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  1. A

    Why is fishing primary, need more secondaries.

    Why is fishing primary? We need more stuff, like fishing, which anyone can do without gimping something else. It adds "busy work" that you can do just for the sake of it. Akin to deciding to level woodcutting or smth in runescape. It gives you stuff you can level, and spend time doing after...
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    Solo and small scale pvp

    I known MO is a mmo, and it should not cater to solo play per say. But I think there is an important balance aspect in giving some tools for smaller groups to combat larger groups. Both to increase the skillgap but also to not just make it a perpetual x+1 fight. At the moment the combination...
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    My desktop pc died, and my laptop is well on its way towards the same fate. Ideally I would get another desktop, but that is not really an option for the next couple of years, so im looking at laptops, but its been such a long time since I needed to buy one that I have no clue about what im...
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    Change the login screen

    I really think the current login screen is ugly, it honestly reminds me of what a kid would make and doesnt really convey the 'feeling' of mortal online. Personally I think the original one Does a much better job, but that may just be nostalgia. Oh, and please add some artwork to the loading...
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    Keep the roadmap history

    Small thing, but keep the roadmap so people can go back and see what was added previously. Quick way for new people to see how much stuff is added, and get an impression that the game is continually updated. See the EVE roadmap with a 'past, present and future' section.