplistic thing that requires no screenshot, they must have that screenshot.

The game has bugs.. They know the game has bugs.. We are your paying customers.. What is with this immediate distrust.. Also, would this even be necessary if they had some way of actually tracking anything in the game?

3) Incompetent and Lazy/Rushed Answers

When contacting a GM, the vibe you'll be getting is immediate and obvious. They are trying to rush you away as fast as possible, and they really don't care how they do it. Either they send you to discord to be someone else's potential problem, or they're sending you to their website.

Should you actually get through to one of these individuals via a ticket, you'll be met with the same vibe. You will be rushed away with some slap-dash answer, which is often incorrect or answering a question to a problem that was never put forward. Let me give you an example :

I had an issue where 100 profession points went missing, a common bug, so i've heard. I get diverted to send a ticket via the website, and so i do.. The conclusion of all of this was an answer to a problem i never had. They explained that a parent skill of the skill points i was missing had not been levelled high enough.

Now, keep in mind, i was missing 100 points from my profession skills. I had previously been able to make the exact weapon i was making a couple of patches ago, and the skill i was using was levelled to 100 at the time; now it was set to zero. So, they just told me to go away and level up my parent skill...

So you see, my issue had nothing to do with the parent skill not being levelled. The issue was :

A) I previously had that skill fully levelled, it is now zero.
B) I'm now missing 100 profession skill points from my total.
C) I was previously able to make that weapon not long ago.
D) This is a well known bug that many people have had.

This was a response after i'd sent TWO tickets on the issue, explaining it in detail.

Either, they don't know what they're doing, they don't care, or they have too much to deal with that it is causing them to behave in this rushed incompetent manner. Whatever it is, their performance has been disgraceful as of recent.

In Conclusion...

It is now extremely common to hear people bad-mouthing the GMs ingame and out of the game.. Honestly? I feel like they've somehow gotten worse recently.. They're sloppier... They don't seem to have empathy for your time wasted by the many bugs the game has... It is disgraceful really, the way they treat people like liars from the getgo. These people are being paid, and they quite clearly do not care, or are under so much pressure they're simply broken and/or overwhelmed to the point of indifference. Can't say which it is, but we, the paying customers, are certainly suffering the consequences of it; and i can safely say, this is the worst GM performance i've ever seen in any game i've played.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Yea but dont worry, new content patch coming soon. Everything will be made better by the new content. Pinky swear.
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Active member
Dec 2, 2023
It's kind of impressive how your posts are always very long and colorful but say so little
You have to read them first.

Notice, they'll never explain WHY it says so little. They just want to impart their little low IQ insult and leave. They won't back up what they're saying. So pathetic.

Explain why it says little, and i'll correct you. If not? You don't have anything but a desire to bypass the argument, and so what you're saying can't be considered valid.

The irony is, you achieved exactly what you are criticizing me for with what you said. No self-awareness at all. You're saying something that achieves nothing against the argument being made, outside of making you look petty and low IQ.
Last edited:


Jul 18, 2021
My friends horse died on a slight slope. GM refused to res or show us where this fall damage came from. Just gave us a cookie cutter response. My friend complained in help chat and I put #fixurgame and got banned 2 days from help chat.

Nothing like hitting a game breaking bug for a GM too be to lazy to res your horse and then ban you from help chat for mild criticism.

Honestly feels like the guy just has something against my guild or sumthin.


New member
Sep 5, 2024
The GMs on this game are appalling; not going to name names, because this is across the board. They have persistently shown VERY poor performance in a HUGE array of areas.

1) They Show No Circumstantial awareness and Allow Weaponized Reporting by Extension.

Someone fire bombs your pet in town, you got annoyed and they report you for what was a reasonable reaction; i mean, they're literally just trying to cause you suffering, you know that, as they gain nothing from doing it, so you reacted in a negative way towards them.. Yes, someone tried to destroy 300 gold's worth of pet, and waste the hours of time you spent training it. for no personal gain to themselves, other than to annoy you. The sole purpose being to make you suffer. Needless to say, it is highly likely the person being attacked by this individual would not like them.

You got a little annoyed and insulted them in a politically correct manner, and used no "gamer words"; but got banned from chat anyway. Even in court, provocation can be used as a defense.. How is ele-bombing pets in town, to no gain of their own, NOT a provocation? They get nothing out of it except your annoyance. It is a deliberate provocation, and so, if someone reacts to it, that should be factored in. You should NOT ban people for reacting to an obvious provocation attempt.

