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  1. Chef

    We need stamina for combat pets

    Except in order to ensure the bear doesn't get focused or gets killed by someone in said high level gear that just spams left click mindlessly, the tamer needs to make time critical decisions on when to withdraw the bear, reposition it for a heal, and when/who to send it to attack. Also...
  2. Chef

    Me and my friends like the game. But paying monthly fees is unrealistic.

    People like that should be banned.
  3. Chef

    MO2 Wiki

    Everything basic is or should be in the form of a tutorial. Unless the wiki would be just a transcript of the tutorial there's no reason for it to exist other than to give away information that should be kept secret/left to experimentation to obtain.
  4. Chef

    Me and my friends like the game. But paying monthly fees is unrealistic.

    Would you rather pay double the amount in regular microtransactions instead?
  5. Chef

    We need stamina for combat pets

    So you are you OK with having high end gear (oghmium, cronite etc) that completely outperforms lower tier gear, but you are not OK with players having things like bears as opposed to limiting pets to be simple bush pigs or wolves at best? Also, we aren't talking about taming a dragon here...
  6. Chef

    MO2 Wiki

    The basics exist in the form of tutorials. Where to find certain ingredients, stats for items, calculators etc should be left to players to figure out, not read up on a wiki.
  7. Chef

    MO2 Wiki

    Regarding those calculators, datamining is prohibited by the ToS. If SV had the means they would be taking those sites down. SV is adding in tutorials for the basics of the game sure but strawmaning that to assert that SV wants complete knowledge of their game to be readily available is just...
  8. Chef

    We need stamina for combat pets

    First of all, good luck killing a bear with a "well placed arrow." It's hard enough as is with firearms. Secondly, if you want animals to be killed in one if you land your hits in specific spots the same would need to be applied to humans. Otherwise, just accept that animals that are bigger...
  9. Chef

    MO2 Broke Me and my Friend’s Mice Cursor. Serious Problem!

    Verify files via steam.
  10. Chef

    We need stamina for combat pets

    They shouldn't do more damage or have more hp than players either... Do you people understand how ridiculous you all sound? A wolf is going to be much faster than a player. A bear is going to be faster AND hit like a brick sandwich. All combat pets will have staminas much higher than humans...
  11. Chef

    Server Wipe Question

    Just to clarify, you are not purchasing anything. You are making a donation to help support the development of the game. People who donate this early will be given early access to MO2 as a gift. So to answer your question yes there is an incentive to make a donation if you wish to support the devs.
  12. Chef

    MO2 Wiki

    A wiki would undermine all the hard work and effort needed to accomplish things in this game. The whole point of MO is for people to explore and figure things out on their own, not regurgitate information found from wikis. If you expect MO to be the kind of game where information is readily...
  13. Chef

    Fatmages Kinda Underpowered Plz Buff

    MAs get to spray and pray arrows without consequence. If a fatmage misses his long charge spell, it leaves him very vulnerable and with 0 damage/healing dealt. On top of that, getting hit can cancel a spell charge. Face it, you got outplayed despite having all the advantages.
  14. Chef

    Delay Release

    People who know about MO, will pick MO over New World.
  15. Chef

    Fatmages Kinda Underpowered Plz Buff

    You shouldn't pick fights with people that are better equipped and outskill you. Yes it is possible for people to win out numbered. No, things shouldn't need to be nerfed because of that since this is a skill based game and not solely a numbers/gear score game.
  16. Chef

    Delay Release

    I want you and everyone else that is celebrating the delaying the release of an already highly anticipated game to understand the following: there's always going to be room for improvement. But in the grand scheme of things, is perpetually delaying the game good for player base and revenue...
  17. Chef

    Delay Release

    Are you implying that people would prefer New World over Mortal Online? You need to have some more faith, sir. MO is an excellent game that draws in the most hard core gamers. There is zero doubt in my mind that upon releasing concurrently with New World, we would be stealing players from that...