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  1. FreeHorses


    why was my post removed for calling you out? censoring people isn't going to work.
  2. FreeHorses

    Stop INTING ME

    not with your build. Be a human or a fatmage if you want to do the things you want to do.
  3. FreeHorses

    Stop INTING ME

    you dont need 100% mana regain and to think that you do says more about you than you realize. you only need enough mana back to always be able to cast a lesser heal.
  4. FreeHorses

    Stream summary feedback

    Magic feels much worse in mo2 I dont know what they did but there is some sort of delay now in between casting and preping a new spell. Also for some reason im getting my preps interrupted which is making me have to restart the prep also also, if you cast and then prep another spell to quickly...
  5. FreeHorses

    Stream summary feedback

    it was 2x on a mount in mo1
  6. FreeHorses

    Is there any sense from intelligence above 130-134

    With 138 int I mind lesser for 37 and with 100 lores I heal my horse for mind 42. Mind fulms with someone with no phy is maxed at 82 damage and horses are getting hit for high 90s. The graphs don't show the whole picture. The most damage I can do is fulm someone then hit them with a mental...
  7. FreeHorses

    Anyone else hate that change to magic reflect ? it changes the small scale and large battles completely and this in a bad way !

    you cant say something is balanced when there is no downsides to having it. People have been saying that the mana cost is what makes it balanced but its a spell that last 17 mins. You can regain an entire 10 mana bars in that time.
  8. FreeHorses

    magic reflect changes. do you like it?

    You have turned a spell that was used to outplay people into a braindead spell that has no disbenefits. This will turn into everyone precasting magic reflect on their group which, in turn, will make using magic damage spells useless because all ur going to do is hit urself. Congrats SV, now...
  9. FreeHorses

    What is the Status of VII

    I'm on everyday for 8 hours, what you talking bout?
  10. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    so you want to balance mounted magery around dex mages...
  11. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    number 1: ur a fool if you think SV can code that number 2: why on earth would cast time be relative to your dex number 3: your problem is not with MM its with how easy MA is
  12. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Jesus... this is going in my meme collection.
  13. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Fine, simple then. mounted magery shouldn't allow you to cast while turning because it would make MM too op. You would bob and weave to heal ur horse making you unkillable. I know you guys are new so you dont know this, but other schools allow you to cast while turing. The reason why you cant...
  14. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Please tell me then, who is going to take mounted magery?
  15. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Im tunnel visioned on fatmages b/c they are the ones that are forced onto a horse. Dex mages do not need to be on a horse. mounted magery is not trash, you are just trash at mounted magery.
  16. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Are you running around with a lv 27 horse with no armor? Why on earth are you getting close enough to be hit my melee weapons? Now I genuinely want to see you play on a fatmage. You got a video i can see?
  17. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    lets do this, post a video of you fatmaging and ill tell you what you are doing wrong. Maybe that is the problem here.
  18. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    You honestly think that a class made for burst damage that relies on positioning and precise movements WOULDN'T be broken by making it so you dont have to think about your movement ? Sure, let me just take my 80 damage hitscan spells and dip and doge around the forest. That sounds like good...
  19. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    don't conflate what im saying to you. You know what we are talking about.
  20. FreeHorses

    Let's put the MOUNT back into Mounted Magery

    Im very happy you are not on the balancing team. Moving while casting ecu would destroy this game.