Alchemy Basics

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
The mill can be used to convert Plants and maybe even seeds into powdery substances. E.g. grain in flour. I don't know if this is relevant for an alchemist, but certainly for a cook.

you can research on Cure Potions, Health Potions, Poison Potions, Horse Potions and stat
changing potions.

For example, horses can consume many more potion units than players. For these you can craft large VIas with glassblowing, and use Wolfsbrush instead of Seedew as a base material to make cheep horse Potions. (Seedew will of cause be better, but will cost a lot more cashmoney)

Here the stuff you need to craft vials. You won´t be able to buy them later on.

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Altadar Leviathan

New member
Feb 7, 2021
hi here,
some questions again :
- i found plants like (Lysimachia arvensirs , convolvulvaceae,...other) and i m not able to anything whit that. is that normal ? do i miss something ?
i ll be implemented later ?

- i m around MK and there is no press... is there another way to have T2 with material without the press ?

thank you

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I am not sure about this plants. They were not ingame, when i played MO1, but here is a lifemap, which you can use to see, which towns offer which crafting benches and machinery.,250000/106,312500/3

Some Plants not have tier 2 tier 3 Products. Maybe something for groth/shrinkfood/potions, to change the age or so. I don´t know.

If they not multiply healing i would put them aside. First i would research a healing Pot.


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
- i found plants like (Lysimachia arvensirs , convolvulvaceae,...other) and i m not able to anything whit that. is that normal ? do i miss something ?
i ll be implemented later ?
I have to get to Meduli and test it with the press. I dont think they are useful for alc. Moar like garnishment for dishes.


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
Base (B)
Each potion requires a Base material. The Base material is added into potions in multiples of 10, and must accompany at least one Active Ingredient (X). Better Bases will impact the end result according to their native strength. Note: Lores increase the resulting effect of a Base material's properties.

Active Ingredient (X)
A material of unknown properties accompanying the Base to yield a desired result. Once identified, the Active Ingredient is referred to according to its proper type (ie. as a Base or Volumizer ).

Volumizer (V)
A Volumizer (known in other guides as "fillers") acts to reduce the amount of Base material necessary in order to achieve the desired resulting PU while retaining its inherent properties; it is expressed either as a percentage of the Base or as a ratio. This will be explained more in depth later.

Neutralizer (N)
A material that when used in a potion, removes an unwanted effect (such as Direct Poison) in order to achieve a desired result.

Multiplier (M)
A multiplier (may also be referred to as an "adder") increases the effect of another Active Ingredient (x), such as Direct Heal (DH), Healing over Time (HoT), Direct Poison (DP), or Poison over Time (PoT), in order to increase desired results.

Forget everything you know. Thats all you need to know, right there.


Active member
Jan 14, 2021
Nope, thats a primmer. It will guild you to all things alc in MO2. I try not to exact it out like that.
Im going to do my own ratios, which is dumb and wont work as well as the above mentioned.
But I just throwing an X factor in to see if I get lucky and discover new stuff.
Im going to put in fractions of the active ingrediants, write down the results and choice different fractions if I dont like the result.
Thats stupid because the formula to do it correctly is right there. Using that formula wont steer you wrong and you will get max yield from the materials.

Altadar Leviathan

New member
Feb 7, 2021
i m totaly lost, will you have the kindness to send me 2 or 3 basics examples ? to have an overview of what is usefull, how quantify it...etc...

it will be really usefull
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
i m totaly lost, will you have the kindness to send me 2 or 3 basics examples ? to have an overview of what is usefull, how quantify it...etc...

Very simple start: Gather Sea Dew at the sea of Meduli, use Hermologicum to extract Sea Dew Leaves from Sew Dew. Then buy a vial and go to the alchemy table. Create your first potion from 11 Sea Dew Leaves. Now start to gather many additional materials and try again. The order of additional materials is usually below 10% of the main material. So try another potions with 31 Sea Dew Leaves and 1 item of the second material.
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Active member
Jan 14, 2021
Using Sea Dew and Purified Water as a starting potion.

So your Base Material: Purified Water - True for 99% of Beginner Alc Recipes.
Active Ingredient: Sea Dew /[Desired Effect] - direct healing.
Volumizer: Anything you want - (this is the trickly part) - How are you going to increase the amount of Your Desired Effect, in this case +Direct Healing. with minimal dilution-
-Try throwing stuff like Calamine in, maybe Wolf Brush. Those are pretty harmless materials and there are also oils and other solvents that can be Volumizers, Neutralizers or Multipliers, or All of the aforementioned.

