I'm comming back to the Game


Active member
Mar 29, 2021

So like the title say, comming back, more or less because i saw the new continet will be added to the game

I played my fair share of MO2, made 12k gold buyed those 2 expensive spiritism books and then had a burn out then I quit the game.

I see a lot of new things new rideble mounts and masterys relics and shit

I will be making a veela footie understand its the new kind o meta right now.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I have considered burning my free month, but notsure. I can't shake the UGH MORTAL feeling. Still, 1 month of meme videos might be worth.
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
Also thinking about jumping back in to see the new systems and work on the mastery tree in preparation for Thievery...

For the love of Nave I hope its in the works...

NA server being announced has also helped to nudge me back in...


Active member
May 7, 2022
Also thinking about jumping back in to see the new systems and work on the mastery tree in preparation for Thievery...

For the love of Nave I hope its in the works...

NA server being announced has also helped to nudge me back in...
Thievery ? Where did you read about it being added ?

If thats true, ill be 100% back to the game as well !


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
The good thing about the game right now is that the daily tasks and tasks in general do allow a good loop of xp and gold. Getting clade 20 is very doable.

I’d still classify PvP as doggus shiiticus


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I think a lot of us will come back. I think I'm going to wait until closer to NA launch, but the game seems to be in a better state than when I left it at least. My expectations are about as low as you can go...so I can't be disappointed. Right?



Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I think a lot of us will come back. I think I'm going to wait until closer to NA launch, but the game seems to be in a better state than when I left it at least. My expectations are about as low as you can go...so I can't be disappointed. Right?

Just don't expect any legit players in pvp, or any meta other than gear crutching trinkets and ogh daggers. Farm your springboks and your dailies and you better smile
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
We need to form some kinda OG group and dunk some kids with MO grief moxie.

But the state of the game seems super MEH to me. A troll month tho... :eek:


Active member
May 7, 2022
I posted it here, last stream Henrik briefly said we'll know more about thievery after a few more sprints are completed.

So fingers crossed something is happening...

Here's the thread... https://mortalonline2.com/forums/threads/henrik-well-know-about-thievery-in-a-few-sprints.14356/
Well, thanks... it sounded pretty vague though 😔
I will look for something on my body to cross then, because ive already used all my fingers before.... they re all crossed since 2022...

Also, I wonder how is the population these days...
I stopped playing in september, last year, and the world was SO DEAD by then, it was sad... Even in Meduli.

Can you guys tell me how is it today ?
Do you see more than 10 people at Medulis Bank ?
What about Fabernum ?
And the jungle camp...?
Thanks in advance


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Well, thanks... it sounded pretty vague though 😔
I will look for something on my body to cross then, because ive already used all my fingers before.... they re all crossed since 2022...

Also, I wonder how is the population these days...
I stopped playing in september, last year, and the world was SO DEAD by then, it was sad... Even in Meduli.

Can you guys tell me how is it today ?
Do you see more than 10 people at Medulis Bank ?
What about Fabernum ?
And the jungle camp...?
Thanks in advance
Yeah all those places are poppin 20+. Fab maybe a little quieter.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Well, thanks... it sounded pretty vague though 😔
I will look for something on my body to cross then, because ive already used all my fingers before.... they re all crossed since 2022...

Also, I wonder how is the population these days...
I stopped playing in september, last year, and the world was SO DEAD by then, it was sad... Even in Meduli.

Can you guys tell me how is it today ?
Do you see more than 10 people at Medulis Bank ?
What about Fabernum ?
And the jungle camp...?
Thanks in advance
Fabernum was packed last night when I played, didn't go out into the wild but saw heaps of people standing around the task givers, bankers and trade brokers. Also saw a few casting ether portals who then promptly died and their ragdoll physics dragging them in weird random directions around the streets and up the walls of buildings. It felt like a bustling town.


Active member
May 7, 2022
Fabernum was packed last night when I played, didn't go out into the wild but saw heaps of people standing around the task givers, bankers and trade brokers. Also saw a few casting ether portals who then promptly died and their ragdoll physics dragging them in weird random directions around the streets and up the walls of buildings. It felt like a bustling town.
Thats good to hear !
Thanks for the update

Mad Jugger

Aug 8, 2022
Well, thanks... it sounded pretty vague though 😔
I will look for something on my body to cross then, because ive already used all my fingers before.... they re all crossed since 2022...

Also, I wonder how is the population these days...
I stopped playing in september, last year, and the world was SO DEAD by then, it was sad... Even in Meduli.

Can you guys tell me how is it today ?
Do you see more than 10 people at Medulis Bank ?
What about Fabernum ?
And the jungle camp...?
Thanks in advance
Why are you asking what the population is when you can go look for yourself. Since you are uninitiated I will tell you

You said you left in September if 2024 the concurrent then was 774
The concurrent now is 671

So the answer to your question is, it is worse

Mad Jugger

Aug 8, 2022
Fabernum was packed last night when I played, didn't go out into the wild but saw heaps of people standing around the task givers, bankers and trade brokers. Also saw a few casting ether portals who then promptly died and their ragdoll physics dragging them in weird random directions around the streets and up the walls of buildings. It felt like a bustling town.
More cope and a nice anecdotal story, the population is lower than when he quit. It is an easy 2 second look but good try!!!!


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
This is cope the population is worse than when he quit a quick Steam look will tell you that
The game FEELS like it has people everywhere. I think towns were almost empty before. I can't really explain it in context of the steam numbers but it is what it is. I'm more credible because I think the game is largely shit and I want it to die.


Active member
May 7, 2022
Why are you asking what the population is when you can go look for yourself. Since you are uninitiated I will tell you

You said you left in September if 2024 the concurrent then was 774
The concurrent now is 671

So the answer to your question is, it is worse
I know the numbers on Steam chart arent good for MO2... Sometimes it reaches 900, and then goes back to 671... I know.
But theres something, something like a "feeling" that theres a lot of people sometimes.... Just like Teknique said... A sensation of crowd.,,.
If theres only like 300 people online, but all those 300 people are concentrated in one area, it feels like the game is crowded !!

Thats why I specifically asked for Fabernum, Meduli and Jungle Camp...
If I come back to the game, I wanna go exactly where there is more people available. I dont want to play as a Hermit in Gaul Kor, for example.
Any town or wilderness spot with +20 people hanging around, thats where I wanna be.