Werewolf build suggestion/ Animism possible fun play style for the future

May 29, 2020
Montreal, QC
through animism you can shapeshift into a werewolf
Gain bonuses to defence in wild form accounting a restriction of HAVING to wear 8kg armor and lower.
(tind guard hornscale/ bloodsilk would give 49b, 56p, 53s defence in wild form at 7.9kg)
dmg in the 30-40+ per hit through brawler and unarmed technique.
buffs for ally and ambush skills to solo survive. the goal being, giving dex character a fun playstyle to look for that is unique to dex characters
(although it would still work on a full str/size thursar...might even be better cuz of high hp...except low dex give slow movespeed. dmg would remian the same cuz of dmg calculations)

every action in mortal has a cost. Melee attacks cost stamina. losing stamina reduces your chances of survival. without it you cannot block, attack, run or parry. stamina is the lifeline of fighters.

for mages, mana is the counter part. casting spells cost mana, without mana you can't heal, deal dmg, cast defensive spells. mana is the lifeline of mages.

for an archer, stamina is less of a predicament, you shouldn't stand on the front line so blocking and parrying is not a focus. therefore stamina is used solely for firing arrows and repositioning.

Mages work in the same way because, as of right now, EVERY CLASS of mage is purely ranged based.
reagents are what arrows are to an archer. a cost to firing off ranged attacks. (reagents for healing and support skills are so inexpensive, heals are basically free)

with the coming of new magic schools i proposed something Scandalous. What if we flipped the game on its head? through the Animist Magic school, it is rumored to be a shapeshifting magic school. So...Ever wished there was more classes of magic user other than ranged/support?

what is we creat something so scandalous the vets are mad at us but the new players will actually love the idea?

i propose lychantropy. We already have a Model and Rig for "beast folk" (i.e tribe rats, sators, etc)
they also come with animations for attacking with their claws and doing other ranged attacks. EVERYTHING is ALREADY IN THE GAME! we just need to repurpose it, ask the 3d artists to make new models for werewolf/were-bears and Bob's your uncle!

so hear me out. i'll start with the Dire Wolf Mantle (werewolf).
the cost of casting these shapeshift spell are....absolutely not reagents. except, in reality the costs are the use of your clade skills while in wild form (if you are an alvarin you cant cast your runner's high and if you're an oghmir you can't pipe etc) and a large sum of mana, which does not regen while in wild form*

while in werewolf form you will gain 10 ADDITIONAL defense in EVERYTHING. added on top of equipped armor....the trick? you cannot wear anything over 8kg for the spell to work. if the game detect a higher armor weight the spell Fizzle automatically.

so, in example.. A (horned scale/ guard fur) risar beserker armor is...

without the wild form.....with wild form
blunt ----------43------------53
pierce ----------36------------46
slash ----------39------------49
-3 dmg taken and +5% dmg resist from lv.100 defensive stance.
(carapace armor level of defense, better than scale, worst than metal)

as you can tell. the mage will become a bit more tankier. im sure some of you can craft some strong armor that's under 8kg and have even more armor. this just serve as an example with a budget armor.

also while in wild form, the mage will be unable to cast any of their spell, unless it is to turn back into humanoid form. instead they are given a number of "gifts" usable while in wild form. (unlocked depending on how high is their animist levels).

an example i had in mind for lv.30 and 60 animist would be..(lv.60 animist required to cast shapeshift) would be "HOWL" at lv.20 : the user let's out a harrowing howl Rallying nearby allies. for 25s nearby allies and yourself included spend 30% less stamina per attacks. (reasoning: wolves hunt in pacts, as animism is deeply rooted in the laws of nature i wouldn't put it past animists copying predator tactics in their offensive spell system)

"Hunter's Guise" at lv.60 : Make yourself harder to detect by magical means (for now the only detection spell in game is alvarin sight) basically hunter's guise gives you immunity to alvarin sight for 600s (reasoning: Animism come from the People of the Anam sith. The alvarins are deadly hunters and survivalists. before discovering myrland they would've waged war between their own and inevitably the hunters would've became the hunted. in order to fight against hunter the animist shapeshifter needed to develop tactics against the sight)

While in werewolf form the user cannot weild their weapons, instead attacks are to be made using the predator's natural weapon. its claws and fangs (left/right/overhead)= claw swipes (middle)= bite attack. all these attacks have the same hitbox range range as if swinging/stabbing with a 1h sword reguardless of character size. the dmg of claw swipes are pure slash and the bite is pure pierce.

