Honestly, the real question is whether I am choosing the right professions, to begin with. I know this has been discussed time and time again, so I won't bore you with it. It is just something I need to get my head around. I don't have a lot of play time available so I need to find something I can do in a couple of hours that will bring in enough money so I can play the game. Right now, I have mining, extracting, and axe crafting.
Stay all crafting and run broker. I would definitely spec great blades. It's an interesting time for Mortal Online, a lot of young merchant's dreams are being crushed. I can get buy orders filled in Meduli for Jadeite for 15g/k. That's insanely low. It's not rip off low, but it's close. You should spec so that you don't even have to mine that much, unless you are bored, and go somewhere that you can do intake outtake extraction. You will have to mine at first tho, or something, to make money.
I spec 100 in all weps. I don't have lance or pole axe maxed cuz I just got the books, but I really think having it all maxed is good. I have the luxury of having a friend who is an extractor, so I can afford to take extra professions. Botany is a good choice for axes. I really like the way spongewood handles work for heavy weps, like axes. They can knock a good .2 or more off the wt. It hurts dura, but if you are using a good mat as the head, the dura seems determined by how much of each item was used, and in an axe, it uses a lot of head mat.
You just have to find a place to set up shop. If you come to Hyll I can prol put you to work haha. I dunno if the game is even working, and I feel like I WANNA QUIT when it starts derping out server-wise, but my PoV would be go to Meduli and if you got some time to research the market, get in on some money, sell jade stuff, sell cuprum, messing, flake comes in from the west jungle. The only thing you're not gonna be messing with right there is steel, but it requires multiple parts and such, and in duli you can just spam saburra and run a very fast moving market.
Just my 2c.