Anyone else hate that change to magic reflect ? it changes the small scale and large battles completely and this in a bad way !

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Yeah after playing for a while everyone hates the reflect changes. makes mm even more busted every spell you cast has to be a spurt every next spell they cast is just going to ne a reflect. Made mounted meta very busted.

i agree ! I only know 2-3 people from 50 people i asked, who acutally like the change to MR.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
i agree ! I only know 2-3 people from 50 people i asked, who acutally like the change to MR.

WHICH IS WEIRD BECAUSE IT AIN'T CHANGING. I'd like a wipe level statement from RobMO from the mouth of Henrik to know whether this change is forever or they are debating it. I wanna let my heart settle. lol. Nah but I hate hate hate the long parry. SO WACK. Ping normo parry. THIS tho, this is egregious, even in theory, this is some... I just rolled a mage but I should just delete my mage level shit.

I'm all for elemental resists. Holy magic! do all 6, 4 elements, holy and dark (necro?) It blows my mind after RPG gaming and never seeing a reflect (afaik) that worked this way. Dookz I played sooooooooooooooo many rpgs. I'd even accept some kind of a magic shield AoE spell and AoE heals that could heal thru it, but just everyone w/ reflect on them is dummyland.

Necromancer is a debuffer and a stripper. Need a necro spell that strips magi reflect and eats it for mana/health (and maybe hurts you if they don't have it on.) But that's even with magic reflect working normally. Impassable shields are WACK, impassable shields that also allow healing is luls.

This is the worst gameplay change in MO history (straight face.) It's just lucky the game is so derpy atm that it doesn't matter.

The reason I think it's the worst is the 'cloud of meta' has grown immensely to cover nearly everything now.