The dmg of claws and bite is the same value. the value given by the wild form is 15. the dmg of the claws and bite can only be modified by Brawling/unarmed technique. so..
if we assume you have a human dex fighter/mage with 110 dex (khurite) and you have full brawling skill and agressive stance. the dmg would look like this

15 werewold dmg + 3dmg from lv.100 aggressive stance + (11dmg from lv.100 unarmed technique x 1.5 from lv.100 brawling) = 34 (might be higher as fist base dmg is undetermined)

34 dmg x (21% dmg bonus + 5% from lv.100 aggressive stance) = 42dmg that is either pure slash or pure pierce depending on what direction you hit from. (mid tier weapon levels of dmg)

so lets say you hit for 42 dmg. you hit a dude in steel merc armor which has 65 slash defense. doing 42 would result in doing 15-20dmg depending if you hit body or head. (people have between 160 and 220hp...so every hit is between it would take 10-12.5 hit to kill a thursar in full steel or 5-6 hits to kill to kill a dex mage in scale
(to give context: you are not a front liner, in group play you will stay with mages to protect against diver and/or peel fighters rushing to the back line for heals. in solo play you are probably the cheapest most viable option for pvE melee farming. ofc dont go fighting a troll in melee. pvp wise you are tanky enough to fight anything thats not in steel. pick your fights well)

reasoning behind the calculation and the level of dmg and armor...now the dmg is heavily modified by how much dexterity you'r character has and how much dmg bonus you have. if you have 120+ dex you will suffer from lower dmg bonuses, if you have high dmg bonus like thursars than you have low dex its all balanced. the difference in dmg between a 35% dmg bonus thursar vs a 121 dex alvarin is 41-43.

the main component of choosing a certain clade is ...more con and height = more hp. more dex = faster move speed. play what you prefer. (thursar will have 216 hp vs alvarin with 175 to 185hp)

(NOTE that even when playing a character without any strength you would still hit for 35 ish dmg which is about the dmg a messing club or a cuprum/jadeit dagger would do. in therm of dmg, its under steel but better than flakestone/incisium.

oh side note, blocking/parrying with your werewolf arms count as blocking with a 25/25/25 shield
(if you do not level block you will still take chip dmg, take care!)

some people will tell me "yeah but it doesn't need any reagent and and you don't need to buy/craft weapon to achieve 40+ dmg per swing, its so op" i say to that what i said in the beginning every build has a cost. fighter excel in melee range at the cost of spells and archery. mages at the cost of survival in melee and the archer is a weird in between. BUT what the animist shapeshifter is...
JUST ANOTHER OPTION for people to play a fantasy character. what if they dont want to play an oghmie tank to go in melee, what if they want to play a mage character but still want the option to go in melee? play a full dex character and be able to solo survive as a "true predator" in the wilds

"yeah but if hes a mage he can cast all the op spells AND shapeshift to counter melee?" Not realy. having to spec into brawling, blocking and combat maneuver. remove points that can be spent on mental offense and mental focus etc. even if animism give you access to offensive spells and skills.
by playing a shapeshift you make the CONSCIOUS DECISION to forgo spell efficiency for tankiness and melee capabilities. even if you spec dex/int your werewolf dmg is that of a cuprum dagger and your lesser heals will only hit for 15-17. the dmg of the animism offensive spells will be lower than that of a full caster animism. the goal of this build design is to give dex centrist character a new flavor through magic schools and unused combat skills. give the noobs something to play with and vets to theory craft around.