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  1. D

    The Armor Patch for Wolves should include new animations for the following cr, because ether Wolves, Razerbacks, Belbus and Cugars can´t be parried.

    I agree with this. Right now fights with pets are extremely fast over. And parrying is the best counterplay against them together with lores. Some slower animations would be a good tradeoff for getting armor on Pets. I still think that nearly every pet right now would be quite broken with...
  2. D

    Devs: Beast Mastery idea

    I dont understand why everybody makes pet ressurects so complicated. Pets should be loseable like every other equipment. But like every other equipment you should keep them if you win the fight. Just make pets ressurectable for 10 mins, exactly on the spot where it died. Either with ressurect...
  3. D

    Make Advanced Creaturecontroll a Secondary of Taming !

    I totall agree with you that ACC and Maybe even CC should be under Taming. But secondary? I would leave them primary. But also make it under Domination so you either need Dom or Taming to get CC or ACC. Pls no minimal int. I love my gimped footfighter with Full Tamer build. Animal Care and...
  4. D

    Risen tourdogs and Direwolves need a nerf

    Yeah. Its really strange. Ritualists always complained that its soooo weak. Because the all used terrorbirds and trolls. Now the found out that some pets are freaking strong with ritualism. A risen taur dog with a good gem is much stronger then a tamed terrorbird. While they ride on horses with...
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    Space Thursars

    Just a bad idea, Dont know what else to say...... They do not have any animators to make armors and making pets ridable. they are short on skilled staff he said. But he can make a spaceship and space armor....... What a fucking liar.
  6. D

    Siege Mechanics discussion. How it worked in MO1, what didn't work and what to improve

    I totally agree that there needs to be a siege window. Or at least something that tells you that a siege is very like in a given time frame. Like Henrik is always advertising his supplylines. Like the Keep is never indestructable but has 90% dmg resistance by default. And you need to set up...
  7. D

    Camping Bakti Node Lines

    I get your frustation. Even so it wouldnt change much though. Since murdercounts dont really hinder your gameplay much. They would still camp and kill you. But i agree. This should really be counting as an exploit. I guess they dont count because they themselves have no idea why this is...
  8. D

    Plz implement Dye tubs and Tabard before TC. Only parts of the armor should be able to be colored like in the posted pictures, to see the material

    A guild Tabard should always be in your guilds colors. With no instant way to change that. Releasing TC without guild tabards is just torture to all players.
  9. D

    Spiritism and pets

    I am all in for that. Make pets be resurrectable for a certain time at their place of death. For a cost if necesarry. Give resurected pets a debuff for a few mins so that spamming resurrect is not a thing. Even if you win the fight as a tamer you most probably lost your pet and so automatically...
  10. D

    How to fix beastmastery

    There is so much wrong with beastmastery. Its halfway completely useless. So many Pets have two skills that do exactly the same. Feline bleed skill only lasts for around 10 sec. Thats one, maybe two bleed ticks which do 1 or 2 dmg. So 4 dmg in best case. Chase instinct. The Pet stands still for...
  11. D

    Simplified Criminal System

    Such lies. Thats exactly what this post was meant to be. You are exactly one of the pkers who is in the wrong game. Since when is it hard to be PK? You are always blue so people nver suspect you. There are dozens of strongholds with priests. Even at 5 murder counts you still walk in cities like...
  12. D

    A way for pet owners to resurrect their pet

    How about this. Why dont they make it that a pet can only be revived by a spiritist with the revive spell, or maybe the tamer in general. BUT now the downs ides. First you need to rezz the pet where it died. But only up to like 5 mins after it died. And after it was rezzed it gets a debuff for...
  13. D

    World chat.

    I agree with the town chat. Even though i would love for people to use more local chat/voice chat or maybe some sort of shout option. World is just not fitting for this game. I would like information boards in towns though where you can post news and information about gankers and such.
  14. D

    Beautiful game but...

    I am into this game exactly for the reason that its not an easy game. You say that casuals wont play this game and the game will not reach widespread popularity? God thanks not. They should stay in new world or some other of the hundred games that are easy to get into. I am one of the guys who...
  15. D

    My take on Mana potions

    Henrik once said that mana potions would be unbalanced for mages especially for mages in heavy armor. I do agree with that, but why dont we give mana potions a drawback instead of neglecting them. I think it would be a cool mechanic if we tie mana potions to the "alcohol" stat. The more potent...
  16. D

    Pets vs Melee

    I agree that the current pet fighting system is pretty bad. Only really pairs with magic or suicide pet for fghters/bow users. If one does not like pets and thinks they are op then get a footfighter, best Oghmir or thursar , and get the lore for the animal. Get a jadeite sword and reptile...
  17. D

    Broken lvl 125 Pets

    If a pets lvl becomes 125 it reverts back to adult form. This should nor really be a discussion, just a reminder for the devs should they not be aware. Reported is as a bug several times and it sounds like an easy fix, like someone set a < symbol in coding instead of a <=. Its not big of a...
  18. D

    Ritualism pets

    Its hard to balance. Tamed Pets will never max lvl. Combined with a horse you will never get a combat pet over 101 -105. And thats with a lvl 5 horse. A ritualist can have a 125 horse and 125 pet. While needing way less primary points. Both of them need to lvl i guess. The investement is...
  19. D

    Controll and Command undead need to be improved ! you have to cast 10-13 Spells to kill 1 NPC !

    You do know that you can cast command undead on yourself to make them follow again right? But i completely agree with you, Zombies are just a chore to use and not really fun becasue of a thousand casts you need to make. And their duration is way to short. They can be pretty strong if you get 3...
  20. D

    A pretty bad developed System: Necromantic Rituals

    You did not even understood what i said. If you test two same lvl creatures then its not a real test. As a tamer you can NEVER get a 125 pet with a horse. NEVER. But you completely ignore the fact that you can have max lvl horse and pet. And we as tamers can only have lvl 100 pets and lvl 1...