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  1. Rhias

    Next stress test in September

    I think PR is is a big part of the final stress test. Last stress test a lot of people joined, even through the hassle to get a key. This stress test you won't even need a key. A lot of MMO-news-pages will release an arcticle of about the stress test. Regarding the wipe topic... I think Henrik...
  2. Rhias

    Dex should affect Mounteds

    Video rendering. Edit: Here you go. I must admit, the heavy armored hose seems to drain as much stamina as the light armored one, but it is able to travel further in the same time. In that video it's just cheap (and light weight) bone tissue heavy horse armor, with ~7.5kg weight difference to...
  3. Rhias

    Dex should affect Mounteds

    Get your facts straight before discussing something. Quote from the patch notes: "Added pet equipment crafting, pet armor weight impacts the speed, turn radius and stamina drain. " Or a quote from another thread:
  4. Rhias

    Dex should affect Mounteds

    What do you think is going to happen? The MA will start shooting at the player Instead of the horse. And a mount with that heavy armor will be easily stickied by a MA.
  5. Rhias

    Give us the ability to teleport our pet to our current location

    Or Transport your stuff from town to town by leaving your pet in the town and walking on foot. :D
  6. Rhias

    Beta Patch Notes Discussion

    Actually the patch notes saied something about speed. stamina, etc. penalties. How big are they?
  7. Rhias

    Can someone explain the Content Creation Program?

    Thank you. Most of my Videos are stupid PVP videos through.
  8. Rhias

    Criminal Item Flagging

    The system is there because people looted stuff mid combat and deleted it instantly, denying the chance of the other enemys to win it back. Or they killed people inside the town and banked it before the guards took them down. But in MO1 you were able to put stuff back again into the corpse, or...
  9. Rhias

    Can someone explain the Content Creation Program?

    Since January I got ~40k individual viewers on my Youtube channel (according to Youtube Analytics). And I doubt that 10% of all MO2 interested people watched one of my videos. So the number can't be that much off.
  10. Rhias

    Feedback on boss monster design (Troll)

    The Troll is the first boss monster and I must say it's pretty fun. Here a summary what I like on the new boss monster design, and what I don't. Pro: - has decent ranged attacks and is not that easy farmeable as mounted. - does AOE damage at meele distance (which is dodgeable by moving out of...
  11. Rhias

    Walls Are Not The Enemy

    It will lead to frustration. It's like getting over and over killed by some dude at a priest that has fun doing so, or your mount getting griefed within a town. There are quite a lot of people having fun of griefing people. I expect quite a few new players will quit after they spent one day...
  12. Rhias

    Hi as a newplayer who is rpk? (funny mo1 stories)

    I was with 2 other guys in the Mino dungeon. One was drunk. We renamed a donkey to "Bullhorse" and traded it the drunk guy. The next day he claimed he lost his perfectly bred bullhorse in the Mino dungeon. :ROFLMAO: Same dude, other day. "I know this route perfectly fine. I live in that area! I...
  13. Rhias

    Walls Are Not The Enemy

    Imagine you log out, and the next day all your walls are gone because some naked people with animal materials bashed them for the lolz of it. What's the reason to build them at all?
  14. Rhias

    Walls Are Not The Enemy

    The issue with walls is that it makes your house/village more safe than a town is. This means that everyone moved for extraction, etc. to their own villages and left the towns. Due to walls you weren't able to see any other payers in the world, and the world felt dead and empty, even through the...
  15. Rhias

    My List of Suggestions & Feedback

    I agree to most but not to all. Vendors or Bankers that are gone during the night might sound immersive on paper, but in reality it will lead to frustration and people will just log off during the night. And I'm against walls, even after reading your other thread.
  16. Rhias

    2 vs 3 at MohKi

    Veela age 23, max size, full str, con, dex, rest psy. Skilled basically all melee combat skills.
  17. Rhias

    2 vs 3 at MohKi

    GF everyone! I know, I should have focused that mage earlier. Noticed in the end that the mage seems to have really low max life and armor made out of paper...
  18. Rhias

    Crouching | Arrow Crafting

    It will be added right after ships and wagons. ;)
  19. Rhias

    Revert the INT curve changes

    It's roughly 5% damage bonus compared to max str and enough for non-heavy weapons such as swords or spears.