Your guide to meaningful sieges - To Henrik


Active member
Apr 29, 2023
Hi Henrik, it seems the community has had an overall negative response to TC, and I know why and I also can help. Thankfully you have most of what is necessary already in place, with a few minor tweaks the ruleset can be meaningful.

Objectives of TC:
1. We don't want it to be easy to siege solo players and small groups
2. We do want territory(castles) changing hands regularly to provide game loops for end-game.
3. We want to provide value to owning castles.
4. We want to give people a chance to defend their structures and make off-line sieging difficult.

The issues facing TC now:
1. All structures with guild-stones are nearly unsiegeable with a mixture of guild stone, supply storehouse and towers, as well as stone-swaping.
2. Owning a castle(territory) is still not worthwhile.
3. Guild stone swaping

The fix:
1.The removal of guild-stone damage reduction is first and foremost. Add a static damage resistance to all structures based on class. With small houses having the highest default bonus's(80%)and Castles having 0% default bonus. Strongholds can be somewhere around 60%. Supply towers can still apply defense however it should be 5% per tower. A stronghold should never be able to reach more then 90% defense bonus. A castle should never reach more then 50%. Houses can reach up to a maximum of 95% damage reduction with supply towers.

Ideally we want to be in a range where it takes 5-7catapults to destroy a unguarded T1 stronghold with no supply towers and no one repairing it.

2. War-time bonus. For being at war with your opponent you claim a 15% damage bonus against their structures.

3. Supply storehouse no longer provides defense values. However when built it makes the structure it is attached to unsiegeable until the storehouse is destroyed. After the storehouse is destroyed there is a 10 hour cooldown and then the structure can be attacked for 6 hours. After that 6 hour period the storehouse can be rebuilt.

The supply lines structures act as the castle supply storehouse. A supply storehouse can not be built on a castle. You must destroy both supply lines to make a castle vulnerable. If only one supply line is destroyed the other can be rebuilt immediately, however it will not provide protection until it is fully built. Once both are destroyed the supply lines become unbuildable until the end of the siege window.

4. Castles now directly tax structures within its territory. Based on upkeep. Every structure pays an additional upkeep tax. 15% of the tax is burnt(destroyed), the remainder is deposited into the castle chest. The tax can be toggled by castle-owner. 100% upkeep tax maximum. Gold is paid per upkeep tick.

5. Castles are the only thing in the game that determine territory control.

6. Add more castles(later/medium priority) to split up territories into smaller units. Consider leaving areas around starter cities out of territory control completely.
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