Alchemy Demystified


New member
Jan 30, 2022
Thanks for this Alrok,

  • I was wondering, how do you know the lore factor of ingredients?

Another question, in your example to figure out the ingredient base value, you use the formula:
(B * 11/12 + 1.2 * L * X * 1/12) * (1 + sqrt(11/12) * M) * (1 + sqrt(1/12) * Y)

  • What is the 1.2? Is that the APM?
  • Also, why is the B not multiplied by L?

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New member
Apr 10, 2021
Thanks for this Alrok,

  • I was wondering, how do you know the lore factor of ingredients?

Another question, in your example to figure out the ingredient base value, you use the formula:
(B * 11/12 + 1.2 * L * X * 1/12) * (1 + sqrt(11/12) * M) * (1 + sqrt(1/12) * Y)

  • What is the 1.2? Is that the APM?
  • Also, why is the B not multiplied by L?


I believe Li and Bi are encapsulated in B, here. However, I think the 1.2 should be pulled out of that whole parenthesis since it's 1.2 times the sum of those values according to the formula.

I am also curious how to get the lore factor of ingredients. I can't imagine reverse engineering that just to get a lore factor...


New member
Dec 19, 2021
Finding Out Ingredient Properties

I’ll describe the approach I use to determine values for each of the ingredient effects. The values provided here are from the version of the game. They may change in the future, but the overall approach should remain the same unless the Alchemy mechanics are significantly overhauled.

Determining PDH, DHM, PHoT, HoTM, PHL, HLM, PAlc, AlcM.

We will use Common Vitis Juice (CVJ) as a base for determining these. It has non-zero PDH, PHoT, PHL, PAlc, which makes it easy to see if the ingredient in question has an effect on these properties. Common Vitis looks like grape and can be gathered in the Tindrem’s Orchard, which is not far southeast from Tindrem. Extract CVJ from Common Vitis using a Press that can be found in any town.

The values for Common Vitis Juice are as follows. I assume 100 skills for the bases. PDH = 1.2, PHoT = 0.036, PHL = 28.8, HLM = -0.8, PoTM = 0.64, PAlc = 0.12. Other properties are zero.

Now, for each of the properties, we need to find X and Y, where X is the base value and Y is the multiplier. B would be CVJ’s base value of the property, and M would be the multiplier; L is the lore multiplier for the ingredient in question.

If we mix 11 CVJ with 1 of our ingredient, we will see this result:

(B * 11/12 + 1.2 * L * X * 1/12) * (1 + sqrt(11/12) * M) * (1 + sqrt(1/12) * Y)

We have two unknowns (X and Y) so one equation won’t be enough to pinpoint their values unless both of them are 0. Let’s mix 11 CVJ with 2 of these and we’ll get:

(B * 11/13 + 1.2 * L * X * 2/13) * (1 + sqrt(11/13) * M) * (1 + sqrt(2/13) * Y)

Now we have two equations. But since the result is rounded, and we don’t know the exact value before rounding, we may still not have enough information. This gets especially problematic with PHoT and PPoT values, which tend to be pretty low and you may have multiple possible solutions for the property values even after trying to add 3, 4, 5, 6 of the ingredient to the potion. There are a few things that will help here:
  • The multipliers currently never have more than 2 decimal places. So you don’t need to bother about 0.155 being a possible solution. It’ll either be 0.15 or 0.16.
  • The bases never have more than 2 decimal places for all values except PHoT and PPoT. Those never have more than 3.
  • Once you tried adding 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the ingredient to 11 CVJ, you already have 6 values. If there are still multiple solutions, list out what the values would be for each of the solutions if you added more than 6 ingredients, up to 20. This is easy to do in a spreadsheet or with a little program. Find out where the values diverge and create that potion. That will pinpoint the correct solution.
If the ingredient has a 0 base and a 0 multiplier, you’ll see these property values when you add just 1 of the ingredient:
  • DH = 1.1
  • HoT = 0.033
  • HL = 6.179
If you see this value, you can safely assume 0 base and 0 multiplier and not waste the ingredient further.

Determining PDP, DPM, PPoT, PoTM, PPL, PLM.

This is very similar to the above, but we use the poisonous Nitre as a base instead. Nitre is very easy to obtain - just purchase it from a Magic Vendor.

