The problem with mastery system, the VETERAN system.


New member
Mar 4, 2023
In the current mastery system iteration there are a few big disgin flaws.

1. Veteran players get numbers advantage over newer and non sweat players

2. The system is a must have to be competitive in PVP

3. All 110 mastery players will have equalized damage and defances, only providing real advantage over non 110 mastery players. (Taking into acount players will alway choose the bes combination of points for their classes the so called meta)

I want to make clear that i also wished for a veteran system. And that I enjoy having something to level and improve in my character. The way, it has been implemented, is the problem. It makes MO2 a game for veterans. And games for veterans tend to loose population and die. So please keep this in mind, im not a hater, only someone that wants the game to thrive.

Mortal online 2 had a very unique characteristic, starting the game, easylie getting clade 14-18 and being stat ready to pvp/pve. The only thing holding a player back is his pvp and pve knowledge. Which is a huge barrier. Beccoming a decent footie takes at least 500-1000 hours. Something similar with other classes. Learning the map, and riding the world. Exploring and having fun. Gathering knowledge was the biggest barrier in the game. A skill based game, a knowledge based game.

Right now it is still the same game, but with a 200-400 thousend glory barrier before you can start to really become competitive. If someone wants to get into pvp from the start they will have to invest many weeks of farming to even become competitive to veteran with medium/high mastery levels. The numbers advantage is so high that it becomes very hard to enjoy the uneven and unfair pvp. Beside not being competitive, new players have to fight veterans over the mob spawns that allows them to level their mastery. Getting into unfair conflicts is inevitable. The numbers advantage is very unfair. And i think players will quit even more than they where quitting before.

Now you may ask: What about trinkets? They provide a numbers advantage.

Yes but, getting a trinket with the perfect roll, two rings and one amulet, is very expensive and a long farm the og veteran system. Yes people have them and they are strong. But by increasing trincket spawns and buffing amethyst SV equalized a lot of the trinket difference between new and veteran players. It is still hard to get the perfect combination but you can get it. Using amethyst and topaz as a stteping stone is a real option now a days, when aiming for a ruber and an adamant.

The same way trinkets are a must have for pvp. The mastery system is aswell. The one big difference is that most people are not running perfect trinkets. Amulets with all three defence types and rings with all three damage bonus. Yes there are players running thoes but they are not the majority. While anyone with mastery 80+ will have all typed of damage and defencive bonuses, many extra atribute poionts and so much more. The mastery system provides you with a boost in everything that matters.

If you dont have mastery levels you cant compete any more.

Lastly, eventually most veterans will reach 110 because we have to. We will be equalized with each others. while the new player is fucked. The knowledge barrier is not even the problem any more, the numbers are. There is no chance of outplay for a new player against a veteran with rings and 110. The game has turned into a terible grind, facing unfair odds until you reach the peak.

The question is. How many will endure?

When i heard that we would get a veteran system i got excited. I did not imgin that the implementation would be so flawed. The beuty of only having knowledge be the limit is gone. The skill play is only unlocked on mastery 80+.

I relly enjoy MO2 and love thinking about game design. The system I envisioned and was sure (naively) was going to be added, is a system where after cllade 20 a player could reach clade 220 and each extra clade level would unlock one primary point on the action or profession tree. Very simple but opening the long term grind to create diverse and inresting builds. With no number advantage, only allowing players to have a larger tool set. The ammount of points and the progression curve can be balanced. This would be simple, easy to implement and no balance nightmare.

I dont know how SV will fix this, or if it is here to stay. The one thing i ask is:

SV please share your game design concept with us, dont just throw it in our face implemented and ready to go. This could have been avoided if we were consulted.



PS: I talked to my guildies and I understand that this game is, in an unfair setting. The ones who farm more are better equipped for denger. So if this is the inteded design, so be it. This increased the entry barrier to the game. And this was my problem. Lets focus in biger problems. Stay safe.
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