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  1. S

    Spiritism: Allow Spiritists to "Spirit Bind" equipped Weapons and Armor.

    I've always seen Spiritism as a magic school that should give high utility, especially around dying. I would like to propose a way to allow players to keep their armor and weapons after dying and reviving WITHOUT throwing off the MO2 that requires gear to be lost and destroyed to work. Spirit...
  2. S

    Give Female Blainn Beard Options

    Normally something like this would go under "troll thread", but in this case I am legitimately asking for beard options on a female model. Blainn are already hairy little yeti dwarves, why not give style options for how the females groom their neck locks? Otherwise we're stuck with permeant...
  3. S

    Is anyone going to play a pacifist?

    Just a post to get people thinking about how they want to play! Background: I distinctly remember in EvE there was a exploration group called the Signal Cartel who took an oath of pacifism towards all players (if you were an NPC, tough luck). In fact, the guild went as far as helping ships that...
  4. S

    Horse Stats Suggestion: Preventing Perfection

    Before I post let me preface this by saying we don’t know what we don’t know. There’s little information to go on about mounts and pets other than what we already have in Mortal Online 1. I believe animal gameplay has room for improvement from MO1 and hope the devs are hard at work making an...
  5. S

    Aiming and Target Name Text

    So, I was testing a bow the other day and was having a fun time trying to hit Springbok from a good range. When I got closer the name of my target popped up under my aiming reticle. The problem was the text covered my target, making it hard to see when it started to move. Suggestions: -Give the...