Patch Notes Discussion


Well-known member
May 29, 2020

  • Added the Alvarin races.
  • Added Risar Berserker armor.
  • Added melee weapon crafting.
  • Added Poleaxes.
  • Added option to use round compass. (Work in progress)
  • Added minor animation to all lootable objects.
  • Added support for crafting workbenches.
  • Added first update to new level streaming. This update only affects the initial load of the world during the loading screen.
  • Added Ear rig with physics. (mostly for hiding the ears when putting on a helmet, but also for Alvarins)
  • Added support for splitting stacks. (the look of this UI is far from finished)
  • Added directional jump animations.
  • Added crafting tables to Kranesh and Fabernum.
  • Added crafting materials to barrels close to crafting tables.
  • Added DirectX 12 and DirectX 11 steam launch options.

  • All characters and old weapons are wiped to ensure correct testing results from the new crafting.
  • Disabled the queue system from swinging and blocking.
  • You can no longer block immediately after a swing.
  • Removed eye adaptation system, which could make the surrounding turn black mid day.
  • Character creation now shows default height for all clades.
  • Updated the world lighting.
  • You now get a message in chat when you pickup new items.
  • Players with too high ping will now be kicked from the server.
  • Updated jump logic and blends.
  • Renamed most weapon parts.
  • First version of tweaked crafting calculations for melee weapons. (e.g. Handle materials now have a larger impact on the weapon durability and damage, so spongewood/spongewood isn't the best choice.)
    This is a huge system and more changes will come.

  • You can now use the Invert ALT option when using directional keys for attack/block.
  • Fixed rare client crash.
  • Fixed floor placement for NPCs. (They no longer spawn inside the ground)
  • Fixed crash in new VOIP system.
  • Made several improvements to the skill window. (still very much not finished)
  • Fixed issue where you could paste large messages into chat turning them into weird characters.
  • Etherworld particles should now work again.
  • It should no longer rain in the ether.
  • Fixed issue in character creation that would create a female character if no settings where changed.
  • Hopefully fixed the issue that made characters fall through the ground if they teleported very far.
  • Massive cleanup on server code to make the code run faster.
  • Voice now connects properly on login.
  • You can no longer use VOIP when dead.
  • Fixed several issues inside the Minotaur cave.
  • Fixed some sounds playing louder in the left channel.
  • Fixed Thursar Males sometimes sounded like females when dying.
  • Weapons and shields no longer scale with the player. (this caused tall players to have bigger weapons)
  • Optimized the player loading into world system.
  • Fixed animation re-targeting issue causing female characters to get a retracted jaw.
  • Fixed issue in character master material resulting in all materials looking too rough instead of shiny. (mostly affected leather materials)
  • Fixed issue in body physics where the particles would spawn in bind pose instead of animation pose causing a pop on initialization.
  • Removed an issue in the animation blueprint causing unnecessary hitching, popping and random blend issues in all states.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I keep getting booted back to the main menu less than a minute after logging in... can't even log back in unless I quit and restart the client. Not sure if it's due to this:
  • Players with too high ping will now be kicked from the server.
I certainly hope it isn't due to this, or else I'm fudged...

Sebastian Persson

Lead Programmer
Staff member
May 27, 2020
I keep getting booted back to the main menu less than a minute after logging in... can't even log back in unless I quit and restart the client. Not sure if it's due to this:
  • Players with too high ping will now be kicked from the server.
I certainly hope it isn't due to this, or else I'm fudged...
You get passed loading screen?
Ill take a look at the logs tomorrow


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
Sounds like a high ping kick. I tested it with a download and went to the main menus pretty much immediatly. Same thing happenend with youtube in the background. There is no message or anything for that kind of kick.
Wait, you can't watch youtube and play?


Active member
May 28, 2020
Each weapon type having their own exclusive handles is a bit restrictive compared to the old approach and restricts customisation. I get this is probably to make sure each handle synergises with the head types but still. The axe and hammer handles are so different from each other for essentially the same school of weapon - short/medium handled, and there doesn't really seem to be any reason an axe wouldn't fit on a hammer handle and vice versa. Due to the style differences in these, every axe you make as a primitive crude looking handle and almost every hammer you make has an ornate metal handle.

