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  1. B

    Pure Mage VS Pure Footie

    OP: Mage shouldn't just be a support class, but should be able to solo. Piet: Mage is support. OP: Yes, but it shouldnt just be. Piet: but it iz OP: Whole topic is about that it shouldnt. Piet: Buuuut it izzzz. "Valuable input" right there...
  2. B

    Suggestion to improve player experience for Foot Fighters

    Wasn't this a feature in MO1 already. The knock down effect, just extended to foot fighting.
  3. B

    Can't log in?

    Hey, did you get it resolved? I have the same problem now, Farm Joe asked for my Steam ID, but I haven't gotten anything back since.
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    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    And still dex mages are way more prevalent than fat mages.
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    Is there a plan to nerf magic soon?

    Each patch has a new flavour of the month. Prerelease Sheevra dex warriors was meta, the.when cleric glade got a huge buff, everyone rerolled human. Then someone figured out Styganthrope is powerful and everyone rerolled Thursar. Then Tower shields came out and everyone rerolled to Oghmir...
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    Does Dex 25-53 have any movement difference?

    As per the title. I checked Mortal Data and doesnt seem to effect movement speed. Is this correct or a flaw of the site? It remains Combat Movement 390.
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    On Gear, Troll Test:

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    Elementalist - Race, Starting Stats, General Info?

    Are you guys sure Tactician will work, right? You have tested it? Because:
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    Why is mental healing getting nerfed?

    I saw a Levia mage in full Oghmium with an almost constant full 180 mana bar. This, this is why.
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    Making Tower Shields more heavy is not enogh to properly balance them

    This forces groups to incorporate mages, not just for healing, but to deal with shield turtles. Not sure it will work, but the the idea is quite radicala and intriguing.
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    Missing Trinkets

    We tried that, but they couldn't find it and unfortunately I kept hte trinkets there for some time.
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    Mage Changes poll

    So I'm seeing a lot of turtles as of late. Lighter armour and big tower shields. Shield changes made the mage built sillier, not better.
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    Missing Trinkets

    Thanks for the advice, but it wasn't in any bags though, as I knew about that bug. I did go to the inventory slots I left them in and acted as if there is an item inside and moved it about. No luck. It was 4 trinkets. Worth over 4k. It hurts to the point that it makes me not want to play. I...
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    Missing Trinkets

    I have lost a few trinkets from my Bank and Chests since the patch. Has anyone else experienced this? The GMs did try to help and find it, but is seems they have no trace of it.
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    Lesser Healing vs Greater Healing

    With the new Magic Reflect, most definitely.
  16. B

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    *time watsed: all your time playing a mage
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    shield to armor weight nerf

    Where did you hear that they plan to do this?
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    Murder Count Fix and bounties

    The offline decrease is slow enough. It takes ages to decrease. I would expect there will be a lot of RPKers that will say the exact opposite to what you are saying.
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    Some feedback regarding necro

    Thanks. Yeah it is who I thought it is ...
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    Some feedback regarding necro

    Do you have a link, I'm just curious to see it.