Unarmored Defense for Thursar


New member
Jul 15, 2022
So I was showing Mortal Online 2 to a friend, and for some reason, one of the things he liked the most was the Thursar that shows up... well, everywhere. On the Steam page for the game, at the main login screen, etc.

He asked me if you could actually play as that kind of character. He's just quite into the whole barbarian archetype (even plays as one in a D&D campaign).

I said that was a playable race, but probably going for those looks would be a bad idea, as you definitely can't skip torso armor in the game.

Which led me to think: wouldn't it be nice to somehow add the Unarmored Defense that Barbarian characters have in D&D into the game? Could be something like a Thursar clade gift, for instance. That way Thursars could actually imitate the looks of the now unofficial "mascot" of MO2 (lol).

Something that would grant similar benefits to plate armor, but without having to wear it. Obviously being worse than having to wear the armor itself, but perhaps trading some of the protection for something else?

If I'm to be honest, I have no clue as to how something like that could be implemented, but it would be nice to see methinks!


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
It'd be easy to add, hard to balance. AC is not DR. I always thought UAD was more like crazed movement and defense by swinging around your wep or w/e, opposed to stone skin. IMO unarmored defense can be OP in a lot of dnd.

It fits the char, but not the game. I would like to see Thursars play more like a barb archetype tho. Put them up the rung as just hard bangers.


New member
Jul 15, 2022
So, if we go along the clade gift idea, something like:

Whenever you don't wear any chest armor, you get an extra 0.5 points from your Constitution into your health. (?)

Or maybe:

You get 25% more contribution from the defense your helmet, arms and legs give you OR big passive regeneration buff BUT you can no longer equip chest armor.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
So, if we go along the clade gift idea, something like:

Whenever you don't wear any chest armor, you get an extra 0.5 points from your Constitution into your health. (?)

Or maybe:

You get 25% more contribution from the defense your helmet, arms and legs give you OR big passive regeneration buff BUT you can no longer equip chest armor.

Why just chest armor, cuz the pic? Remember less armor is more mana, jump, stam. Gotta keep that in mind. I was thinking more of like getting decent prots out of 'rugged garment/rags' type armor. Again, tho, since a lot of it is based on armor wt and chest plate is one of the heavier pieces, there are a lot more things at play that you need to keep in mind.


New member
Jul 15, 2022
Why just chest armor, cuz the pic? Remember less armor is more mana, jump, stam. Gotta keep that in mind. I was thinking more of like getting decent prots out of 'rugged garment/rags' type armor. Again, tho, since a lot of it is based on armor wt and chest plate is one of the heavier pieces, there are a lot more things at play that you need to keep in mind.

Pretty much. At the very least, when you take a look at your stereotypical barbarian, they mostly go bare-chested, but keep everything else on lol.

But yeah. I get it's easier said than done. It just has been on my mind ever since my friend pointed it out. He also said that was almost as if they were showing this really cool dude with some armor you can't get in the game, or rather with a really cool set that turns out to be outshined by any other piece of gear in the end.