Increased Weather Immersion

Slarti Bartfast

Active member
Mar 6, 2022
Though I don't know jack about programming/design, here's one I imagine won't be too hard to pull off but would up immersion substantially with weather. Switch the sound of rain when I step indoors to the sound of rain on the roof rather than the constant "natural" sounding rain we get now.

Probably harder to pull off but would help immersion even more, make the area darken. Put dark clouds in the sky when it rains. Make it so I can see the rain a little better. It usually feels like it is thundering but I barely see the rain and the sky is bright.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
I just play with 3% sound because the rain sounds was just so fucking bad. You cant hear anything. Couldnt hear youtube, couldnt hear discord, couldnt hear whats happening in your own house.

Ive been though bigger and badder storms irl then this game and no one is screaming at each other.

Devs wont fix lighting which will only take 5 minutes to fix by turning off the eye adaption plug in so we all play with max gama.
Devs wont fix the storms sound so we play at 3% sound.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
Though I don't know jack about programming/design, here's one I imagine won't be too hard to pull off but would up immersion substantially with weather. Switch the sound of rain when I step indoors to the sound of rain on the roof rather than the constant "natural" sounding rain we get now.

Probably harder to pull off but would help immersion even more, make the area darken. Put dark clouds in the sky when it rains. Make it so I can see the rain a little better. It usually feels like it is thundering but I barely see the rain and the sky is bright.
Rain collision and ambient noise in general would be wonderful and is long asked for. +1


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I'd like to see a rain once in a while, not just hear it. I remember they toned down rain effects to help people with lower end PC's, but maybe they could've just added a slider instead?

There is also a cinematic effect many games use - having droplets "hit the camera" and slowly flow down which adds to immersion too.

The next level of immersiveness would be seeing rain bubbles in water and "watery" terrain during and after a rain, like in BDO. Right now rain has no effect on terrain at all, which breaks the immersion.
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Reactions: Slarti Bartfast

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
I just play with 3% sound because the rain sounds was just so fucking bad. You cant hear anything. Couldnt hear youtube, couldnt hear discord, couldnt hear whats happening in your own house.

Ive been though bigger and badder storms irl then this game and no one is screaming at each other.

Devs wont fix lighting which will only take 5 minutes to fix by turning off the eye adaption plug in so we all play with max gama.
Devs wont fix the storms sound so we play at 3% sound.
Mortal sound design is generic garbo tho lol, rain is complete trash. Imagine if they actually had a sound designer instead of using copyright free sound libraries.
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Reactions: Tzone and Treibholz