Your opinion is noted, it won't stop people considering you RPK though.
Your failure to explain why what you do in Region B is more important than what you do in Region A is noted.
What people consider me or my guild to be is irrelevant. More often than not, people mislabel other guilds in MO, both intentionally and out of ignorance. This should not be news to anyone with some time in the game.
What is more troubling is that there are apparently still people stuck in archaic labeling. When a guild is under some circumstances yellow and under other circumstances red, they are not capable of understanding the concept of "orange". They will resort to a futile attempt to label said guild either yellow or red. Based on what? They can't explain.
What is clear however is that this futile attempt to stick to "simple labels" comes from a need to keep things simple and easy. It's stressful on the brain to take nuance into consideration, of course.
I'll you people the complexities of adding Region C into the mix. If it's already too difficult to understand 2 regions, understanding different behaviour across 3 regions is not going to happen.