I'm having such a hard time with Bounty hunting


Active member
Jan 27, 2022
No because I would be absolutely bad at fighting (I'd say I'm decent at least) but rather with contracts the system gives me are terrible.

I'm probably just unlucky but I'd say that 8 out of 10 contracats I get are basically almost failuers by default.

What usually happens in almost every case is that the target is around 8 000 meters away, often even more and they log out before I even get a chance to catch up to them (or they are inside their house afk, also happened multiple times).
Then the other half of the contracts is on people who almost always live in a guild town with their buddies or are generally in a group together so that's literally impossible to deal with as solo bounty hunter.
Very rarely I get even a chance to put up a fight, I don't mind dying but these scenarios where I have to travel 30min+ just to have the hunted guy log out is the worst feeling possible, a total waste of time.

I get the feeling the system just wants me to pump gold into the contractor until I get by RNG a guy who's in the same city as me, otherwise disacard the contract and don't bother unless you have huge group who would go bounty hunting together with you.

I really want to like the BHing system but I've had nothing but massive struggles with it. I wish there were some conditions to the targeting system other then pure RNG or something like that so that it's not as big of a waste of time.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Well bounty hunting should be hard. A successful bounty hunt should be rare. You should have to find your target and then wait for the opportune moment to kill him.

Having said that most people bounty hunt in groups. It is almost impossible to find a target that is solo and roaming in the world. And even if they do, they usually call for backup very quickly.


Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Well bounty hunting should be hard. A successful bounty hunt should be rare. You should have to find your target and then wait for the opportune moment to kill him.

Having said that most people bounty hunt in groups. It is almost impossible to find a target that is solo and roaming in the world. And even if they do, they usually call for backup very quickly.

It's not really about it beiing hard, it's pure RNG. You have the same random chance to get an afk guy 50 meters next to you as to get a guy sitting inside a keep surrounded by guild mates 10 000 meters away.

It's not hard when I travel for ages and the guy just randomly logs out, that's not hard, that's RNGing into a waste of time.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
No because I would be absolutely bad at fighting (I'd say I'm decent at least) but rather with contracts the system gives me are terrible.

I'm probably just unlucky but I'd say that 8 out of 10 contracats I get are basically almost failuers by default.

What usually happens in almost every case is that the target is around 8 000 meters away, often even more and they log out before I even get a chance to catch up to them (or they are inside their house afk, also happened multiple times).
Then the other half of the contracts is on people who almost always live in a guild town with their buddies or are generally in a group together so that's literally impossible to deal with as solo bounty hunter.
Very rarely I get even a chance to put up a fight, I don't mind dying but these scenarios where I have to travel 30min+ just to have the hunted guy log out is the worst feeling possible, a total waste of time.

I get the feeling the system just wants me to pump gold into the contractor until I get by RNG a guy who's in the same city as me, otherwise disacard the contract and don't bother unless you have huge group who would go bounty hunting together with you.

I really want to like the BHing system but I've had nothing but massive struggles with it. I wish there were some conditions to the targeting system other then pure RNG or something like that so that it's not as big of a waste of time.

The contract issuing system still needs a lot of fine tuning. The biggest issue is the distance it is from where you're getting them from. It is often quite comical getting a contract that is in Gaul Kor and you're in Vadda. Like do they have cabalvision internet?


Active member
May 7, 2022
No because I would be absolutely bad at fighting (I'd say I'm decent at least) but rather with contracts the system gives me are terrible.

I'm probably just unlucky but I'd say that 8 out of 10 contracats I get are basically almost failuers by default.

What usually happens in almost every case is that the target is around 8 000 meters away, often even more and they log out before I even get a chance to catch up to them (or they are inside their house afk, also happened multiple times).
Then the other half of the contracts is on people who almost always live in a guild town with their buddies or are generally in a group together so that's literally impossible to deal with as solo bounty hunter.
Very rarely I get even a chance to put up a fight, I don't mind dying but these scenarios where I have to travel 30min+ just to have the hunted guy log out is the worst feeling possible, a total waste of time.

I get the feeling the system just wants me to pump gold into the contractor until I get by RNG a guy who's in the same city as me, otherwise disacard the contract and don't bother unless you have huge group who would go bounty hunting together with you.

I really want to like the BHing system but I've had nothing but massive struggles with it. I wish there were some conditions to the targeting system other then pure RNG or something like that so that it's not as big of a waste of time.

There should be no murder counts or standings preventing people from getting inside towns.
After the criminal timer, everyone should be allowed to enter town.

This way, there would be lots of cool fights inside towns between bounty hunters and scoundrels that would be restocking inside every town.

Now that would be great, and certainly would attract more people since the game would be much more dynamic.

Also, people would actually witness justice by seeing their murderers being hunted and executed in front of their eyes at towns !!

Of course, grays should still not be allowed inside town... only after the criminal time, once they become blue again.

Come on devs... use your brain to revitalize this game !!

The game is great... just need some pushes here and there !!

Oh, and also, needs to remove guards from the wilderness.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Bounty hunter is terrible to say the least. I find it obsene they have wasted development time on such a piece of craparoni.
Beyond balance the concept itself is precarious and poorly implemented.

