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  1. P

    Ledger System

    It would be nice to have a Ledger in game that you can access from your character that would let you see what items you have stored where. From an RP standpoint it would be like every time you deposit something into a box/bank you write a record of that item being stored there, and deleting it...
  2. P

    Add visual outlaw trigger

    They could maybe do something like one of the outlaws is visible and moving around while the gang of them is invisible. Maybe you can see a distortion effect when you are close enough to tell how many there are. Maybe a future ability/skill would be a way to break their invisibility. Like...
  3. P

    Add a house survey item/ability

    That would be nice. Players can decide if they want to spend the extra money on a survey prior to taking the deed/building mats. Could make the cost of the survey be more for larger buildings. Like if you want to survey the buildable area for a town vs a small house standalone.
  4. P

    Elementalism - Magery

    From my experience, elementalism packs a punch and rewards those that land the spells, especially in AoE. If you can max range and cast, you can clear most things before it even reaches you or has a chance to fight back. If it gets the jump on you though it's a completely different story...
  5. P

    Concentration Sucks

    Concentration has always annoyed me in PVE. The options Billbonty mentioned would be a good change. Another alternative is an internal timer that gives immunity to interrupts from melee so the interrupt can only happen every x times in x seconds. Or another option is make melee/spells...
  6. P

    Diva System & Multi accounts

    A short window for the merger would also work. Like say 30 days after subs are added to merge accounts that existed prior to the patch. After the patch drops then it's on the player if they setup a new account or not.
  7. P

    Trinket Rerolling Suggestion

    Change the rerolling to have a flux for metal stats and a new flux for gem stats. If you use a metal flux (say silver flux) it keeps the gem stats and only rerolls the metal stats. If you use a gem flux (say topaz flux) it keeps the metal stats and only rerolls the gem stats. Make silver...
  8. P

    Way to make junk trinkets still have some value.

    1. Let us use trinkets in ritualism. The pet gains the stats of the trinket used, but destroys the trinket. Can only add a ring or amulet, but not both. Trinket needs to be charged and identified to be used. 2. Let us break down the trinket. Have two different option. 1. You destroy the...
  9. P

    NPC PVP Missions

    Add in an NPC for each crafting profession (blacksmithing, armorcrafter, alchemist, butcher, etc). Each NPC would be trapped in a dungeon and only 1 exists in the world for each crafting type. Once rescued you could escort the NPC back to your SH/Keep. You could use the birds to find the...
  10. P

    Etherworld Portal suggestion

    Grant vision in a small radius around the portal for players/npcs/tames, but not chests/boxes/barrels/etc. Make the vision work both ways. This would allow the spiritist to exit the portal more safely, but also notify people if they are trying to "spy" on them from the spirit world. The cast...
  11. P


    Add the spell Chickaboom to the game. Spell enrages nearby chickens to attack anyone near them and causes them to explode after a few seconds.
  12. P

    Spiritism Suggestion

    Spiritism feels a bit lack luster at the moment. I don't think it's terrible, but it definitely could use some love. How about making a spirit pet that you can release from your spirit box. It's a non-combat pet that offers some auras. Maybe have 3 different ones that you can acquire. 1...
  13. P

    Mages: Ecumenical Changes

    You could make it a combo. Reflects back a percentage of the damage and the person it is cast on takes the damage of whatever it didn't reflect. Scales based on armor weight. Zero armor reflects back the full amount, heavy armor maybe reflects 10% or something.
  14. P

    Spell Suggestion

    Can you add to the spell book information a indicator for how many spells of each school the book contains? ECU - 5/10 NEC - 6/12 ANI - 0/5 SPI - 5/8 TOTAL - 16/35 Something like that. Something like that so we know if it's a full spell book for a particular school of magic instead of trying...
  15. P

    Nearest Priest Suggestion

    Can you add an effect to the Red Beam that would indicate it is the closest priest that you will teleport to? This way you have an idea where you will end up when you press the nearest priest button.
  16. P

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    I would like to see mounted magery maybe reduce the casting penalty by 50% and maybe change it so mounted magery only does like 90% of damage instead of 100%?