Neutralizer: Anything you want -(this is the trickly part) - What (bad) effect do you need to Negate. If you have a super awesome potion that took 6 ingredients but has +2 to direct poison, you need to find a 7th and/or 8th material to dilute the poison effect.

Multiplier: Anything you want -(this is the trickly part) - Finding something that compliments your Desired Affect is tough.
-Common Sea Dew processing makes +.5 to Direct Healing potions. Its very easy to up that by introducing another material with say, +.20 to direct healing.
-But as newbs, this is our stumbling block, BECAUSE often times that +.20 actually dilutes the over product, ESPCIALLY when trying to mess with Volumizers.

Conclusion: Mix it up, seek known recipes from potion masters (maybe, proceed at yur own risk with that one).

I will share recipe when I can, but Im sure the common Recipes are about to be told to everyone. Their are a few really good starter recipes at there. Ask around and people will be glad to share the common ones.
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May 28, 2020
This is from my thread @ MO1 forum. Since I'm currently not playing I cannot say if this is accurate but I believe it still is... to some degree ofc :)

If you do not agree with something I posted in this thread, I encourage you to respond here and tell me why!

22-03-2017 Update - Added several Multipliers/Adders! Intervals has been updated and is now more accurate!
26-02-2017 Update - Research of many Multipliers and Adders can now be found below!

Greetings Mortals

In this brief guide, I will show you how to test alchemy materials and what to look for concerning Healing Potions. Thus, other kinds of effects related to alchemy will not be in focus. However, I believe this system for how to test Direct Healing (DH) is also shared by other effects such as Healing Over Time (HOT), Direct Poison and so on.

I believe the alchemy system is so old now, that the sensation of discovery is stale and posting my results won’t do much harm. It’s time to make it well known and accessible for everyone, especially the new players!

Healing Potions is all about increasing the DH of the base material. A good alchemist can reduce the price of the mixture by knowing the correct percentage of each material in the mixture. I hope by making this guide, more people will try out the alchemy profession as they will know how to start and what to look for. Making an alchemist is still a lot of work but doing the research from scratch without knowing how the system works can be a massive challenge.

Before I begin, I want to share some useful tips:
  • The reason I choose the word “advanced” is simple that I will not explain every aspect and detail of the alchemy system. There is a guide written by Ninen which you can find in the Nobleman’s Wisdom section and I would encourage you to read it before continuing with this test guide.
  • To start your research, you will need to buy a bunch of vials for mixing purpose. The size of the vial is completely up to you but going over 15 PU vials will not really be necessary and only more expensive. Having more than 1 vial to make several mixtures at once is a great help.
  • A good spreadsheet is the way forward! I recommend using Microsoft Excel to write down your research and the percentage of the mixture. You will NOT be able to remember your mixtures and alchemy is a lot of trial and error – thus writing it down on paper can be tedious and unconstructive. Besides, you will be required to do some basic math and Excel is an excellent tool for this purpose.
  • Having large quantities of your base material is important. You will spend a lot of it!
  • You should ofc have full lores. Otherwise you will not be able to determine the correct percentage and you will receive lower values.
  • In alchemy, a material can be distinguished into the following categories:
Base: A material with a high DH such as Sea Dew, Salvia, Common Vitus.
Multiplier: A material which multiplies the DH with X-amount (>1). OBS! This material do not add any volume to the potion!
Adder/Filler: A material which multiplies the DH with X-amount (>1). OBS! This material do add volume to the potion!
  • Multipliers and Adders is multiplying the value of the DH (not just adding a constant value of +1 for example). If Sea Dew Leaves has 24% DH, a multiplier will have a factor of above 1 thus, increasing 24 to a greater value. By using a stronger base the extra DH value is easier to recognize.
The Testing

LINK HERE! You will need this tool for testing purpose. All credits go to Golgotha for this tool!

When you’re in the game, tab out and run this tool as Admin. You will need an AutoHotkey software to run it. It will show you a red thin vertical line which can be set from 0%-100% by using the scroll-function on your mouse. The numpad keys will move “the origin” of the tool and you should adjust the bar to when it’s at 0% to the start of the materials DH bar. Thus, you can scroll up until the bar is between the two arrows and read what percentage the DH is. This is how you will do the testing in game.