"We don't get involved in player disputes!" as they hand out a chat ban to you for your dispute with a player; as the person who rage-baits specifically so they can get you banned.

Working as Intended.

SHOW SOME CIRCUMSTANTIAL AWARENESS. Stop reading your silly terms, and understand that they should not be hard-line in situations where you have very obvious grey areas. Malicious players abusing and weaponizing your report system. Look at their behaviour, are they acting in malice? Are they just trying to annoy people exclusively? If "Yes", why are you banning people for reacting to it.

Am i saying ban people who pet bomb or try to provoke? NO. I'm saying don't ban people who react to what is obviously a

The EXACT definition of Provocation : Action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.

that makes someone angry, especially deliberately.. The exact descriptor of a person who ele-bombs pets in town.

Thank you GMs, for making it so easy for these people. By literally reading from your terms like a robot and having no circumstantial awareness, and ignoring potential provocation, you allow these people to weaponize your report system.

2) They Can't, or Won't, Do anything.

"Oh, there is a bug in the game? Your skill points are missing and you can't play the game? Well, that isn't my problem, go post it on the discord or something. Oh? You don't use discord? Well go install it then. Not my problem. You can also send it via our website.. Of course you can't send the screenshot via the actual website! No, you have to upload it to a different website first."

Yes, go and install this third party software to i can send a screenshot to a GM... What??? What on earth are you talking about? This is such cowboy setup i don't even know where to start. Oh, and if you use their website, you can't even send them screenshots.. You again have to go to a third party where you can upload your image. What???

I'm sorry but, this is an MMO where you charge a monthly subscription; and it is so ramshackle i can't even send an image to the GMs via their own system. To be honest I shouldn't even have to send screenshots for what are minor well known bugs. The GMs should be able to check this stuff themselves via their own systems; but it seems like they literally have nothing to work with.

Beyond that, they will always act like you're lying to them without a screenshot. Screenshots can't be faked afterall, they are objective truth. Words are all lies! Even when it is the most simplistic thing that requires no screenshot, they must have that screenshot.

The game has bugs.. They know the game has bugs.. We are your paying customers.. What is with this immediate distrust.. Also, would this even be necessary if they had some way of actually tracking anything in the game?

3) Incompetent and Lazy/Rushed Answers

When contacting a GM, the vibe you'll be getting is immediate and obvious. They are trying to rush you away as fast as possible, and they really don't care how they do it. Either they send you to discord to be someone else's potential problem, or they're sending you to their website.

Should you actually get through to one of these individuals via a ticket, you'll be met with the same vibe. You will be rushed away with some slap-dash answer, which is often incorrect or answering a question to a problem that was never put forward. Let me give you an example :

I had an issue where 100 profession points went missing, a common bug, so i've heard. I get diverted to send a ticket via the website, and so i do.. The conclusion of all of this was an answer to a problem i never had. They explained that a parent skill of the skill points i was missing had not been levelled high enough.

Now, keep in mind, i was missing 100 points from my profession skills. I had previously been able to make the exact weapon i was making a couple of patches ago, and the skill i was using was levelled to 100 at the time; now it was set to zero. So, they just told me to go away and level up my parent skill...

So you see, my issue had nothing to do with the parent skill not being levelled. The issue was :

A) I previously had that skill fully levelled, it is now zero.
B) I'm now missing 100 profession skill points from my total.
C) I was previously able to make that weapon not long ago.
D) This is a well known bug that many people have had.

This was a response after i'd sent TWO tickets on the issue, explaining it in detail.

Either, they don't know what they're doing, they don't care, or they have too much to deal with that it is causing them to behave in this rushed incompetent manner. Whatever it is, their performance has been disgraceful as of recent.

In Conclusion...

It is now extremely common to hear people bad-mouthing the GMs ingame and out of the game.. Honestly? I feel like they've somehow gotten worse recently.. They're sloppier... They don't seem to have empathy for your time wasted by the many bugs the game has... It is disgraceful really, the way they treat people like liars from the getgo. These people are being paid, and they quite clearly do not care, or are under so much pressure they're simply broken and/or overwhelmed to the point of indifference. Can't say which it is, but we, the paying customers, are certainly suffering the consequences of it; and i can safely say, this is the worst GM performance i've ever seen in any game i've played.