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  1. F

    Ritual Buff needs to come ASAP!

    I don't think they need to be OP. Nothing in the game should be OP but the current situation of ritualism is a design shame. Starvault forced players into it spending ridiculous amounts of hours and gold into it but in the end let them realise that this was a goldsink for nothing and there are...
  2. F

    Ritual Buff needs to come ASAP!

    Ritualism is a joke right now. Takes around 60-70 hours to Level if you farm the carcass by yourself, 3200 gold for the ritual candles and tables not to mention that transporting them is dangerous. My tupilak with clothos maiden queen carcass and 100gold adamant gems do 45 damage to naked...
  3. F

    Improve and unify the way how to select spells you cast

    I know @Henrik Nyström asked us in one of his streams, what we would think about that all spellschools are able to be casted while "walking". I rather have all spellschools be able to get precasted and you can decide after you memorize it if you want to cast it on yourself or on somebody else...
  4. F

    Fairly Simple Fix To Current Racial Balance Issues

    I would love to see the quickdraw clade and the cleric clade change to have manaregen bottom out changed to 25% doesen't matter how heavy the armor is you wear (while still keeps the 4kg increase what it is right now). So in theory with some int and psy you should be able to maintain at least...
  5. F

    Fairly Simple Fix To Current Racial Balance Issues

    I do think that the changes are fair. I would add the following: Human Warcry. So Humans are kind of Leaders in Battle and they play mostly a more hybrid way therefore i would change the warcry to become a 50% mana regen increase buff for allies and self for 20-30 sec. Mana ticks very low and...
  6. F

    Combine Tool

    It is supposed that you can poison weapons and also arrows with the combine tool. Not at the start of it but in the near future it should be possible.
  7. F

    Pets vs Melee

    First of all you seem to had a very good childhood. I gues a lot of people like to go out and drink a beer with you? Second: If you bring something to the table it better be facts or some nerd like me comes and puts you in the same drawer like all these other assumption boys that actually never...
  8. F

    Ranged Combat Rework

    We all have to face the truth that melees are the favored spec in this game. A melee is still the jack of all trades. They can outrun every other build in full oghmium armor because strength scaling is much better than dex scaling when it comes to stamina not to mention that overall...
  9. F

    Why it feels bad to be a Pure Mage & What can be done to fix it

    I agree with this. Right now magic is in a very bad position and you are not able to fight people with it UNLESS you have a melee weapon equipped and be able to parry/block hits. I mean why the hell do i have to wear a door and a dagger as a mage in this game? I want to cast spells and nothing...
  10. F

    Weak Spot Spears:

    Ok so my first toon in MO2 was a hybrid footfighter with spears. I had a lot of weakspots in pve and pvp in the first couple of months. I quit playing him and he is more of a crafter for me now. SV must have definetely patched it out for some stupid reason. It was working very well before but...
  11. F

    Weak Spot Spears:

    Like I said you need to hit the head. There is no weakspot on other bodyparts! ONLY thrust attack and ONLY head works!
  12. F

    Weak Spot Spears:

    Training dummy -> any spear you craft will weakspot with a thrust attack to the head in under 100 hits.
  13. F

    Weak Spot Spears:

    You can weakspot with spears but only head. I also saw swords weakspotting with thrust attack to the head. They do not weakspot to body or limbs though like dagger is doing but it is false that they do not exist.
  14. F

    Why it feels bad to be a Pure Mage & What can be done to fix it

    Don't forget the graveyard griefers with starter swords. Where are all the starter reagents that automaticly refill after death and can not be dropped? Just joking of course but the truth is that mages are not even skillheavy like this guy describes them when speaking about nukers: I'm sorry...
  15. F

    Discussion on the Implementation of Staff Magic

    Do the Staffmagic scale of int or psy? Will it have charges or just durability that drops on using it? Using scrolls for the staff will make this unbelieveable expensive. I think that for crafting such a staff you need scribing and the staffcrafting profession and you can only scribe spells...
  16. F

    Whoever does the balance at SV should be fired. (Event-Droprate-Nerf)

    Dude the drop rate "adjust" hotfix is not the worst tbh. Supposedly they do have a Q+A team. Implementing an Archery rework and forgot the controlled aiming book ... enough said. Whoever is doing the Q+A needs to get fired immediately. How is something like this possible? Starvault could save a...
  17. F

    Paladins/Deathknights & Mages: Resting & Mana Regen

    Manapotions could be an option or make us able to leech Mana in PVE with Mental Leech. But this is again Melee vs Mage. While they have absolutely Zero downtime in doing stuff, mages need to commit a shit ton more to be kind of viable. We are not allowed to exist, only to function as a heal or...
  18. F

    Why it feels bad to be a Pure Mage & What can be done to fix it

    There would be an easy fix to all of that: Make all current and following spellschools be able to cast while moving and make us able to decide after the cast if we want to use the spell on ourselves or on enemies (Q or E) This is the only rework we need to fix a lot of problems. Right now the...
  19. F

    Skill Checked: Magic Schools vs Purify & Reflect

    That is wrong. The Skill does not matter. You need a higher Psyche to take over the Walkers AND this could potentially be something we can use for MR and Purify as well. The reflect only works if your reflects shield is higher psy than your psy and you can only purify spells that are cast with...
  20. F

    Mortal Online 2: The Injustice of a player base

    You have to know, i commited my whole skills and attributes to be the fastest. I have reduced intelligence and can not heal or damage like a fat mage can. I bought rings with raw dex just to be able to not get slaughtered on the battlefield and increase my move speed even more. I'm lean and have...