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  1. Silenko

    Things that need fixed/changed

    Very good list! And agree about Alvarins. Had to stop playing my Alvarin because they are vastly inferior to the other clades. <3
  2. Silenko

    Now then ...

    Don´t think so!
  3. Silenko

    Revert aiming back to MO1 (Archery, Magic)

    Seems you didn´t tried to aim magic in MO2 because it´s exactly as how you are describing.
  4. Silenko

    Blocking and archery.

    You can block arrows and if your shield has enough resistance to the arrow type of dmg you won´t feel the hit. If you gonna test, test with good gear.
  5. Silenko

    Leveling speed in the beta

    Rates have to be much lower in release, but still low enough to not be a grind fest. And when I say low enough, not as low as they were in UO, where to be Grandmaster something you needed to grind your ass off for months in each skill specifically. Its 2021, nobody cares for a bit of grind but...
  6. Silenko

    How to make Taverns a useful place.

    I like the idea you proposed but not so much for it to be completely safe environment
  7. Silenko

    How to make Taverns a useful place.

    You can sing, just use voice chat.
  8. Silenko

    Suggestion for Int Recurve

    I dont think this is a good idea unless you give int a % dmg for spells as str has for melee.
  9. Silenko

    Give fast travel a try

    If you want fast travel get a fast horse.
  10. Silenko

    My take on mortal online

    Its always rough to start in a game , specially in this one, but you are wrong in saying "this game is not for you". I think Mortal Online has a very concrete player and its YOU who is not made for the game. If you have the time to come into the forums to talk about how griefers scare new...
  11. Silenko

    The speed gap.

    No logic on that either.
  12. Silenko

    The speed gap.

    No logic in that.
  13. Silenko

    Mages are trash or what the hell is going on?

    Playing pure mage will maybe be worth it when they tune the speed gap and int curve, until then...
  14. Silenko

    Huge Feedback about the flagging System and how to improve it.

    As the system is currently people is just getting free murdercounts since you don´t see who is red, who is blue or who is grey. Also , mages supporting the murderers don´t even become criminals... They need to change it.
  15. Silenko

    The speed gap.

    Its really worthless invest in Dex as the speed system is now.