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  1. Treud

    Diva System & Multi accounts

    we don't even know what will be this Diva system, so like been said, running MO2 with Epic + Steam can be a good solution. Even I would prefer to lower my account numbers!
  2. Treud

    Diva System & Multi accounts

    Hi ! Since Henrick is talking about a Diva system and many of us have multiple accounts, a good idea could be (against a fee) to allow the merge of 2 accounts. We have to find a way to prevent account stealing but it shouldn't be an issue by verifying the payment method of both accounts...
  3. Treud

    Armor weight and speed.

    you get the point ! Yes i'm not outrun with horse, what I see is more and more Alvarin to have the clade speed boost !
  4. Treud

    Armor weight and speed.

    I don't know what it was in MO1 , but as far I see at the moment, sprinting speeds should be different depending on the armor you have (even with armor training). No idea as well what are the plan for this, but for me being outrun riding a horse almost by an Alvarin in plate (with clade), makes...
  5. Treud

    Zoology and PvP

    Thanks !
  6. Treud

    Zoology and PvP

    from the latest patchnote " Damage dealt to and received from AI will now be affected by the player’s Zoology skill of that family (except humans, alvarin, oghmir, thursar). Is this means that Zoology won't affect PvP ? Thanks !