A Smoothbrain Opinion - Buff Humans


Jan 4, 2021
Hello, thursar player here. I'm Wolf, better known in these parts as RoleplayingaMinstrel. I play a smoothbrain character: 0 int, 0 psy. My very favorite thing: hit things with sword on stick.
Humans are weak. They have received nerf after nerf. The change to more linear scaling on dex, int, and psy, hit humans harder than any other clade because humans' main advantage are their high stats. Reaching nonlinear breakpoints helped humans pack a bit more of a punch. Veelas saw similar penalties and received compensation buffs in the form of their clades. Human combat clades are non-existent, with the exception of damage reduction to allies. They have nothing special. Magic resist is a joke compared to the survivability of every other clade. I think Oghmir are in a great spot right now. Their pipe, now that the animation bugged has been fixed, is a pretty serious survivability tool, as is the potion utilization clade. Humans are slower than veelas, weaker than thursars, and less tanky than oghmir. What is their bonus?
If magic resistance is the "bonus" of humans, they need more power in the stats and clades.
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