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  1. Keurk

    please make player movement faster

    as much as saying what i answered to in my post. We just discussing things, but better anticipate potential issues and imagine a world were mounted are less favorised than they were in mo1, while we have had a smaller map, and an increased footspeed...
  2. Keurk

    please make player movement faster

    i think it would exist. Mounted will be an addition and definitly a parameter to take into account. But the way it is right now, mounted will be over played because you just do not want to go somewhere on foot due to running speed. Right now, even doing fab to krannesh is the same time as you...
  3. Keurk

    Move Server('s) to NA [Poll]

    im EU, i wouldnt mind really so i voted for the server to be NA, im sure i wouldnt be crying all day long about ping and how my neightbours's grass is more green than mine. However , one serious thing i would like to know ,is the exacts statistics about playerbase. Have SV released some infos...
  4. Keurk

    I see problems with blocked banks

    can't wait to see mages prepairing earthquake with all people in bank who realise what is about to happen, try to rush the door....
  5. Keurk

    Please keep movement speed the same

    i don't understand this stupid fight between some of you guys, really... I personally would like to see the movement speed tuned up at least by a bit. Yet im not wanting MO to be a different game at all, im not a "chivalry" or "arena" game player, i want to play a hardcore mmorpg with few to...
  6. Keurk

    Bandit AI in Melee problems

    loot table was an issue for years in mo till they finally got some interesting and balance loot here and there. I hope they don't mess with that in MO2 and make it interesting and profitable before 2030
  7. Keurk

    please make player movement faster

    i think they should try turning it slightly more. I also think they should keep how it was working in mo1 on a more noticeable way : sprinting in combat mode way faster speed, out of combat mode running getting stam, combat mode standing getting big stam, etc ... How it was in mo1
  8. Keurk

    Remove starter kits

    right now a starter armor is made from plate scale + ironsilk or steel+ironsilk if the armor type can support steel. So definitly i think the "starting gear" at release if there is any ,or the first armors people craft (bones, horned or keeled scales, silk, furs ),will not protect that well
  9. Keurk

    Remove starter kits

    i see what you want to do and i kinda agree, i just think it not gonna work well right now. Instead i suggest : - make people spawn with 10hp at priest ,not full hp - remove multiples priests from town. Eventually keep one in town, and one a bit far outside. but not the set up we seen in fab...
  10. Keurk

    The Crafting UI

    right clic is your friend... Presets are too.... preset pop in with the material in the boxes, if you have the correct mat in your inventory according to the preset
  11. Keurk

    Kite Sprinting

    ..hope sv know who to listen to...
  12. Keurk

    Putzins Zeal and Godkin's Zeal

    ashenfell who joined at stress test are AQ? i don't think, its the people i played it from Lif maybe they got some AQ members in it., (i talk about the Beric crew) Deez, AQ came bck in 2014. Riding lyrks,getting rekt everywhere, leaving the game. they have had some solid pvpers but what happen...
  13. Keurk

    fix accounts who donated but it still isnt showing on their donation page... so we have to...

    fix accounts who donated but it still isnt showing on their donation page... so we have to contact sv anytimes there is extra key given,
  14. Keurk

    Potions so far

    pretty sure it will be that way once they add more ingredient and such to boost sea dew ones. I have seen the seadew spots, it is abondant.
  15. Keurk

    Potions so far

    and that is very good this way
  16. Keurk

    [Suggestion] Mercy mode should work like MO1 mercy mode.

    i like the idea of it being like mo1 and i hope they will enforce gore and dismembrement on big hits killing straight, or mercy mode executions also, the way it is now, it might cause a big issue and impact pvp way too much if they add a Subsisting skill and you pop up full hp after 10sec mercied
  17. Keurk

    Putzins Zeal and Godkin's Zeal

    that gonna be juicy. All thoses wannabees coming and thinking they gonna teach lesssons. Ashenfells think this too. that gonna be fucking juicy xD
  18. Keurk

    Mounted Wishlist. What we do, and do not want to see.

    I do think the mount system was way better pre-breeding for the following reason : Perfect mounts came in with breeding and it was not only creating a major imbalance (you either have had a perfect mount ,or you were fucked) giving all pvp abilities to a player : speed, dps, carryloot ability...
  19. Keurk

    [Suggestion] Add a kick or nerf parry

    in MO1 you did have damage dealt trought parries mostly depending on the blunt and weight of the attacker weapons. A sword would deal minimal damage, but a big maul could hit for solid damage, forcing opponent to only do some parries and adapt a different stance. Stun is a bad idea imo cause it...
  20. Keurk

    Bows change

    the second shot yes, it was shooting the house prepatch, certainly not falling like that. i dont know why you talk about moderns bow at all, this isnt the topic, we aint comparing the modern bows with bows made in a video game. Im refering to the speed of arrows that was fine pre patch. nothing...