Recent content by Grack

  1. Grack

    Guild Supply current problem and its solution

    Hello all, and hopefully Star Vault. I hope SV takes the time to read this because I believe this is a core issue at the heart of what will make Mortal online 2 a true sandbox with a future or a sort of guild stronghold sandbox with melee and magic. Introduction SV has been doing a great job...
  2. Grack

    StarVault has soft banned Regional Australians / Kiwi's from the game

    This has helped, im yet to try it in bigger engagments but I can already see a soild 100ping difference, and for the first time I can actually black counters and pve is much easier and less buggy.
  3. Grack

    StarVault has soft banned Regional Australians / Kiwi's from the game

    As an Australian player once things ramp up to 20+ v 20+ I am kicked straight away, it's very frustrating. I know my ping will make me a bit strange to fight but not THAT ridiculous, I don't understand why the cap is so low ? An additional 100 ping allowance before you hit the threshold would be...
  4. Grack

    Tamed bears are a predecessor of Death Knights

    Exactly. Everybody has the right to complain or give their opinion though. The thing that makes the most sense should shine through healthy discussion I think. Yeah I understand where they're coming from but its a MMO not a MORDHAU or chivalry and if that's what people want they should go play...
  5. Grack

    Tamed bears are a predecessor of Death Knights

    Yeah I don't hate it, it takes time and investment so its more to loose for the gain you get :D
  6. Grack

    Tamed bears are a predecessor of Death Knights

    was about to say, you need a little squad of mages continously healing that thing because unless you ambush people nobody is engaging until that thing is popped.
  7. Grack

    [Question] attack directions and damage types

    In group fights shields are great passive defense and tend to work well with aggression, when you're on the back foot blocking they're the same as any other weapon choice because people will take the time to hit around your shield, so when pushing they become more useful for defense, a bit...
  8. Grack

    [Question] attack directions and damage types

    Spears give you great range which can be used to great effect in a 1v1 but against a skilled player sword and poleswords are the best. In group fights however spear and shield is a very good combo, its easy to use, provides the most passive protection, makes you more annoying to aim for compared...
  9. Grack

    Updated Intelligence "Curve"

    I mean, every new hybrid build is going to be worse then before the ne I only used the passives no actives.
  10. Grack

    Improvement priority

    we'd all pick everything other wise :P
  11. Grack

    Updated Intelligence "Curve"

    I deleted it because I got my math wrong. I went back and looked at the numbers and recordings of distance with Thursars and Veela, and saw that Thursars are by far the best runners which changed my perspective. for me the balance with this has a lot to do with how they balancee Thursars and if...
  12. Grack

    Updated Intelligence "Curve"

    You are a scholar and a gentleman good sir <3 Playing a Veela now and to be honest imo the magic isn't the issue 75-80 Int feels viable. You can max dex/con/str at 76 with min hight. The speed is noticable, its a slight advantage however. My first impressions are Alv do feel a bit weakish...
  13. Grack

    Beta Patch Notes Discussion

    Legend. Interesting, its actually a bit higher (based on these avg) then 80% of 100 skill. That does add up to like 2 extra heals to get a 190hp player from 0 - max. Like that and the DB are a sting forsure but it doesn't totally wreak the clade unless I'm missing something.
  14. Grack

    Beta Patch Notes Discussion

    Yeah I mean to achieve 79 int on a fighter based Veela you'd be min height and drop 4 points of strength, if mortal data can still be believed there is no difference between 70 str and 80 str other than 3% DB, same hp, same stam. This would make sense, if you look at Dex you see the biggest...
  15. Grack

    Beta Patch Notes Discussion

    I really don't understand why people are claiming you can't get the points.... Drop size down to 166 and you can have 77 int as a Veela with max str, drop the str down to 70ish for swords and you have 96 int. It seems people haven't even looked at sheevra, they get 93 int without having to...