Here are some simple fixes to help improve the gameplay. I stream this page to 1. bring awareness and 2. get folks to join the forms to participate in giving feedback and
1. open the profession tab my pressing L
2. right-click or hot bar fletching icon
3. drag wood or metal (min 100 wood must be included)
4. click the fletch button
Bodkins or broadheads will appear in your character's inventory

Other arrows to be implemented would be armor-piercing, blunt, and slashing arrowheads. These would require finding a book since the knowledge has been lost.

This is how to fletch bodkins or broadheads.1. open the profession tab my pressing L
2. right-click or hot bar fletching icon
3. drag wood or metal (min 100 wood must be included)
4. click the fletch button
Bodkins or broadheads will appear in your character's inventory

Other arrows to be implemented would be armor-piercing, blunt, and slashing arrowheads. These would require finding a book since the knowledge has been lost.
Add a new tab in skills that has the draggable emote icons that can be dragged to the character's hotbar. This would make it easy to use in the game. To surrender or interact with others simply and easily. Some would improve the game, Take "squat" for example... one could squat in a bust and hide better.
At the moment social tab is pointless. Here is how to improve it:- Clicking on the name automatically creates a whisper chat
- Add a notepad icon that lets the player add notes or stories about the person.
- Set an alert check-box that sends a popup when the designated friend comes online
- Ability to form a temporary group that operates like a guild, sharing clade benefits.

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