Hello it's me again. You might remember me from my previous threads; the most recent of which predicted that relics would have no meaningful impact on long term population trends and that the game will be at its lowest concurrent population 6months post relic.
It looks as if im on track to be correct (again). I want to make it clear that i'm not dooming to say "i told you so", i'm doing it because I love Mortal 2, arguably more then Henrik because I would be willing to do what's necessary to ensure its survival when it appears he is not willing.
This brings me to my next topic: Sarducca and its inability to influence population long-term in a meaningful way. I expect sarducca to produce a population boom bigger then relics but smaller then mastery update, this boom will be temporary just like the updates previous to it.
But why? Because Sarducca doesn't address the single biggest issue Mortal is facing right now which is lack of meaningful competitive solo gameplay loops. quite simply put Mortal cannot possibly grow long term until this issue is rectified. Solo gameplay is the water to online games, it is the building block of life to which all other life in online games derive from. All online multiplayer games must abide by solo looping the foundation or the game eventually dies, matchmaking solves this issue in team oriented games but MMOs do not have matchmaking, or if they do it's "soft matchmaking" like factions.
So what should Mortals dev team be focusing on right now if they want to grow the game? Creating a ecosystem in which a single player with 2 hours of gameplay a day can get in, compete, make meaningful progression and contest objectives relevant to their progression. While keeping in mind the core tenant of any game (not just online); Games are built on winners and losers, the trick is to keep the losers winning just enough to keep them in the game. This is something i'm confident I could do if given creative authority over Mortal 2.

It looks as if im on track to be correct (again). I want to make it clear that i'm not dooming to say "i told you so", i'm doing it because I love Mortal 2, arguably more then Henrik because I would be willing to do what's necessary to ensure its survival when it appears he is not willing.
This brings me to my next topic: Sarducca and its inability to influence population long-term in a meaningful way. I expect sarducca to produce a population boom bigger then relics but smaller then mastery update, this boom will be temporary just like the updates previous to it.
But why? Because Sarducca doesn't address the single biggest issue Mortal is facing right now which is lack of meaningful competitive solo gameplay loops. quite simply put Mortal cannot possibly grow long term until this issue is rectified. Solo gameplay is the water to online games, it is the building block of life to which all other life in online games derive from. All online multiplayer games must abide by solo looping the foundation or the game eventually dies, matchmaking solves this issue in team oriented games but MMOs do not have matchmaking, or if they do it's "soft matchmaking" like factions.
So what should Mortals dev team be focusing on right now if they want to grow the game? Creating a ecosystem in which a single player with 2 hours of gameplay a day can get in, compete, make meaningful progression and contest objectives relevant to their progression. While keeping in mind the core tenant of any game (not just online); Games are built on winners and losers, the trick is to keep the losers winning just enough to keep them in the game. This is something i'm confident I could do if given creative authority over Mortal 2.