Recent content by finegamingconnoisseur

  1. finegamingconnoisseur

    Can we PLEASE have, for gods sake, THIEVERY in this game ?

    It's the one thing that I've been asking for over and over, both here and in my videos, but three years later we still don't have thievery. I think it's safe to say that it can be consigned to the list of things that we may likely never see in MO2, like ships, wagons and dragons. Just as a...
  2. finegamingconnoisseur

    80% of the players I played with a year ago are playing in Mortal direct or adjacent competitors today. Why Esports and MMOs do not mix.

    I am of the opinion that winning should be by one's own merit alone, not by the game giving me some kind of arbitrary advantage because I am an underdog. I do not mind dying every time because I am not as good at PvP than the player who happens to be better at it. If I'm going to win, I want it...
  3. finegamingconnoisseur

    Hunting and Creature Awareness

    From the UO devs themselves, it was the players who went and killed everything that moved the moment the beta started. Nothing was spared, predator and prey alike. That was why they ended up removing it and replaced it with a traditional spawning system.
  4. finegamingconnoisseur

    Henrik, Your Players Have Convinced Me—Your Game Needs More Brutality, Not Less!

    Not sure about the part about half the players encountered in dangerous areas on average are griefers. I venture into the Fab sewers on a regular basis, and it feels more like one in twenty. Just about every player I've come across in those places have had little to no interaction toward me...
  5. finegamingconnoisseur

    Hunting and Creature Awareness

    Good ideas. This is reminiscent of Ultima Online's virtual ecology feature that it actually had in place during its beta. SV is working on its own invasion spawn system which hopefully they can piggyback off of, to create a more sophisticated AI, and the virtual ecology that never made it into...
  6. finegamingconnoisseur

    PVE servers and subscription

    A case of bad luck, then. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens to every player, and they learn to pick themselves up, dust it off, and do things differently next time so they reduce their risks. The ones that learn how to turn the tables on their attackers and have the last...
  7. finegamingconnoisseur

    PVE servers and subscription

    Again, that is not what this game is about and never will be. The devs have stated this in absolute terms, there will never be a PvE server.
  8. finegamingconnoisseur

    PVE servers and subscription

    That is why there are banks in every town so you can store your loot when they're not immediately needed, so you don't need to carry 20 hours worth of loot around with you. You also shouldn't get too attached to your items, if you can't afford to lose something then best not to take it around...
  9. finegamingconnoisseur

    PVE servers and subscription

    I'm afraid you may be playing the wrong game, there will never be a PvE server. There is more chance of thievery coming to the game than a PvE server. On the subject of griefing, about 95% of the players I meet out in the wild and in dungeons are just regular folks out minding their own...
  10. finegamingconnoisseur

    I'm comming back to the Game

    You forgot to point out that October 2024 was the lowest population of all time except November 2021.
  11. finegamingconnoisseur

    Compared To Over A Year Ago The Game Has Been Optimized For The Better.

    Performance is definitely better now, though Tindrem continues to be an unoptimised mess the last time I visited. Hopefully this upcoming patch will fix that.
  12. finegamingconnoisseur

    How to fix alliances in one clean sweep

    As long as they allow guilds to be in more than one alliance at a time in a complex web of alliances (instead of dumbing it down as it has been proposed), I'm fine with the other stuff.
  13. finegamingconnoisseur

    Karma System?

    One of the problems with the karma system in UO was that murderers would pk, then farm back their karma through PvE or red-killing. If SV does consider implementing a similar system, it needs to be disconnected from PvE and other forms of PvP like bounty hunting that would allow karma farming.
  14. finegamingconnoisseur

    I'm comming back to the Game

    Fabernum was packed last night when I played, didn't go out into the wild but saw heaps of people standing around the task givers, bankers and trade brokers. Also saw a few casting ether portals who then promptly died and their ragdoll physics dragging them in weird random directions around the...
  15. finegamingconnoisseur

    I'm comming back to the Game

    I hope they're not holding out a carrot on a stick on us on this one...