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  1. Eldrath

    Bring back longer extraction timers

    Assuming the system stays roughly the same I would suggest tobring back longer extraction timers for appliances. - You should be able to put a resource into a f.e. grinder and then leave, do other stuff, and come back to pick up whatever was extracted. - You should be able to use multiple...
  2. Eldrath


    Make it deal pierce damage with stab attack. It has a freaking huge spike. That is all.
  3. Eldrath

    Weird blurring effect on weapons with motions blur

    Here is a GIF of an bug I encountered. Ingame bugreport made. I did not anything but walk towards Kranesh. I received some fall damage, unsheathed my weapon and suddenly that weird blur appeared.
  4. Eldrath

    Thievery missing from the skill window

    I was wondering if that is by design or just an oversight? Thievery to me is a vital part of the MO experience and something that sets it apart from other "griefer" games, as well as "themeparks". I get that the design needs some tweaking, but keeping it out of the game for any lengh of time...
  5. Eldrath

    Graphical glitches collection

    This thread is to collect all glitches like clipping, floating objects, falsely drawn objects etc. Maybe it´ll help the worldbuilders to give everything a nice polish before persistent start. 1. Floating 2. Foggy Border 3. Watermirroring at edge of vision gets canceled