Sea Dew Leaves (SDL) is an excellent Base material for illustrating this method. Using 11 units of SDL in a potion will yield 1 Potion Unit (PU). How potent the mixture is, does not depend on the numbers of PU. It’s all about the percentage of the materials in the potion. Now you have your 100% SDL potion and you can use your AutoHotKey tool to read the exact percentage (which should be 24%). This means, that you now know the base value of SDL and by mixing it with a different material(s) you can see if the %-DH changes. Below is a table showing you an example of how the testing setup (in Excel) could be and starter mixture for testing a material.


The first mixture (1??? + 10SDL) is very useful as some materials will not add any volume to the potion. If the material has no volume, the mixture cannot be made and your Potion Window will simple close and you will receive the used material in your inventory. The second mixture (1???+100SDL) is just an example of what percentage you could start out with. Testing for all materials can be tedious and I recommend finding some good mixture percentages to quickly determine the category for the material. Most materials will obviously not be useable in alchemy.

Please note, a stronger base will make it easier for you to determine the effect of the added material. Thus, Sea Dew Leaves will be better than using Sea Dew. Salvia Oil is absolutely the best but way too expensive for testing purpose.

Let’s move on and talk about the target interval you want to use for the different materials. Let’s say you found an Adder. You tested that it adds +1 DH to your SDL potion at a mixture of 5.00%. Now the important testing begins! You will need to find at what percentage the material has its highest effect on the base. Say, if you test the same material again with a different percentage (say material has 10% in the mixture) the DH falls beneath the threshold of a pure SDL potion. This means, somewhere between 5% and 10% the DH drops. You can actually determine the precise threshold with an accuracy of 0.01% using the correct mixture (percentage calculation in Excel makes this an easy job!). After this you should determine the lower threshold and find the minimum requirement for its highest potency. For some materials, this threshold (percentage interval) depends on the base material you use. Salvia Oil may have a different treshold than Sea Dew Leaves.

So now you’ve found a lot of different Multipliers and Adders. Some with a greater multiplication factor than others but also more expensive. What do to next? – Time to mix them together!

You have room for 14 ingredients in a potion. 1 of the slots is reserved for the Base leaving room for 13 Multipliers/Adders. Now it is very important that you distinguish between what materials add volume and which doesn’t. The Multipliers percentage should account for the PU volume without looking at other Multipliers volume as they will not influence the PU. Example:

10Base + 2Adder + 2Adder + 1Multiplier + 1Multiplier = 1PU. The two Multipliers will have a percentage of 7.14% each without influencing each other or the full mixture. However, if you insert another Adder (or add more Base) you will mess with the overall percentage and you’ll have to check if the Multipliers percentage is still in between its correct interval. So basically, you must secure that all the Multipliers/Adders percentage is in the correct interval. Lots of opportunities in this part of the testing phase. Hopefully you won’t just rush headless into this and make the most expensive potion without considering other materials with same multiplication factor.

If you have any question concerning the testing of materials in alchemy – just ask! I have tried to make this guide as clear as possible but my English could always improve :b



  • High Direct Healing
  • Multiplies the Direct Healing without adding any mass to the potion
  • Multiplies the Direct Healing while also adding mass to the potion
  • Based on the additional Direct Healing adding to a pure Sea Dew Leaves potion. If 0 DH is added to the potion, the material is rank 0. If 1 DH is added to the potion, the material is rank 1. These values will change using another Base!
  • Recommend interval for each material for full efficiency. Intervals may change if another base than Sea Dew Leaves is used!

*Rank 0-1 Adders probably have a lower percentage than 0.25% but I didn't bother to experiment with lower mixture percentages cus' of high use of Base which would be required for each test. Example: 1Adder + 1000Base would be 0.10% of Adder
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Altadar Leviathan

New member
Feb 7, 2021
i begin to see how cooking works and quantities.

But i m really lost with alchemy can't do something usefull.

IF one of you could you please send me something ? even 2 examples with inside 4 ingredients ? to have an idea regarding quantities and stuff like that...
cause i tried many thing execpt see dew and i can't have any thing.

it will be really nice and helpfull !! and i sware to keep it for me if you wish and send back later on i of my recipe when i ll find it out !!


New member
Jan 26, 2022
How do i learn the alchemical dissolvents skill? I can't seem to find any info on it.


Nov 26, 2020
How do i learn the alchemical dissolvents skill? I can't seem to find any info on it.
don't think its in game yet, you can still use them but they don't give any skill and act as if u already have it at 100.