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  1. Tzone

    A portion of the broker tax should be moved to on fill instead of order creation

    Would be nice but the cost is there to prevent people from using the broker as storage or spamming the broker. People would put items on the broker to store and bypass inventory space by listing them for large amounts of gold
  2. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    So you didnt know what was going on and just jumped to conclusions like the first time you dug a hole and said they were exploiting which screen shots and game knowledge proves they were not. Like you are just kept in the dark. People lying on alts. Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
  3. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    Robmo says no one was unbanned but their "timer ran out" So they are not banned right now. But other people have pointed out that it has not been three days yet from the start of the ban. Doesn't make sense. They cant have the timer ran out because its not over yet, but hes saying they are not...
  4. Tzone

    Patch Notes Discussion

    Im seiging keeps right now, what do you mean seiging is not in game.
  5. Tzone

    Door Interaction Timer (POLL)

    Henrik on last stream said they it was going to be reduced next patch... Hopefully they just missed this patch.
  6. Tzone

    Patch Notes Discussion

    Well its a sandbox game firstmost and that means the community creates the content using the tools placed into the sandbox. If most of this games community treats it like a survival game instead of a Role Playing game then uts a survival game despite what ever the dev labels utm
  7. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    no, they say there are logs and flags but thats not true. Only way so many got banned was because spiritist were griefing the hackers out of the game and reported directly to sebastion with their proof. You had to bypass the GMs to get bans on hackers. The hackers will comeback now and you...
  8. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    I wish I could list off the one I know and saw yesterday. Same name, back in same guild. GMs did nothing about it. Well known cheater.
  9. Tzone

    Weapon Durability

    Remove the 50% reduced effectiveness bullshit mechanic. No one likes it, adds nothing to the game. Its as bad and hated as the bullshit rng equipment hits on weapons.
  10. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    Hero of mo2. These guys are the only reason hackers were getting banned.
  11. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    I dont think SV has the integerity or track record needed to do a wall of shame. They repeatedly ban people without evidence just because of people, mainly streamers crying. There are known cheaters playing right now with their original name and still hacking. I dont trust that SV is...
  12. Tzone

    May Ban Report and Warnings

    I talked to lots of reasonable people today, that were even against me at first. Once they were shown the proof they changed their minds on the subject. You still haven't came around because you refuse to be reasonable. Any reasonable person would agree that FarmerJoe knows better then Discord...
  13. Tzone

    WTB: Multiverse Lore / Ether Portal Knowledge - Bakti - 1500g Each

    You have to RMT it like everyone else now.
  14. Tzone


    It is from mo2. Happens to me when ever I take a break and play a different game for a bit. Or if I stop playing games all together for a week and comeback to mo2. Have to get use to MO2s jank BS.
  15. Tzone

    Yet another reason the game will be dead very soon.

    I think they were planning to do this but were too slow on the post from the what was said. Trinkets came out so they needed to stop the solo farming. Henrik prob had no idea this was going on. Henrik thought his GMs were getting the hackers not these spiritist based on how he reacted on stream...
  16. Tzone

    Yet another reason the game will be dead very soon.

    Duping is done while using bugs or glitches. Everything worked as intended. No mechanics are supposed to dupe. There are mechanism that are meant to not reset boss health when the player dies, and players are intended to resurrect by portal. Nah its was ok for ever, the whole GM team knew and I...
  17. Tzone


    Never worked, not in game. Prob a long off future thing.
  18. Tzone

    Yet another reason the game will be dead very soon.

    As I replied in DMs. Its our personal opinions on the matter if they were exploiting. I dont think it is because it follows all the rules and no bugs were being used. Just dev over sight. Going forward its completly far for devs to say dont do that particular way to solo a boss. But there are...
  19. Tzone

    Yet another reason the game will be dead very soon.

    Ill link it to you, they dont want the proof public