Maybe if youre to tired over the years to explain a newb something about resources you can share this with him.
feedback and suggestions in every way a welcome
Party Hard
feedback and suggestions in every way a welcome
very thx for your feedback man, i will make more detailed videos. and i hope i can improve the sound quality a bit next time. im currently siting in my home office room where i dont have much stuff in there so the echoing maye come form there. xD i will try my best next time.Pretty good, although i wish you touched up a little more on the coal/coke aspect aswell as the ratios as that may catch people off guard.
Should also mentioned the primary 3 obtainable rocks being Granum, Calx & Saburra and their purposes.
Granum is almost everywhere, Grey in colour | Calx, Near the waters edge and sits by the river, White in colour | Saburra etc.
Each node has a max limit of 4000units.
Another thing to note is that the furnace can be a nice alternative from the crusher for Granum (110 more bloodore yield but less flakestone, amarantium), This can help with users extracting the rock safer inside town instead of outside where players will most likely wait.
(Calx/saburra they're outta luck and have to take their chances with the grinder/crusher)
Microphone was abit echoey, May want to consider configuring a noise-gate to reduce background noise or add the audio in post-editing.
Overall good stuff.