Also I'm not sure if materials are supposed to visually display on the weapons but they definitely aren't having any effect on weapon looks right now.

Most handles and heads are looking pretty good with some notable exceptions which are just bizarre such as the 2h flanged mace, the long spear which is just a cone, the triple spear which apppears to have a tumor at its base, and the kallard double axe which for some reason has a square join to the handle, 1h warhammer which also has a huge fat join for a tiny hammer head, and of course the 2h warhammer which is so niche in appearance (read: ugly) which makes me question why they didn't just go for something more standard for warhammer head.

Not being able to mix and match your long/short handles for pole weapons means you have a lot less choice when it comes to reach and drastically reduces your customisation options in comparison to mo1.

After the crafting menu transparency flicker bug is fixed I might make a more comprehensive critique of the available options and their limitations.

Steam of consciousness over


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
A common misconception by people is that having a bigger bandwidth gives better ping. This is not the case. Unless your bandwidth is too small for the information that has to be continously sent. I don't know any game that cant be played on 0.5 mbit/s. I mean sure, there are games that need you to stream content as you go but those are usually not really multiplayer games and the issue wont be ping related...

The main things that impact your ping are; Distance(including routing), line quality and line type. This goes for anywhere inbetween from where you are and where you are going as well. It doesn't matter if you are a on a low interference connection like a good fiber connection, if the connection is then routed through telephone lines. That will have both impact on your quality and your overall bandwidth. Luckily this is almost never the case.


Active member
May 30, 2020
1h warhammer which also has a huge fat join for a tiny hammer head, and of course the 2h warhammer which is so niche in appearance (read: ugly) which makes me question why they didn't just go for something more standard for warhammer head.
They probably went with the type of hammer they did because that is a more realistic head type for a warhammer. Traditional in a videogame sense usually means sledgehammer lookin weapon. Smaller heads use less metals and are still extremely effective, hammers were weapons that were used in large amounts because you could give any untrained peasant a spear or a hammer and they could still easily kill a plate wearing knight with one good hit.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
The hammers used in war usually had small heads though. The "blunt" head usually had prongs or jagged edges and was very rarely a smooth surface, so that it would dig into armor so you not only hit the enemy without glancing off, but break their armor. The back side usually a spike or a beak shape.
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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
the Jungle. Meditating on things to come.
A common misconception by people is that having a bigger bandwidth gives better ping. This is not the case. Unless your bandwidth is too small for the information that has to be continously sent. I don't know any game that cant be played on 0.5 mbit/s. I mean sure, there are games that need you to stream content as you go but those are usually not really multiplayer games and the issue wont be ping related...

The main things that impact your ping are; Distance(including routing), line quality and line type. This goes for anywhere inbetween from where you are and where you are going as well. It doesn't matter if you are a on a low interference connection like a good fiber connection, if the connection is then routed through telephone lines. That will have both impact on your quality and your overall bandwidth. Luckily this is almost never the case.

But if a download takes a lot of your bandwidth it will worsen your latency. Same goes for streaming high definition stuff. Sadly I have some practical experience with that. Got kicked a couple of times already. :D

On the warhammers:

I think they went with something fairly realistic but maybe a bit ornate looking. Then again they also put a bunch of spikes on everything. Win some, loose some.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
But if a download takes a lot of your bandwidth it will worsen your latency. Same goes for streaming high definition stuff. Sadly I have some practical experience with that. Got kicked a couple of times already. :D

On the warhammers:

I think they went with something fairly realistic but maybe a bit ornate looking. Then again they also put a bunch of spikes on everything. Win some, loose some.
If you don't leave enough bandwidth for games yes. But thats also a thing. Using your bandwidth also lowers the quality of your connection.

Accidentally capping out on your upload is also very possible on a lot of connections since most plans have a lot lower upload bandwidth. im capped at 100 down 10 up with my current cheapo plan($8/month). Still fiber and very good quality connection(I get between 18 and 25 ping on mo2 for example), but if I p2p download I can accidentally crap out my connection by hogging all the upload bandwidth.