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    Not so disposable mounts

    Sometimes people jam up doorways and points of access with mounts. The ability to remove them by force is gonna be necessary.
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    MO 2 meme collection

    “HES ONE HIT!” Looks at player to see hes actually slightly less than half HP.
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    SV will implement it at some point in beta and we can test it and hopefully the feedback will help balance it. When the game launches you will have a mad dash to get mounts and mounted builds up and likely everyone will have a mount for mobility alone. Riding will probably be secondary (don’t...
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    They played by the same rules as a weapon in MO1. But if you never bothered to hit anything with your torch they would last forever.
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    An oghmium hand axe would certainly gather wood faster than a 1 silver axe from a vendor right?
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    A couple things i wanted to mention. Firstly, they should be craftable if you can get your hands on any kind of wood, any type of fat or flammable fuel, and any type of cloth or “wrapping” material. Maybe the quality of the resources dictates how much durability the torch will have. This brings...
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    Armor Adjustment Fun

    Well you can always mix and match armor types to suit your ideal look. Choose the arms from a set that is symmetrical and swap out for them.
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    Overhaul Blocking

    Well parry whores always existed and so far all you have experienced is small scale battles with no mages or mounteds. Just wait for the group pvp as it’s intended. You will not feel like combat is unnecessarily long as your life can end in a moment no matter how well you blocked. That being...
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    Make night brighter

    The solution to me, like ive seen in other games, is to have the darkest part of nights continue to exist but to not last very long. Bright enough to continue playing for 25 minutes before the darkest time and bright enough to continue playing after the darkest part until daylight again. That...
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    Dreaming of a simpler time.

    If MO 1 taught us anything its that any boss that uses AI will eventually get cheesed by some one or some group of players. Kite it to where it can become stuck or shoot it from so far away it cannot proper agro.. its the tight dungeons with the mobs that chain agro that ended up being the most...