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  1. ThaBadMan

    A greeting to all old Fallen Legion members, old friends and old rivals

    Elite groups/mercs disappeared when MO combat got bad. PvPers wont stay too long when combat is about anything but skill. Competitive PvP as in skillbased breeds small elite groups to compete for fame, glory and work. If MO2 continues the current route and dont doubble down and make it easier I...
  2. ThaBadMan

    Neftan's "Siege Window and Capturing" Asset Suggestion

    Why they quit is probably very individual since so many could lose a keep 4-5 times before they quit. But I dont get the "just for fun" part of standing there semi afk shooting boulders at non moving targets as was the norm in late MO with ninja sieges. If there was a battle in every siege I...
  3. ThaBadMan

    3nd Tier ingredient for cooking

    Well that was probably when doing nothing, cause I had to eat several times each roam and before and after said roam to not get gray in either HP or stam, stam was by far the worst since you moved pretty much non stop on roams.
  4. ThaBadMan

    'vulnerable' structuses at chosen time

    Imo walls should ONLY be a certain radius around keeps like it used to be in old MO before TS patch. Inside said radius you can build anything anywhere like after TS patch. If we get small forts they are already fortified so no need for walls, same for guild halls it should be sturdy with a big...
  5. ThaBadMan

    What type of gamer are you?

    Must say im all of them really. But since I have to choose one its gonna be killer as im in it mainly for combat.
  6. ThaBadMan

    'vulnerable' structuses at chosen time

    I do like the idea of putting down someting of a siege tent kinda thing which states in say 4 hours we siege you. That way you have the ability to hire mercs or mobilizing allies to defend in your stead if you are unable at that time. That way you dont infringe on the freedom of players and you...
  7. ThaBadMan

    'vulnerable' structuses at chosen time

    Owning structures/gear in MO type games are like stocks, dont get/buy/wear what you cant afford to lose.
  8. ThaBadMan

    Please fix this in MO2 Menu

    That dont look like intended no.
  9. ThaBadMan

    Regional Servers

    Nononono, regional server can and hopefully will only come when new continents arrive and that should only be when Myrland is getting crowded. NOT like Sarducaa. Learn from mistakes dont keep doing them.
  10. ThaBadMan

    'vulnerable' structuses at chosen time

    But we all forget owning a keep SHOULDNT be for everyone. Hopefully MO2 will have a bunch of guild structures for smaller guilds who aint got manpower to defend keeps 24/7 like guild halls and smaller forts for example.
  11. ThaBadMan

    'vulnerable' structuses at chosen time

    I do want a system where you can put on like a 8 hour "shield". But I have had this discussion many times and things coming up is why should all players cater to your needs, if you cant handle the loss of a keep dont get one. Others want shield for sleep and work. And you have the fact this is...
  12. ThaBadMan

    US riots

    So many rabid animals.
  13. ThaBadMan

    'vulnerable' structuses at chosen time

    Either or. Besides theres many players wanting such a system where you do need to contact memeber irl while afk sleeping or working to be able to defend your keep.
  14. ThaBadMan

    A greeting to all old Fallen Legion members, old friends and old rivals

    Void, Envy, EC, 7L you must have heard of one of their names im sure ? Then again they made it confusing by changing their names all the time, they also sported names like Veil, Zrk and HK to name a few others.
  15. ThaBadMan

    Neftan's "Siege Window and Capturing" Asset Suggestion

    If they not gonna continue with the current pro ninja siege way, then something like this is the way to go. It was so normal in MO that the loser of a keep siege would quit after a siege, this would atleast give several options aswell as the chance to defend which over time was not a thing due...
  16. ThaBadMan

    Improvements to the UI

    For gods sake SV make it so that you can actually see the UIs without having to look at certain places in the world. Is it opacity its called, make it happen. Especially for chat.
  17. ThaBadMan

    Suggestion - make it less rewarding to spin around in MO2

    I feel spinning will be there in duels while group fights you wont be able to stand there spinning like a dead clown. In a 20v20 the fight will not only be chaotic like real battlefields but the fight will move fast due to the increased speed from MO which will eliminate "clown spinning". And...
  18. ThaBadMan

    A greeting to all old Fallen Legion members, old friends and old rivals

    Yes everything got lost somehow. So sad that the one from Kran bridge during Koto siege disappeared. Gods that was a great day.
  19. ThaBadMan

    A greeting to all old Fallen Legion members, old friends and old rivals

    For sure was always great fun, win or defeat. Lets remember the unlikeliest of alliances ever to happen in MO history to bring down Koto and AQ. A truly international coalition :LOL:
  20. ThaBadMan

    A greeting to all old Fallen Legion members, old friends and old rivals

    Speaking of Rome, Evil and Soap. Please enjoy!