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  1. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Not Quitting BUT

    My accounts are unsubbed and won't be reseubbed until Sarducca releases. Cheers all.
  2. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Yuge Win

    MO2 back baby. Dukie land to save the world. Super hyped.
  3. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Nerf Swords

    Steel HGB swords are hitting steel for 40+, with Ogh swords hitting for 50+ on Merc Steel/IF. Swords are fast, consume a low amount of stamina, have four directions of attack, do good damage on all tiers of armor, and have a massive strike area. For this reason, the sword is the most versatile...
  4. MortalEnjoyer42069

    The Game is Self Defeating

    I used the free days to play on some accounts that I haven't touched since subs came out. The accounts were empty with some completed and incomplete builds, but are essentially limited to a soul bound short sword. This is what a new player would experience coming into the game for Haven. I...
  5. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Remove No Interrupt Mastery

    Mages have effectively no counter anymore. They can just spam death hand on any fighter in the game and kill them almost instantly. This mastery has ruined the game.
  6. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Fix Earthquake Already

    This skill needs to check against Knockdown Resistance. Zero KD resist equals 25 damage to dismount; like everything else in the game. 100 KD resist equals 50 damage to dismount. Make it happen SV. Mounted is completely unplayable in the games current state due to everyone running EQ. This is...
  7. MortalEnjoyer42069

    War Targets

    You guys need to completely revert the war system. Let us fight in towns and let us loot war targets as necessary. Bring back the destruction of of a guild's guild stone. Make siege declarations not required for war targets. If your guild gets blown up you can't join a guild for 14-30 days...
  8. MortalEnjoyer42069

    RIP MO2 Balance

    Alvarin cry babies have ruined the game. All other clades are worthless. You want to win? Roll an elf. Best FF, mage, hybrid, mounted, etc.
  9. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Not EU - Uninstall

    I'm just simply over it at this point and I think I'm gonna stop playing. The game is not skill based in terms of melee PvP. If you have higher ping, you lose.
  10. MortalEnjoyer42069

    9/11 Stream

    Alvarins now bypass armor with the runner high clade "like weak spot" does. It's like they want the game to imbalanced to all hell. "We know that speed was king in MO1 and we don't want to repeat that." Meanwhile...
  11. MortalEnjoyer42069

    End Ghost Running

    As a QoL change I would like it so I don't have to spend hours ghosting across the map. Let us port to cities using the map while we are dead. To make things fair, you cannot port with spirit boxes or flux on your character.
  12. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Load Stutter

    I don't know what it is and I quite frankly don't care. Please for the love of all that is good, end the stutter on log in. MO2 is the only game I play that I have to start it and wait 30 minutes before I play for my swings and blocks not to frame drop out of existence.
  13. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Trinket System Modification

    I recommend several changes to the trinket system. Gem Effectiveness Change Upgrade max damage rolls to... 3% - Red Coral 5% - Amethyst I know there are multipliers that effect the rolls, so adjust the multiplier to whatever would result in these percentages, with damage as an example...
  14. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Test Server Steam Listing

    Please make a new steam entry so that we can quickly swap between the PTR and the live game quickly. Examples below.
  15. MortalEnjoyer42069


    Does anyone who makes balance decisions read these posts? If so, reply here. Robmo does not count.
  16. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Attack Charge Flash

    This needs to be immediately removed from the game. There is no counter to this when someone spams it against you and you have high ping. The game is mechanically constructed against this being a thing. For example if you hold a block while someone is holding an attack you will receive block...
  17. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Combat Macros

    Everyone and their brother seems to be using melee attack combat macros. I have fought against multiple people now that can do a 360 spin with a triple feint off a flash feint attack but they are unable to block simple non feint counter attacks. What gives SV? You gonna do something about it?
  18. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Murder Counts/Standing is Worthless

    The murder count and standing system is supposed to be a method for which the player is held accountable for their actions in game and to prevent endless murder of new players and players around the town regions. Both the murder count and standing systems fail to meet this goal. Towns, the small...
  19. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Aiming Technique Removal

    With the stream lining of skills with the upcoming patch, I recommend also removing aiming technique from the game. There is no reason for this skill besides being another point sync to the game in order to access controlled aiming. Additionally, this skill bypasses the hidden bow strength...
  20. MortalEnjoyer42069

    Mounted Skills Decoupling (PTR+)

    The PTR patch and the soon to be live patch have decouple the ground skills from their mounted counter-parts. This is all good and well, but there is an issue with the game right now regarding the foot vs mounted specialties. In game we have foot fighters that are 50% proficient in all mounted...