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  1. Finnley

    These are the biggest issues in MO2 and how to fix them

    @Sebastian Persson @Henrik Nyström Cheats, exploits In my opinion the biggest problem with hackers at the moment are real money traders solo farming dungeons and then selling the loot for real life money. The problem here is that they seem to be making enough money to keep going with new...
  2. Finnley

    Book reading time

    Maximum time to read a book should be capped at around 48h
  3. Finnley

    Extraction Overspecialisation

    Why do all extraction actions require three different skills: Material lore skills Extraction machine skills Extraction type skills Just get rid of the Extraction type section, it makes no logical sense that you need extra skill points when you already know how to work with the machine and the...
  4. Finnley

    Everything wrong with Myrland in a nutshell

    Whoever designed this map should be forced to ride to Hyllspeia from Morin Khur and back until all eternity. On a serious note devs please take a horse ride out of Hyllspeia up to the glacier then down to the steppe into Morin Khur valley, at this point you will have realized that you cant just...
  5. Finnley

    Risar Handles

    It was completely unnecesarry to split up all the risar handles into sepperate skills littering the whole handle section and making it extremely annoying to get the risar books you are still missing. Atleast make them risar 1h and risar 2h only and not this complete garbage. Its not good game...
  6. Finnley

    Make Bosses not Spawn

    Make Bosses not spawn if there is only 3 players or less in the boss room to make it harder for real money traders/cheater and other exploiters to farm them. Its intendet to be a group activity. Small change big impact @LGM Discord @Herius @Henrik Nyström @Farmerjoe
  7. Finnley

    Bag Icons make no sense

    The bag icons make no sense, a small coin pouch is the biggest bag while a full backpack is the secound smallest Please sort them from smallest to largest container Pls fix k thx bye
  8. Finnley

    War System, my thoughts

    We need a proper war system because right now you just get punished for PvPing This is how it could work in my opinion: Declare war on anybody, war starts a certain time after declaration so people dont abuse it for quick ganks. System warning for everyone that logs in from involved guilds...
  9. Finnley

    Red Cape and decaying corpse in Haven

    Currently you can childtraffic a full inventory of red capes from Haven. Please restrict this to one equipped decaying corpse can spawn inside the ground or rocks mega frustrating pls fix
  10. Finnley

    Audio Settings or rather the lack of it

    No environment slider, nothing drives me more mad than those constant bird sounds No effects slider No disable own footstep sounds I have my voice chat on maximum and can hardly hear people talking and when i hear them the maximum distance is like 3m
  11. Finnley

    Quality of life or rather the lack of it

    Please remove durability based damage reduction from weapons completely, its just stupid. Please add a notice that your weapon is at low durability when you hit below 10% durability. Please add basic map to vendors outside of haven. Please add nodrop worn shortsword to vendors outside of haven...
  12. Finnley

    Housing Mechanics or rather the lack of it

    Why implement housing/keeps when they are completely unfinished Nobody wants content thats half implemented and not working properly Currently there is no guild owned house mechanic, its always player owned and thats completely retarted No rank/permission mechanic No whitelisting mechanic No...
  13. Finnley

    Salvaging or rather the lack of it

    For years the excuse for not having a salvaging/repairing mechanic was that it wont work with how items are saved in the database or something... The game got completely remade but theres no salvaging or repair mechanic. This is horrible
  14. Finnley

    Vendor Armor

    Vendor Armor should have a different armor style so its easier to identify noobs from real players and they get slaugthered less often accidentally Also dont need to have multiple armor styles for vendor armor Something that looks alot more rudamental and represents the defense values more...
  15. Finnley

    Trying to leave Haven

    So i just tryed to leave Haven and got this amazing error message. This is a stupid timer and its even more stupid that it affects Haven transfers. All these concerns that switching servers might be bad for the economy wont matter shit if theres no one playing anymore.
  16. Finnley

    Myrland Instances

    The myrland server can only hold around 2-2.5k players, those numbers can easily be verified when you check how many people can get ingame at server restarts. A minimum capacity of 10k is required to support the current playerbase. In a normal game the server restarts takes around half an hour...
  17. Finnley

    Parcel Delivery Quests Reward

    Parcel Delivery Quest rewards are way too low for the time investment. Reputation gain should not be too easy to reagain and should stay the same but additionally to the reward of your choice there should be a gold reward that somewhat represents the time investment. The reward needs to scale...
  18. Finnley

    Quadra Khans

    Apperently there are rumors that the Quadra Khans have merged or are allied with other guilds. Just to clear this up, The guild Quadra Khans is neutral and for now has no political standing whatsoever with any guild. Sadly some of our members that played the Beta very actively have decided to...
  19. Finnley

    Server Capacity

    The server capacity is locked to something below 5k Players since i am sitting in queue eventough less than 5K are playing atm (according to steam charts) Thats a silly small number for such a silly huge map with gigantic destered filler space and only a few locations of interest. Thats a big...
  20. Finnley

    "Epic" PvP