To All My Homies:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
WELL, I have excess mental energy that I would be able to use on trying to coordinate a meeting of people with the necessary pull to reinvigorate MO as well as generally realigning the game; however, like the rest of the people who tried this, I have not been able to gain any momentum. It's not as much self-confidence as I think I don't really care about being shit on if I think there is a chance I will be successful. Using this model, I have accomplished a lot of shit maybe even I thought I couldn't do.

I am IN WAITING. This forum has been dead; Reddit is dying; there isn't really much I can do besides say I really would have helped. I HAVE tried to spitball and discuss ( as well as encourage discussion and even encourage people TO discuss, with success.) I believe in some ways over the time I have been here (since end13,) I HAVE helped.

Most of us know MO is on a track unlike it was ever on before. I don't think it's worth laying out the details on that at the moment. It's known. I'm not super bitter, but I did have a part of me that thought they might recognize things and take larger steps. I don't even need to be involved in whatever happens, but it needs to happen. I would like to be involved :eek:

Peace tho and hi Melly.


Active member
May 29, 2020
Wandering the road
WELL, I have excess mental energy that I would be able to use on trying to coordinate a meeting of people with the necessary pull to reinvigorate MO as well as generally realigning the game; however, like the rest of the people who tried this, I have not been able to gain any momentum. It's not as much self-confidence as I think I don't really care about being shit on if I think there is a chance I will be successful. Using this model, I have accomplished a lot of shit maybe even I thought I couldn't do.

I am IN WAITING. This forum has been dead; Reddit is dying; there isn't really much I can do besides say I really would have helped. I HAVE tried to spitball and discuss ( as well as encourage discussion and even encourage people TO discuss, with success.) I believe in some ways over the time I have been here (since end13,) I HAVE helped.

Most of us know MO is on a track unlike it was ever on before. I don't think it's worth laying out the details on that at the moment. It's known. I'm not super bitter, but I did have a part of me that thought they might recognize things and take larger steps. I don't even need to be involved in whatever happens, but it needs to happen. I would like to be involved :eek:

Peace tho and hi Melly.
No game succeeds where marketing does not exist.

A: It's not enough to simply have a game exist if the people do not know about it.


B: If the product on offer does not meet expectations from the marketing campaign and does not hold any significant appeal, player retention suffers.
What does this game do that is unique and one of a kind? What sets it apart from the rest of the medieval/fantasy survival/sims?

I've said for years when I did play and was active that combat/pvp is all well and good, but without other functions to add meaning and reason and motivation to our actions that it becomes a stale gameplay loop that inevitably gets supplanted by something newer, shinier, better or differently made.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
No game succeeds where marketing does not exist.

A: It's not enough to simply have a game exist if the people do not know about it.


B: If the product on offer does not meet expectations from the marketing campaign and does not hold any significant appeal, player retention suffers.
What does this game do that is unique and one of a kind? What sets it apart from the rest of the medieval/fantasy survival/sims?

I've said for years when I did play and was active that combat/pvp is all well and good, but without other functions to add meaning and reason and motivation to our actions that it becomes a stale gameplay loop that inevitably gets supplanted by something newer, shinier, better or differently made.
The thing I've figured out is Henrik/SV doesn't WANT a lot of people to know about it. I think a lot of people overlooked exactly what happened at launch. We were told the servers could handle tens of thousands of players at once. They sold well over 10k copies knowing damn well that the server could in fact not handle even 20% of that. They then opened up the alt servers that still had massive login/crash issues.

We had Asmongold streaming the game and seemingly having a decent time. It obviously wasn't his kind of MMO, but he seemed to appreciate what Star Vault was trying to do and naturally a lot of his viewers also bought the game...only to realize they couldn't login. We had 12+ hour long queues remember? lmao. It was a shit show and iirc Star Vault wasn't offering refunds...but I could be remembering that wrong. Thousands of people were also outraged that we didn't have a NA server. Why Henrik was/is against something so reasonable such as that blows my mind. The common reasoning him and some of the community say is because they "didn't want to split the playerbase". Well we had over 10,000 copies sold and thousands of those potential players didn't even stick around for the lack of NA I'd say not having an NA server made us have an even smaller population. And by the way, adding Sarducca is going to split the even smaller playerbase.

But back to what I realized, is that Henrik doesn't want this game to be large. He wants it to be one single server with 1500-2000 players maximum. Thats why they decided to make the world so much larger than in MO1 (aside from Henrik ego saying "woo we have a 6x larger map"). After the failed launch and negative reviews the game bled players quickly and once we had around 2000-2500 playing Henrik said "hey guys we fixed the servers and they are running stable now". Yeah its totally not because thousands quit because they felt scammed...

I HATE how shitty Star Vault is at running their business. They accidentally made a really cool MMO a long time ago with a ton of potential...but have fumbled around for over a decade and wasted their golden chance to start new with MO2. I hope Henrik plans to personally keep the lights on with MO2 like he did MO1...for the sake of the people who find enjoyment in this game.

Their best bet is for Henrik to sit back and do CEO things while hiring a good lead game designer who can make the game fun.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
No game succeeds where marketing does not exist.

A: It's not enough to simply have a game exist if the people do not know about it.


B: If the product on offer does not meet expectations from the marketing campaign and does not hold any significant appeal, player retention suffers.
What does this game do that is unique and one of a kind? What sets it apart from the rest of the medieval/fantasy survival/sims?

I've said for years when I did play and was active that combat/pvp is all well and good, but without other functions to add meaning and reason and motivation to our actions that it becomes a stale gameplay loop that inevitably gets supplanted by something newer, shinier, better or differently made.

I don't envy who has to moderate this botwar, but...

I think that the marketing need might be overstated. Even if it's not, in its state, basically since launch, it has been very hard to market. People know about the game, though. Marketing is different now. Most people can be pulled into trying something on a site like MMORPG dot com or even MMORPG Reddit.

Secondly, the combat is bad. With a better combat system, I believe post-beta MO2 would, minus server limitations (maybe multiple servers?) would be a game that people played. I dunno if you ever ended up playing MO2 at all, but other than the joke that is melee combat, the game wasn't too bad when you could put down your house and before there were so many of the 'wrong direction' mechanics.

I do agree that they should focus on more in depth mechanics and that they are spending time adding in PoIs and mounts when they should be focusing on the deeper 'bones' of the game, like the social structure. There will be people who pvp, and that's cool, but there will be people who actually want structure as well, and there should be a nice conflict between both sides. I really feel they missed a chance to add social roles and instead added stuff like grinding mastery.

So yeah, as Molag was saying, the game is neither 'fun' nor 'immersive,' nor is it really hardcore. It's not really doing anything. I want to talk with people about this stuff, but the weird thing is like, for instance, on Reddit, I post stuff and sometimes people are like NOO and other times people seem really receptive. There doesn't seem to be a method as to why, but either way, it doesn't accomplish anything.