The property values for Nitre are as follows. Again, bases are provided for 100 skills. Lore Factor for Nitre is 1. Adjust to your skills as needed. DHM = -0.19, HoTM = -0.1, HLM = -0.1, PDP = 3, DPM = -0.36, PPoT = 0.072, PoTM = -0.19, PPL = 14.4, AlcM = -1. Other properties are zero.

If the ingredient has a 0 base and a 0 multiplier, you’ll see these property values when you add just 1 of the ingredient:
  • DP = 1.802
  • PoT = 0.054
  • PL = 13.2
Direct Healing With Examples

There are three notable DH bases currently in the game:
  • Sea Dew Leaves (100-skill PDH = 2.4). Extracted from Sea Dew on a Herbologium.
  • Salvia Carpels (100-skill PDH = 3.0). Extracted from Salvia on a Herbologium.
  • Salvia Oil (100-skill PDH = 4.2). Extracted from Salvia Carpels in a Press.
And a bunch of multipliers:
  1. DHM = 0.96: Argus Sponge, Skadite.
  2. DHM = 0.69: Gold, Jadeite, Nitre Queen Carcass, Great Horn.
  3. DHM = 0.56: Pirum Juice, Electrum, Green Jambura Juice.
  4. DHM = 0.44: Gamun Oil, Compact Horn, Basileus, Minotaur Carcass, Kyanite, Pirum, Waterstone, White Bear Carcass, Blood Ore, Green Jambura, Muse Fruit (this one also has PDH = 0.3 with 100 skills).
  5. DHM = 0.21: Horn, Gamun Seeds, Allium, Coralis Crab Meat, White Cavolo, Common Reedmace Shoots (this also has PDH = 0.6 with 100 skills).
You can obtain the optimal ratio for each of the multiplier values to get the best DH result based on the formula used for computing the properties.

Say, you want to fill a Medium Vial. Its capacity is 40 PU. You need at 401-410 AW for that. Or 371-380 AW as an Alvarin with a Clade.

The best ratio for an Alvarin would be:
  • 268 of Base
  • 24 of 0.96 multipliers
  • 15 of 0.69 multipliers
  • 10 of 0.56 multipliers
  • 7 of 0.44 multipliers, and 8 of Muse Fruit because it also has a non-zero PDH.
So here is a 106.17 DH / 10 PU recipe that will yield 40 PU for an Alvarin:

Salvia Oil x268
Argus Sponge x24
Skadite x24
Jadeite x15
Nitre Queen Carcass x15
Great Horn x15
Gold x15
Pirum Juice x10
Electrum x10
Green Jambura Juice x10
Muse Fruit x8
Green Jambura x7
Pirum x7
Blood Ore x7
Compact Horn x7
Basileus x7

Since Salvia Oil is valuable, and that fractional .17 isn’t much of a use, you can reduce the amount of Salvia Oil in favor of the cheaper ingredients, while lowering the value to exactly 106 DH / 10 PU. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader.

If you’re not an Alvarin, you have to spend more ingredients to get the same effect:
  • 285 of Base
  • 26 of 0.96 multipliers
  • 16 of 0.69 multipliers
  • 11 of 0.56 multipliers
  • 7 of 0.44 multipliers, and 8 of Muse Fruit.
Keep in mind we completely discarded poison here. So the absolute best potion would have a different recipe. Unfortunately, because with the current balance PoT effect is negligible, the absolute best potion is almost no better than the one provided here. Hopefully, this will change in the future. As things currently stand, DH is the only property you should care about in Alchemy.
Not trying to steal anyone's secret recipes, but can anyone confirm there's other usefull potions like mana potions? Or is healing really the only thing currently worth it?


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Not trying to steal anyone's secret recipes, but can anyone confirm there's other usefull potions like mana potions? Or is healing really the only thing currently worth it?

Poison is planned, fire paste for arrows is not yet implemented from all I know (worked with the missing combine skill), other types of potions like mana potions are probably not in the game.
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New member
Mar 28, 2021
This guide aims to explain how Alchemy works. .

Maybe I'm dumb, how did you find out the lore factor for nitre is 1 and the.lore factor for her biology was 2/3? Like what test did you do to single out lore factors?


New member
Feb 1, 2022
Not trying to steal anyone's secret recipes, but can anyone confirm there's other usefull potions like mana potions? Or is healing really the only thing currently worth it?
purify potion also helps a lot ;)