As I said in my other post, I think that there needs to be the smart people, the skilled people, and the strong willed. Obviously, mixtures exist.
The strong willed are the people who do not give up hope despite facing ridiculous odds, and allowing those players to inflict damage, even in structures, is very important to the game.
I don't think the devs read this forum, but they should.
I think it's cool to have the possibility of doing something as a solo if people zerg you, kinda some way to damage. Being able to climb and such would be so huge, though. There is a lot of terrain in MO and climbing (when you can do it) is pretty high skill cap haha. I know I've missed a jump and gotten killed because I was trying to climb something that, if I woulda succeeded, I woulda got away.
You know what might be interesting is a toggle. OO oo check it out. So, instead of a gap closer, give people the option to toggle between normal (normal), x% faster with x% less damage, or x% more damage while x% slower. When you were in speed mode, sprinting would use up more stam. When you were in power mode, swinging would use up more stam. Yooo. haha.
The thing is, though, solutions need to be something they can implement. Like I think they are pretty far from adding cleave mechanics. If you think of how wonk the game is, I can't imagine how that would work out. Imagine standing like 60 feet away from someone and taking splash dmg haha. Over and over until you die... and you're like ?? wat.