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  1. Embuscade

    Agree and disagree option of the forum

    argumentation is always necessary, but here, for the little we have, we also have opinions based on no argumentation at all. I recommend you learn more about Bayes' Theorem
  2. Embuscade

    Mounted and Foot Combat Changes in Mortal Online 2

    If I've understood correctly what you're proposing, it's to put ‘Mounted’ combat/archery/magery in ‘secondary skills’. On the face of it, I agree, but then you'd have to change ‘Mounted’ Charge to ‘Primary Skill’ and find other things that are equivalent to the bow and magic. -For Magic, we...
  3. Embuscade

    The video on steam is not the right one

    Good evening Tonight, I tried to sell the game ‘Mortal Online II’ during this live . And I've noticed that the first video to be activated on steam isn't the right presentation video, it just highlights the new qualities of the game but doesn't show anything about the gameplay, which is rather...
  4. Embuscade

    Agree and disagree option of the forum

    Add a like function to the forums, to ‘Agree’ or ‘Disagree’ forum posts, to make people's suggestions easier to read. Facebook's emotions don't make it easy to communicate with people by making fun of them or making fun of them, and I've rarely agreed wholeheartedly with a post. Because I see...
  5. Embuscade

    Murder Count Should've Reset with Veteran System

    Personally, I farmed there for a long time and got killed lots of times, but if you talk to the guilds around here, if you take the time to negotiate with the people so that they leave you in peace here, it can be done. As for being red, apart from doing missions to win back some... I've run...
  6. Embuscade

    Suggestions for Improving Mortal Online 2: A Path Toward Greatness

    Je souligne en vert tout ce avec quoi je suis d’accord I agree with the priests proposal, but I think it would be simpler, instead of having an ia that traces our journey from A to B, to have protected tunnels between the priests. The only problem is that you could meet a spirit mage who...
  7. Embuscade

    3 rd to 6 th genuary free

    I think it's pretty good news, personally I'm going to go on every French-speaking gaming community discord I know and I'm going to introduce them to the game.
  8. Embuscade

    Why I believe we will see the lowest population ever 60 days post-relics update.

    We see the next roadmap, When we see the next roadmap, we'll know more, of course the map is too big and the trees are ugly, but those are details compared to what needs to be added.
  9. Embuscade

    Guides and Tutorials for Beginners and Advanced Players | Wolfszeit

    It's not the best of your video, but it's in TOP FIVE people need to watch it before talk in forum.
  10. Embuscade

    Balancing Risk and Reward – The Case for Magical Weapons in Mortal Online 2

    You're completely hallucinating with your wand and this piercing damage. If it's going to take damage, it has to be close to whoever it's hitting, so 0 damage and the weapon has to break easily. A steel beast is fine, it doesn't break, but that doesn't give it any magical power, compared to a...
  11. Embuscade

    Why I believe we will see the lowest population ever 60 days post-relics update. I've been working on a French site specializing in MMOs for over 25 years, called JEUXONLINE, and I can tell you that MO2 has a bright future ahead of it, as it's one of the few games that stands out on so many different levels. It's a game like Dota2...
  12. Embuscade

    Can we get an updated world map?

    update map 33s