In don't see the point on releasing this placeholder content if it doesn't have any utility whatsoever to players.

Theres very basic scenarios they havent taken in consideration, which makes this concrete feature end up being a mockery to the people playing.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Well bounty hunting should be hard. A successful bounty hunt should be rare. You should have to find your target and then wait for the opportune moment to kill him.

Having said that most people bounty hunt in groups. It is almost impossible to find a target that is solo and roaming in the world. And even if they do, they usually call for backup very quickly.
The issue is the system is a shitty design. Its a waste of gold to buy a contract and get someone on the wrong planet. If they didnt want people getting quick fights with reds around them, they shouldn't have added a BH system.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
Bounty hunter is terrible to say the least. I find it obsene they have wasted development time on such a piece of craparoni.
Beyond balance the concept itself is precarious and poorly implemented.

In don't see the point on releasing this placeholder content if it doesn't have any utility whatsoever to players.

Theres very basic scenarios they havent taken in consideration, which makes this concrete feature end up being a mockery to the people playing.
Reason #1384 this games going to die. They waste dev time making poorly made things that end up adding nothing to the gameplay. And then instead of polishing it to become actual content they go on to the next thing. In this case, shitty trinkets.
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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2022
No because I would be absolutely bad at fighting (I'd say I'm decent at least) but rather with contracts the system gives me are terrible.

I'm probably just unlucky but I'd say that 8 out of 10 contracats I get are basically almost failuers by default.

What usually happens in almost every case is that the target is around 8 000 meters away, often even more and they log out before I even get a chance to catch up to them (or they are inside their house afk, also happened multiple times).
Then the other half of the contracts is on people who almost always live in a guild town with their buddies or are generally in a group together so that's literally impossible to deal with as solo bounty hunter.
Very rarely I get even a chance to put up a fight, I don't mind dying but these scenarios where I have to travel 30min+ just to have the hunted guy log out is the worst feeling possible, a total waste of time.

I get the feeling the system just wants me to pump gold into the contractor until I get by RNG a guy who's in the same city as me, otherwise disacard the contract and don't bother unless you have huge group who would go bounty hunting together with you.

I really want to like the BHing system but I've had nothing but massive struggles with it. I wish there were some conditions to the targeting system other then pure RNG or something like that so that it's not as big of a waste of time.

Perhaps a good idea might be to have the option to pay more gold to get a contract where the target is closer to you. Now that won't help with an AFK target locked in his house but it might be a way to help remove gold from the game by charging more for the convenience. Just an idea...


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
The BH system having the entire map in the rotation for every town is annoying. But so is how BHs are killing people in town using their first hit advantage.

Just weak people getting ESP and other broken advantages and still losing.

Needs rebalance on both sides. Its not really worth while content and is just pushing more people out of the game for casual PvP.


Active member
Feb 23, 2022
The contract you get should be in the region you accept it as long there is targets.
I mean if you live out of tindrem as an example you might want to make the area you are involved too safer and do not really care for maybe toxai so much 😬 Furthermore why would tindrem reward you to make another area safer... doesn't really fit tbh.

As it is now it's basically a waste of time mostly as your target most of the time is offline when you get there.


Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
perhaps there should be some kind of consolation prize if you use a bird within x many meters and y many minutes of where/when your bounty has logged out, to show that you made a good faith effort to attempt to find them. a refund for the contract or something?

not sure what could be done for people who are afk inside a building.


Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
im a not big expert and not very smart, but so far i see it like this. its should be like trading broker where u can see a head price, everyone can add to it, you can see location of killer, you can see his name. you can see if he is in a party. u can see his guild name. you can see if he locked in the house. you can see what gear is he wearing. you can see what is in his bag. you can see if he is on horse. you cand see if he is been traveling or stay around the aria. i know it sounds crazy but this vendor can have sort of spy additional options where u can pay extra to get more info about the target. do an investigation befor sign a contract. pk life should be difficult, not a life of bounty hunters
You can SEE all this in the form of a lucid dream? Definitely, i can see some esoterism, candles and Amanita with gamun decoctions for hunters to visualize their prey.

But if theres no magery, herb ritual and maybe lore involved i want diegetic systems. Not tracking devices for people to exploit in any possible way.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
im a not big expert and not very smart, but so far i see it like this. its should be like trading broker where u can see a head price, everyone can add to it, you can see location of killer, you can see his name. you can see if he is in a party. u can see his guild name. you can see if he locked in the house. you can see what gear is he wearing. you can see what is in his bag. you can see if he is on horse. you cand see if he is been traveling or stay around the aria. i know it sounds crazy but this vendor can have sort of spy additional options where u can pay extra to get more info about the target. do an investigation befor sign a contract. pk life should be difficult, not a life of bounty hunters
Should it also have an instakill button too to save you the trouble?
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Maybe change the system so that bounty hunters can see a list of anonymous targets and their distance from the BH on the job board.

That way, a BH can choose a target within a distance that is acceptable to them, while at the same time not revealing who the target is.

I also think BHs should establish a cooperative network among themselves, so that they can work together to achieve their goals.
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